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Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 5.11.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
5 each Elbow to Instep w/ Rotation
5 each direction Dual Scapular CARs
20 alternating Lateral Step Overs
EMOM 30 Minutes (6 Rounds):
1) 12 Alternating Goblet Cossack Squats
2) 6-8 each 1-Arm High Pull
3) 15 Hollow Rocks
4) AMRAP Alternating 1-Arm Man-Makers
5) Rest
Fit 55+ Gym-less WOD 5.11.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds (at a deliberate pace):
5 Boot Straps
5e Lunge Stretch with Rotate and Reach
10 Bent Over Ts
4-5 Sets (each):
6-8 Squats + :20 Wall Sit
8-10 Single Arm Presses + 8-10 Single Arm Thumbs Up Shoulder Raises
Move directly from the Squats to the Wall Sit, and directly from the Presses to the Shoulder Raises. Add weight or modify to a chair squat as appropriate. Use a heavier weight for the presses than the shoulder raises if able.
16 Minutes of Continuous Effort:
16 Alternating Lateral Lunges
12 Sit-Up to Hips Up
4-8 Push-Up + Shoulder Taps (a rep = 1 Push-Up + 1 Tap each arm)
Hold something for support as needed. Use your arms for momentum on the Sit-Ups and/or anchor your feet. Modify the Push-Ups to the knees or hands elevated as needed.
Here’s a little check in on our thoughts regarding reopening. Please take a minute to fill out our feedback form and check out the new updates page. We miss you.
How Much Nature Is Enough? 120 Minutes a Week Doctors Say NY Times
Wait a minute. The class QOD wasn’t from the blog? I would have sworn it was a David Osorio special but it appears it came from the twisted mind of Brettney. Whaaaaat?
Question was: for $500, which would you rather chug 16 ounces of, ketchup or mustard? Please up the ante to at least $1000 and I’ll do the ketchup, preferably with The Ketchup Song playing in the background.
EMOTM work with 40# goblet squats, 20# for everything else. Man-makers are sooo awkward, wish I had a hex DB I could use for those. (No, I am not crazy enough to try them at 40#)
7am LnL, ketchup easy answer imo
Did couch variant for the Cossack squats as I tend to overextend the knee and round out the back. Man makers with trusty old 40# loaner kb.
Trying not to destroy my floor makes those a particularly fun challenge. But I’m liking these compound movements.