Front Squat
3 x 6-8 @4211
Heavier than last week. No grinding.
Post loads to comments.
Week 2 of 6
2 Rounds…
In 6 Minutes:
35/25 Calorie Row
25/17 Calorie Bike
Then, in remaining time…
AMRAP No-Push-Up Burpees
Rest 6 minutes between rounds. Work at a repeatable pace and aim to score similar times of the row/bike and to within a few reps of Burpees on both pieces.
Post work to comments.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. In case you missed it, photos from the 2019 Iron Maidens Raw Open are now up on Flickr!
2. Thank you to everyone who lifted, volunteered, cheered, sponsored, and donated at Iron Maidens. Iron Maidens competitors raised $22,366 to fund the Stay Strong Scholarship. That’s amazing! You can still donate here.
3. Azam Poulatov is our September Athlete of the Month. Check out Monday’s post to learn more about him. Congrats, Azam!
4. Registration for Coach Ro’s Anti-Gravity Strength class opened this week, and as of Thursday evening there’s just ONE SPOT left. Who wants it? Go here to get it.
5. On Friday, September 20th starting at 7:45pm, CFSBK is hosting a Mario Kart tournament on the BIG SCREEN in 597. Relive your college years, childhood, adolescence, infancy, adulthood, or whatever the case may be. More details can be found on the event page.
6. Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle this Sunday, September 15th starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering.
Do These 6 Bodyweight Exercises for a Better Big 3 BarBend
What We’re Fighting For The Players’ Tribune
Hey everyone! Some friends and I are participating in this really cool charity event at CFSBK on October 5. If you would like to help us raise money for a great cause please follow the link below! As fellow Crossfitters we thought you guys would be the perfect people to reach out to.
he’s on MY team, errybody
7 AM with special guest star DO!
115x7x3 on FSQ. This is the same weight as last week but I added one more rep per set. Getting all this done in 15 minutes is BRUTAL. I think maybe I could have managed 8s with more rest between sets.
64 squat thrusts for the WOD, which is half as many as Morgan. I just cannot comprehend how a score of >100 is possible but quite a few people did. I guess I just gotta bike harder.
Several wonderful surprises at 10am:
What a treat to have Karina co-coaching with Lynsey at 10am! I’m a big fan of Karina’s Sunday Pilates class at noon. Her group class warmups and cues reflected her expertise, which lends itself so well to cf. Hooray for terrific CFSBK coaches – they have different personalities, styles and backgrounds; all are superb.
Nice to see Katie E., visiting from CA!
Ran into Monique, who I haven’t seen since pre-Zoe. So happy to see her!
Friendly Belgians dropped in!
Biscuit let me pet him!
I still can’t figure out how to breathe for FSQs with 4211
DO was saying to inhale on the first half of the down, then start to brace and hold from the second half of the down through the pause and release breath as you ascend.
I personally hate holding my breath even for that long and have been pretty okay with not worrying about my brace and simply breathing through the entire process. I’m able to maintain a very steady tempo this way. Coaches, tell me, am I missing out? Would I be able to put a little more weight on the bar if I were holding my breath and bracing?
These are good opportunities to practice breathing AND bracing, at the same time. Holding onto your breath helps (and sort of happens anyway) on near maximal efforts, With 6-8 reps at 8 seconds per rep these are no where even near maximal effort. Though short/small breaths (as opposed to long, relaxed ones) will probably necessary, you should be able to maintain a braced core while breathing during this sort of work. DO’s advice to hold your breath at at the last moment before the bottom is sound. Somewhat forcefully exhaling on the ascent will probably feel pretty good, too.
Thanks Fox!