Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on our normal schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. The Community Potluck is TOMORROW NIGHT, gang. We can’t wait to see all of your beautiful faces and eat all of your delicious cooking. The fun starts at 7pm. You can find the full schedule in yesterday’s post.
2. Our new training cycle kicked off this week. Go HERE to find out what you can expect in group classes through the end of the Open!
3. Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, and improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger in 2019. An AM cycle of Active Life Strength starts Tuesday, February 19th! This is a predominantly strength-based class specifically programmed to strengthen movements and improve positions based on your individual needs.
4. In our latest installment of Better Know a Member, we learned about memory maven and death-metal-listening mentalist Matt Cooper!
5. We’re less than 2 weeks away from the start of the CrossFit Open! the comments were awesomeThis week we asked blog readers to reflect on their experience, and .
6. Tomorrow’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled.
My Body, My Jokes on February 20th
My Body, My Jokes is a bimonthly stand up comedy show all about living inside these weird, gross, human-shaped bodies, and what they go through. As an antidote for Valentine’s Day, February’s theme is BREAK-UPS! Join host and CFSBKer Maria Heinegg and a group of hilarious comics as they tell jokes about the break-ups they’ve lived through, plus our relationship expert, Effy Blue, who will tell us everything we’ve been doing wrong in love. This months proceeds will be donated to Survived & Punished (S&P). S&P is a national coalition that organizes to de-criminalize efforts to survive domestic and sexual violence, support and free criminalized survivors, and abolish gender violence, policing, prisons, and deportations.
Tickets: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door
Yesterday’s Results Board
Trust the Process Breaking Muscle
Expect Stiff Competition at This Year’s International Hair Freezing Contest Smithsonian
Saturday’s Programming
3-5 Rounds:
1:00 Row/Bike
10 Push-Ups
5e Goblet Lateral Step-Ups
:30 Prone Grip Bar Hang or :15e Single Arm Bar Hang
Work up to a challenging set on each exercise.
Push-Up Scaling Options: Elevated Push-Ups, Push-Ups, Ring Push-Ups, Archer Ring Push-Ups
Post work to comments.
Week 1 of 7
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time…
3 Rounds for Time:
75 Double Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
60 Box Jump-Burpees 24/20″
45 Pull-Ups
The Kettlebell Swings should heavy but doable for sets of 10-15 reps. Definitely do a few of these before committing to a weight. Scaling for Pull-Ups today is Ring Rows or Banded Pull-Ups.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
7 AM w/Tori, doing Saturday’s work w/Jen and…sorry, I forget her name!
26:51, I used 12kg KBs. Maybe should have tried this Rx, but I also know from Strong Fit just how awkward I get with double swings at that weight. Everything else Rx. Kipping pull-ups went great today!
But ahhhhhhh now my hands are fried.
6am for Saturday w/Tori
Partnered with Steve H and Julian F
24:17 Rx
KBs: 15-10
BBJ: 5’s
Pull-ups: Unbroken
Fun workout!!
I was surprised when James decided to do 45 unbroken pull-ups each round but it sure made me happy
I assumed you each just did a full round at a time.
Holy Guacamole!
That got me mashed up.
Hold my beer
I cant, I have no arms. Im an avocado.
8am with Brett doing Saturday
Metcon 25:37min
Partnered with Neil and Erin
I used 24kg, they went for 16kg (smart people). Sumo Swings got really awkward.
Swings 10/10/5, everything else in quick sets of 5. I think I paced this well – was progressively more gassed, third round BBJs were tough.
My legs and lower back are jelly from yesterday + today.
Quick Chiller Workout
5 Rounds
120lb Sandbag Carry 200′
16 DB Bench Press 45s
40 Walking Lunges
7 am with Lynsey doing Thursday’s work
Rows 35, 40, 40, 45 lbs
Soulder taps – feet wide, feet more narrow, last set were hip taps
The lunges were OK but I’m so bad at the RDLs! Some were lower, some were higher, some were steadier, some were really off kilter. 12 kg
20 seconds was just right for those bridges!
The wod was not as bad for me as for others because in the first round I decided that the overhead was not going to be good on my shoulder and switched to front squats. I tried to keep to 5 squats every time but in about the 6th round I dropped to three. Got 7 in the last round to make up for it. I used to be super scared of these lateral burpees so getting to focus on them and keeping steady was not a bad exercise. Ode to all of you who did this as intended!