CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Fit55 Workout Description
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
6ea Quadruped Hip Circles
6 x :05 Isometric Upright Squat
6 Pike Toe Touches
A1. Single Arm Overhead Squat
3 x 5 – 10 Reps Each
A2. Single Arm High Pull
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
For Time:
50 Low Box Runners
10 SA DB/KB Thrusters
50 Low Box Runners
20 SA DB/KB Thrusters
50 Low Box Runners
30 SA DB/KB Thrusters
50 Low Box Runners
Coach’s Notes:
– Count one foot for 50 reps on the low box runners. Substitute jumping jacks for LBR if needed.
– Alternating arms every 5 reps on Thrusters is recommended
CFSBK Trivia night was a blast last night! Thanks to all who came and Stella Z for hosting!
Couldn’t make Trivia? Here’s a Friday challenge for you from one of our prior events. See how many you can get. Answers in comments.
1. Which 80s movie spawned 6 sequels and a T.V. series?
2. Which 80s movie was the first to become a hit largely due to MTV?
3. What 80s movie celebrated the world of cross dressing?
4. What 80s movie featured a world leader from India?
5. What actor played the keymaster in Ghostbusters?
6. What 80s movie featured a boat and a crazy closet built by Kurt Russell?
7. What tear-jerker features a small town and their winning basketball team?
8. In “Can’t Buy Me Love,” Cindy acts like Ronald’s girlfriend for the entire movie because she
needs $1000 for what?
9. What thriller features a cute white bunny and a pot of boiling water?
10. What famous 80s comedian played Egg Stork in “One Crazy Summer”?
Some fitness instructors say they don’t feel safe at work. How should gym members react? Washington Post
1. Police Academy
2. Overboard
3. Flashdance
4. Paris is Burning or Tootsie
5. Gandhi
6. Hoosiers
7. Fatal Attraction
8. Rick Moranis
9. Her mother’s white leather outfit
10. Bobcat Goldthwait
LOLOL DO i think your answers are in the wrong order!
LOL Oh man. I was copying from a different document I guess the numbers were off… The answers are way funnier this way so Im going to leave them… Im sure folks can figure out what the Real answer is..
Maybe that’s today’s puzzle to rearrange it all???
I mean I too would like to think that Ghandi was the keymaster in Ghostbusters
this is amazing