From our Instagram account: “CFSBKer Sarah C. takes on CrossFit Games Regional Event 6. Crushed it!”
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Lesley O. is our June Athlete of the Month. Congrats, Lesley!
2. Cam C. and Kayleigh R. will be competing in the Pull for Pride tomorrow at 4pm at CrossFit Crow Hill. The Pull for Pride is a Deadlift-only event benefiting the Ali Forney Center, whose mission is to protect LGBTQ youths from the harms of homelessness and empower them with the tools needed to live independently. Head over to Crow Hill and cheer our lifters on! Better still, you can sponsor Cam here.
3. Rachel H. is planning to go to the Power Monkey Fitness Camp in October and would like to assemble a group of CFSBKers to go with her. Groups of 5 or more people get a sweet discount, and she needs just 2 more people! The camp takes place October 1st through 7th in Crossville, TN. Contact Rachel at rthsiung [at] if you’re interested!
4. Our recent lost and found dump is up on our Flickr account. Please claim your lonely items before we donate them to CHIPS in two weeks!
5. Mo and Kat recently moved to Sweden, and we’ll miss them very much! On Wednesday, we posted Mo’s farewell message to the CFSBK community.
6. In a new installment of Behind the Desk, we learned more about Kate T., aka “Tik-Taks” (maybe). You can look forward to more interviews with your favorite front deskers in the coming weeks!
7. Last but not least, Coach Jeremy and Coach Margie’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle on Sunday, June 11th starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk | Run, Power Cleans, Bar Muscle-Ups
Too Much Volume or Not Enough Fitness? The Russells
Your Thoughts Can Release Abilities Beyond Normal Limits Scientific American
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
Tempo Back Squat (41×1):
2 x 6
Heavier than week
Tempo Front Squat (41×1):
1 x 6
Heavier than week
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
25/20 Calorie Row
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
Post time and Rx to comments.
Cash Out:
1 Mile Jog, easy pace
Tempo HBBS: 170 x 6 x 2
Tempo FSQ: 145 x 6
McD noted that I was rotating during the first set quite a bit and helped my square myself out a bit for the next set. My right hip flexor is increasingly getting tighter over the past few months – something to pay attention to and work on.
WOD: 8:09 Rx.
All you want to do after that 4th and 5th time on the rower is just fall over – staying standing so you can swing the KB is the hardest part.
Nice little mile – enjoyed the company of Allie C as we bask in the (almost) end of the school year.
And a day late "YAY KATE!!!" An excellent cfsbk addition!
Awh, thanks. Kayleigh & Cam–kick ass pulling for pride tomorrow!!!
7am w/Brett doing Saturday
Tempo BSQ: 90 x 6 x 2
Tempo FSQ: 85 x 6
Totally blanked on the fact that we only had 2 sets for back squats. Should have probably gone a bit heavier.
WOD :10:33. I have no idea how to row @ 1cal/pull. It always takes me 2!!! Jogged the slowest mile ever, alllllll alone. Where did all my 7am Saturday work friends go?!
In need of a good AR session. Sore all over!
So much good stuff on and from fellow CFSBKers this week.
i just made a donation to Cam's efforts at pull for pride tomorrow and all y'all should too!
@Kate I'm sorry that I wasn't there to be slower than you today!
8am with Brett
Did Saturday's Workout
Tempo BSQ : 145 x 6 x 2
Tempo FSQ : 125 x 6 x 1
Looking forward to the final week of this cycle to push a bit more. I've been pretty conservative since I started out the cycle at an heavy weight for the volume of squats. I learned my lesson pretty quick and dropped down.
WOD: 10:30 with 24kg KB.
Cashout was actually pleasant for me. It was only terrible the first 1.5 laps. I pushed the last half since my legs started feeling better.
Shawn ♥ ♥ ♥
A belated congrats to Lesley! Very well deserved.
Thursdays work at 6am
C&J complex:
133—good tips from Brett on keeping feet wider in my jerk. Looking forward to going a little heavier next week.
Metcon: 9:22. Unbroken on the first set of cleans; 8+4 after. Had to fight for my last muscle up, but got them all in unbroken. Fun workout!
I also meant to post my appreciation for Sarah C's total gunshow in the video still above (and throughout the actual video, obvs).
Dittoing all the cheering-on of each other going on today 😀
Started the day with Short Circuit and followed it up with Hill Country Chicken and a Wonder Woman matinee. I dare you to conceive of a better day off.
12pm session, too much popcorn and not enough sleep last night, but no one to blame but myself on those 😉
A. 4x, for quality
:20-:30 pull up bar hang variations (supinated, pronated, hip taps, lat activations, etc.)
:45 DB double overhead hold (15#, 20#, 25#x2)
8ea single leg RDL @ 12kg
8ea DB Windmill @ 15#
B. BB complex:
Clean DL to Hang Position (:02 pause) + Clean Pull
85×3, 115×2, 135, 155×2, 165×2, 175, 185×5
C. 4 rounds for time, 85% effort, with 20# vest:
1:30 assault bike ~55-57 RPM
20 box step overs (10 leading with L, 10 leading with R, 18" soft box)
80' sandbag zercher carry (45# pill)
D. 30 min recovery
-cooldown walk
-bottom hold pistol with banded passthrus x1ea x5
-eccentric knee flexion x10
-lunge quad stretch with rotation and PNF
-eccentric bicep work x3ea
-5-10 min supine breathing
plus 40 min walk home in the sun!
CFSBK peeps: I know this is a late call, but is anyone interested in riding up to Bear Mountain with me tomorrow AM?
Please email me at samirchopra1 at yahoo dot com
Where was everyone for open gym….I guess soaking up the sun rays!
Pretty good crowd tonight…everyone was so fit!
MU work
3 sets of 5 MU transitions with #30 added
3 rounds
5 matador dips (2012)
4 ring pull-ups (2012)
feeling stronger in these movements…As soon as my shoulder is feeling 100% I am going to attempt these dang MU!!
Snatch comples
1 squat snatch + 2 hang squtch snatch +1 snatch
85#x2, 95×2, 105×2, 115×1, 125×1, 135×1, 125×1, 115×1,105×1, 95×2, 85×2
It was a challenge holding onto the bar once I got above 125 but I finished the complex. It was so fun going back down in weight because the bar was just flying up. My back feels more powerful though!
5 rds
10 hallow rocks
10 v-ups,
10 tuck crunch
:10 sec hallow hold
10 back extensions
got work those abs!
Bullied Ryan into a Nasty Metcon
16 min AMRAP
you go I go format
12-9-6 push jerks #85,
12-9-6 burps facing bar
I died…why was this so hard on the arms…I think I was death gripping the bar which is why my arms blew up!
So much fitness going on tonight…gotta love that its summertime, the garage doors are open, sun is shining, and workouts last forever!!
12pm w/Brett doing Saturday
Tempo BSQ: 110 x 6 x 2
Tempo FSQ: 95 x 6
Only descriptor I had for these was "meaty", I think the lifters help. And the fact that me and KLove were counting way slower than necessary at the beginning of this cycle so a normal count now feels easy!
Metcon: 9:12 Rx ugh. This one sucked, my ability to pull hard really drops off over time. Just focused on getting back on the erg after the kettlebell swings and rowing slowly until I got my heart rate down.
Cash out. Super slow run/walk 1 mile, needed music to make it through this.