Front Squat
1-1-1 @ 20X1
Note no pause at the bottom. Work up to a heavy single for the day.
Post loads to comments.
Week 6 of 6
2 Rounds
In 8:00:
500m Row
AMRAP in remaining time of:
10 Wall Ball
10 Alternating No-Push-Up Renegade Rows
:30 Hollow Hold
Rest 4:00 Between Rounds
Choose load on the Wall Balls and Rows. Work at a pace that you could sustain for another 8:00 is needed. Aim to score to within a few seconds and reps on both parts.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Sarah and Andrew amid the wreckage of 19.2
TONIGHT: Friday Night Lights 20.1
Our first Friday Night Lights event of the Open goes down tonight starting at 7:00pm. This is a great way to take on 20.1 in a super-fun, high-energy environment!
Everyone is welcomed to participate. Those of you who register for the Open this year will be assigned to one of our intramural teams. Get ready to throw down! The high fives will be plentiful.
Go HERE to sign up for a heat!
We invite everyone to come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers! BYOB, if you’re into that.
Please note that we’ll be offering 4:3opm and 5:30pm classes on Friday nights throughout the Open, but Friday 6:30pm classes will be cancelled through November 8th. Because Friday is no longer a scheduled rest day, we’ll be running the Open Workouts only during Friday Night Lights and Saturday group classes. You can, of course, also do the workouts during Open Gym.
If you haven’t registered for the Open yet, there’s still time to support your community and get in on the fun! Go here to sign up.
Exercise Demo Library
We just updated our Exercise Demo Library with new movements! This is a great resource to check out if you see an unfamiliar movement in our group class programming or feel like you need a quick refresher before class.
Not Just a Game Bookforum
Open Workout 20.1 WODwell (video)
Stella says
7 AM, in which Lynsey seemed slightly offended that Americans say “chips” instead of “crisps.” 😂
Worked to 195 on the FSQ, although I think I just barely hit depth on that. One thing the slow tempo has been really good for is forcing me to go WAY to the bottom — now have to keep that up even when descending a little faster.
WOD: 3+14, 3+20. Wall balls are OK, I guess!
Sara G. says
6am! with Harpzey
Sort of pr’d my front squat. 135# 135#f 135# 135#f. I guess I prf’d. Helpful cue from Lynsey: elbows up, hips forward.
Had a revelation about wall balls, my least favorite Crossfit movement. When I catch the ball, I’ve been keeping my arms too straight. I know wb power comes from the legs, but bending at the elbow seemed to help this morning, which makes sense. Still working on not jumping.
Excited for the Open. Aim to focus on what I CAN do, not on disappointment or envy.