Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD 6.9.20
Warm Up
6ea Rear Lunge w/Lateral Flexion
6ea Anterior Reach
6 Reverse Yoga Push-Ups
20 Minutes at an Easy Pace:
3ea Turkish Get-Ups
10 Mountain Climbers
5ea Cossack Lunge
10 Lying Leg Raises
Count one foot for 10 reps on the Mountain Climbers.
A1) 3 x 6-8 reps each Goblet Reverse Lunge-to-Knee Lift
A2) 3 x 6-8 reps each Single-Arm Dumbbell Floor Press (or Push-Ups)
Post work to comments.
In case you missed it, we have decided to end our affiliation with CrossFit. See yesterday’s post for more info
Locked and Loaded Programming Update
Here’s a quick update on our ongoing Locked & Loaded programming. You can expect to see the following movement patterns for strength along with varying levels of intensity throughout the week for conditioning:
Day 1: Squat/Pull
Day 2: Explosive Hinge/Press
Day 3: Single Leg/Push
Day 4: Bend/Pull
Day 5: Crazy Metcon
These patterns will appear on a rotating schedule over the coming weeks, so expect to see the schedule pushed back a day each week. So the list you see above represents Monday through Saturday this week, but the following week will look like this and so on:
Monday: Explosive Hinge/Press
Tuesday: Single Leg/Push
Wednesday: Bend/Pull
Friday: Crazy METCON
Saturday: Squat/Pull
If you still haven’t taken one of our virtual classes, everything you need to know is over on the Virtual Class Info page!
CrossFit Games Athletes Abandon Brand Under CEO Greg Glassman Morning Chalk Up
Nicole Carroll Resigns Morning Chalk Up
Wow. I had no idea any of this was going on. You rock, David! I love you and miss you, CFSBK!