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Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.28.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
10 Alternating Plank Walk-Ups
:15 Reverse Bridge Plank Hold
10 Bottom Half Burpees
A1) 3 x 10-20 Push-Ups
A2) 3 x 10-20 American Kettlebell Swings
Refine swings/increase volume from last week.
8 Rounds:
1:00 AMRAP, 1:00 Rest
8 Hand-to-Hand Russian Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings
6 Lateral Burpees Over Kettlebell/Dumbbell
High, but repeatable intensity. Shoot for equal rounds or slightly better as you go.
If you’re doing Dumbbell Swings, a good option is to do 4 each arm rather than going hand-to-hand.
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Road Warriors Workout Cycle 2, Week 1, Day 1 4.28.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Alternating Spiderman Mountain Climbers
10 Alternating Standing Toe Touches
20 Shoulder Taps
20 Minutes:
Move at a continuous pace through the following…
400m Run
20 Squats
10 Push-Ups
- Goal is steady pace while maintaining nasal breathing only.
- 200m is approximately the length of one east/west block.
- Wear gloves or bring a towel for Push-Ups.
Cool Down
Accumulate at least 10 minutes of: Couch Stretch, Down Dog Calf March, Lying Prone Scorpion
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12pm Locked & Loaded: CFSBK Spirit Day
The theme of today’s 12pm Locked & Loaded class is CFSBK SPIRIT DAY. Wear all your CFSBK gear to show your gym pride as you get your fitness on with Coaches Katie and Keith! Here’s the rest of our schedule for the next few days:
7am Locked & Loaded
8am Morning Mindfulness (free and open to all!)
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Kids (Ages 7 and under)
6pm Locked & Loaded
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8+)
6pm Locked & Loaded
7am Yoga for Athletes
6pm Mat Pilates
4:30pm Kids (Ages 7 and under)
Click over to the Virtual Class Info page to join the fun.
For Sale: Ironman “Bob” Jogging Stroller
Saul M., who we recently heard from on the blog, is selling an Ironman ‘Bob’ Jogging Stroller with rain cover in very good condition. Best offer or, for trade/barter. He’s most interested in a 24” kids bike or exercise equipment (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells etc) or any other creative exchange. Check out our Flickr account for pics and contact Saul at 917-379-7556.
Question of the Day
What’s totally worth the money?
How and Why to Stay Active During Social Distancing Blue Zones
Help! My Mask Fogs My Glasses NY Times
My first weekday 7am LnL
QOTD: my coffee subscription
Strength: 10 push-ups + 20 swings w/ 18kg
Workout: 1+5, 1+6, 1+8 for the rest
A bit absent last week with an old hip/lower-back injury flare up so was focused on more recovery/accessory work like hip bridges, banded lateral walks, etc. Still a bit hesitant to jump back into too many lunges/yesterday’s rear-foot-elevated work
QOD: for quarantine, the bottle of Blanton’s bourbon we’ve, uh, already finished. As my husband points out, we’d have spent just as much on crappy bourbon at bars.
Strength: 12 pushups/round (I did a fourth round because I <3 upper body work), 20 swings w/35#. Next week I might load the KB a little heavier since it's adjustable.
WOD: always 1+8 or 1+9 except for the last round, when I squeezed out 1+10. Speed demons (ASHIMA) who manage 2+…wow.
As promised (a promise which I blew), some info on one of the practices from this past Friday’s mindfulness class.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
And info on today’s breath work as a bonus, which drew from a few yoga practices…
Kapalabhati (aka Skull Shining Breath…could that sound cooler?)
Nadi Shodhanam (aka Alternate Nostril Breathing)
QOD – regular acupuncture treatment, which I sorely miss
Having your laundry done for you is totally worth the money!! I lucked out and my upstairs neighbors moved prior to all this and had a washer dryer to my landlords are letting me use it for the time being which is pretty sweet but I can’t fold things as well as the place I used to go to does.
12pm! I was going to miss class and sneak to the roof to watch the planes but was caught 🙁 happily was able to be on time to get my KB Burpee party on! I enjoyed everything. I know.. something is happening to me if I like Burpees. Used my lil 20k KB for WOD and Strength.
QOD: A Leatherman.
Pro tip for those looking for today’s (4/29) WOD: it’s on Beyond the Whiteboard. Thanks Steve for sharing!