Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Road Warriors Workout Whiteboard Explanation
Warm Up
DROMs of choice (suggestions: hip circles, leg swings forward/back, leg swings lateral, standing alternating toe touch)
Extended line drills (2-3 rounds): tip toes, heel walk, inside/outside foot knee raise, butt kickers, high skip, carioca)
5k Run (3.1mile) (using only nasal breathing)
- Retest of week 1 so the goal is to finish a little faster!
- Ideally using the same route as week 1.
- Be smart about surroundings and about how different your breathing might feel wearing a mask.
Cool Down
3 Minute Walk
2 minutes each of: world’s greatest stretch, runners stretch, figure 4, pigeon pose.
Foam roll for bonus love!
Post work to comments.
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Coaches Katie and Keith continue to bring the heat with their Friday Locked & Loaded outfits
Today: Active Recovery
Join Coach Fox this morning at 10am for Active Recovery! Head over to the Virtual Class Info page to get in on the action and show your body some love.
Question of the Day
Excluding animals, what thing from nature are you?
How to Create Screen-Life Balance When Life Has Shifted to Screens NY Times
How Coronavirus Tests Work Scientific American
QOTD: I am the wind.. the wind beneath your wings.
Yesterday had another dang 15-ish mile bike ride – I don’t know why I keep hitting that number.. never more or less. Its so weird. Went into the city but noped out when people started waking up and going outside. Was nice to get fresh air and sun even masked. Oh! And I saw a friend locking their bike on Broadway and Spring up when I was going by, seriously saw their shoes and was all STEVEN and they were YO so we yelled at each other from across the street for a few mins. That was really awesome. Today was a 3ish mile walk in the drizzle and it was great, only saw a lone runner. I don’t think I’m going to do much of anything on this Sunday except for eat and nap, read and watch movies, prep my next sourdough bake. I’ve been trying to keep a “normal” schedule and only smoosh out on the weekends… maybe I need to rethink that a little bit. Naps are so nice.
not gonna lie the way this question of the day is worded is making me laugh a lot. What the F does this mean?? I’m cornfused
I miss partner workouts terribly and hubby wanted to get some cardio in, so we did 30 minutes of “deck of cards”:
Hearts = 1 each side reverse lunge
Diamonds = air squats
Spades = situps
Clubs = pushups
We went through the deck about 1-3/4 times and got a good sweat on. Yay partner WODs!