In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time…
3 Rounds for Time:
1000m Row
50 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
50 Box Jumps 24/20
Partition the work however desired
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
Week 1 of 2
Want to get a lot stronger in 2020? The Starting Strength program is an opportunity to spend 8 weeks with Coach Jeremy honing your technique and increasing your capacity at the most fundamental strength movements. Go HERE to sign up!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. We’ll be running on a modified schedule this Tuesday and Wednesday for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Everything you need to know can be found on the Schedule page.
2. Join Sasha Slocombe and CFSBK Coach Chris Fox from 7pm – 8:30pm on Sunday, January 12th and start off 2020 with intention. By developing a connection between the body and breath, you’ll be able to come back to the breath when difficult times arise whether in yoga, CrossFit, or life. Intention setting is more than making resolutions, more than wishing and hoping for things to change. What do you actually need to do to get there? What can you realistically do today that moves you closer to where you want to be? You’ll set an intention for action as you move forward into the coming year and beyond. Head over to the event page to learn more.
3. This workshop coincides with the start of the 2020 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, our annual 10-week challenge meant as a collective kickstart toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits in the new year. For more info, check out this post!
4. Put yourself in the expert hands of a certified Wim Hof Method Instructor to learn the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: Breathing Technique, Cold Exposure, and Commitment. Find out how you can utilize oxygen and cold exposure to optimize body & mind, and learn about the underlying physiology. The Wim Hof Fundamentals workshop returns to CFSBK on Sunday, February 2nd!
5. Today’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled.
A Sleep Reset for the New Year NY Times
3 Landmine Exercises That Are Not Presses BarBend
Lauren & Lynsey noon class.
Fun one today. As Morgan and I were discussing post class, felt like the ideal post holiday, get back into the swing of things workout.
Was partnered with Joshua on WOD. Rx 23:53. Joshua pushed me by starting the wall balls with a set of 15 which I felt obliged to do as well. Turned out the longer sets were not as painful as I thought and I think keeping our sets to 10-15 throughout workout was a good call — glad for the push!
I was a nervous about 75 box jumps but vowed to stick with them rather than falling back to step ups. We kept it going throughout the 3 sets with opening sets of 5 and 5 or so, then “face-off” style alternating before a last burst to given the first rower a time to walk over to the erg.
Had a fun workout today—gave coach Lauren grief for partnering me up with Morgan… but it ended up being better than I expected. Proud I was able to keep up (sort of!) 😉
I wanted to post after traveling to Maine and working out at CrossFit Acadia again. The gym is so clean and organized, the community is great, the programming is good… but I just can’t get over the fact that I have never had a class (and I’ve dropped in all over!) with as good of coaching at CFSBK.
Acadia’s style was to explain everything in the beginning, then when it was time for the metcon to get us all together and start at the same time. No humble brag intended, I left with a compliment (“always great to have such a proficient athlete drop in”), but it really just made me annoyed.
I’m proficient because every. single. class. we have points of performance drilled into us. We are given feedback in every class and the coaches act as our mirrors.
I have a suspicion that gyms don’t want to “bore” their members going over PoP for every movement? Or coaches don’t think it’s necessary? There is 100% no harm in drilling in technique for everyone- some people get it faster, some people learn it slower, some are undoing bad habits— but everyone gains something.
I’m preaching to the choir, but it just is so hard to fathom that all gyms *wouldn’t* follow the same structure:
-warm up
-coach (and partner BASED ON WEIGHT)
-coach (and partner/ assign people places logically!)
Why would they choose any other way? But our gym is the only gym I’ve been to that’s given instruction in as much detail (-and that’s paired people up! Can’t mention how many gyms I’ve had to “find a partner” ugh! A drop-in’s worst nightmare!!)
Obviously there is the “equinox” factor and DO being a great boss, but it just really ticks me off when people don’t coach or when they are on their phone or when they don’t give feedback or cues to people who clearly would benefit. Maybe if you’re treated like a professional, you’ll act like one. But… maybe the expectation is just extremely low for what being a professional entails.
All this griping to say, thanks for being such a great education, CFSBK! I’ve learned so much about physical fitness and how my body works and how to make myself a well-rounded athlete just by coming consistently and listening to the coaches. 2020 will be my 6th year here and I’m just as grateful as ever!
Happy New Year’s to the CFSBK community!