PLATE WATCH: A young Coach Keith and friends made a PSA about saving the 10 lb bumpers from needless bailing #savethetens
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Want to get better at Olympic lifting? We’ve added 2 additional Next Level Weightlifting Club classes from 12 to 1:30pm on Wednesdays and Fridays, and this afternoon’s class is free! See Wednesday’s post for more details.
2. We have new batch of videos coming out over the next few weeks, and this first one focuses on the humble Push-Up. Whether you’re a novice or a grizzled veteran, we could all benefit from a little refresher on this classic movement!
3. Coach Fox’s latest post for our friends at Beyond the Whiteboard, “Coaching the ‘Older’ Athlete,” went up this week. It draws on his experience running our Fit 55+ program, and as usual, it’s full of insight and wit. Check it out!
4. Celebrate mid-summer with your CFSBK buds. On Saturday, July 21st, we will be hosting a potluck at Prospect Park. Come lounge on the grass, throw some frisbee, toss the ol’ pigskin, and hang out with your gym buds. What better way to spend a Saturday?
5. From July 17th through August 28th, we’ll be offering an additional CrossFit Preteens (ages 8-12) class at 11am on Tuesdays to help keep your kiddos active over the summer. Go here to read more about our youth programs!
6. CFSBKers Maria H. and Courtney C. host a biweekly comedy series called Butterscotch Comedy. The show happens at the Greene Grape Annex, and the next one goes down on July 19th at 7:30pm. Check it out!
Do You Want to Be Known for Your Writing or Your Swift Email Responses? Catapult
How to Get Back in the Gym After a Long Hiatus Girls Gone Strong
Saturday’s Programming
Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time, alternating movements…
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
270m Run
21 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
15 Box Jumps 24/20
9 Toes-to-Bars
Scale load and/or movements to be able to move pretty consistently through each round. Shorten the run if needed, use a lighter ball to a lower target and a lower box, and scale range of motion on the Toes-to-Bars as needed.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
7am w/ Lauren doing Thurs
Worked up to 113# (which is about 90% of my 1RM) on the EMOM clean + jerk. Great coaching from Lauren on my positions. Felt good! Actually I think it got better as it got heavier.
WOD: 13:32 (fitness, 93# on the bar). Fun workout! Think this was the right weight…maaaybe could have pushed it a little more. Pull-ups felt so good today! Actual chest-to-bar contact was a little questionable on a few reps in the set of 9, but by 6 and 3 I can confidently say they were all Open-worthy 🙂
A)Assault Bike
22 min @45-50 rpms
rest 5 min
x 2 sets
290 cals on the dot.
A)clean & Jerk
PC + HC + FSQ + Jerk
every 4 min for 6 sets
add weight
65/68/71/75/79/83 (F hang clean)
worked in kilos today. Wanted to make 3-4 kilo jumps. Which ended up screwing me up in the end cause i was juuuuust beyond my attainable weight for a 6th set. I meant to end at 180# but it ended up being 183#. should have made a 3 kilo jump instead of 4 i honestly think it would’ve made a difference because the hang clean felt ALMOST doable. Power clean was fine. But slightly starfish-y but huge improvement from last year. Maybe with fresher legs. oh well!
B)Sumo Deadlift
@2011 4-6 reps, 3 sets, rest 2-3 min
Warmed up sumo and then needed to pull conventional today. i had questionable R groin pain with this today (Dr Jeremy thinks its a healing labral issue in hip) which is only irritated very rarely. Only extreme stress to adductors and nothing I’ve done in the past couple of months so far. Sumo has been fine up until today. I could tell i was biasing a drive from my L leg so wasnt worth it. Think it will pass cause im run down and tired. I want to dance on the line of okay with this movement though. I think it will be good to strengthen but need to be careful and back off every once in awhile. Did two sets and definitely was close to maxing out. Called it there on strength. Thought it was a good choice. Tempo was murder! Think i accidentally missed the tempo last week. Cause 2 sec descent with this weight was insane on my grip. But felt frackin awesome. Wish i wasn’t smoked cause it was fun.
C1)Toes to Bar
@18 reps, 3 sets unbroken, rest 30s
do not rip
3×18. have more there
C2)Box Jump Step Down
@15 reps, 3 sets unboken, rest 30s
3×15 fine!
D)30 min @aer
30 cal AB
100ft quadruped bear crawl
2 RC
130m FC, 24kg/hand
3 rounds + 11 cal
Completed friday. Day 5 had my grip wasted! Carries were the hard part. 7 cal short of earlier this week.
A1)Strict Handstand Push-up
@12 reps, 3 sets, rest 30s
3×10.5 (11th fail was funny)
did 5 on the back end to complete total volume. arms are toast by day 5. Hate when i have to stack this many training days in a row. Gets in the way of mah fitness.
A2)Chest to Bar Pull-Up
@ 12-14 reps, 3 sets, rest 30s
do not rip!
3×14. Fine. plenty of room!
A3)Front Rack Walking Lunge
@6-8 reps/leg, 3 sets, rest 3 min
add weight
3x8ea @ 95#
3x8ea@ 105#
3x8ea @115#
Fine! No problem. Room to go up. FRACK endurance is feeling freaking phenomenal these days. Thankful for crossover/waiters/crossbody carries! Performance care and this cardio stuff has changed my mindset for enduring sucky sucky stuff like this. so thankful for that.
B)skipped lactic work and did a 30 min aerobic piece like a good compliant athlete. didn’t want to fry ze system! Switched friday and thurs:
30 min @ aer pace:
30 cal bike
110M waiters hold (2x16kg KB)
110M sandbag carry (80#)
3 rounds or so. Felt nice. lumbar erectors get so lit with long bear hug carries but i think its getting a little better.
wow this post is enormous. No wonder im sore. im so sorry!
Don’t be sorry! It’s absolutely fascinating to see all of the fitness you do!!!
Also, good job being a compliant athlete! You’ll make your coaches proud 😉
Thanks allie!
8 AM with Brett doing Thursday’s work.
worked up to 145# on the clean and jerks- cleans felt really good,
need to punch through more aggressively on the jerks.
WOD in 11:24 @115# with pull-ups. Felt like the right scale for
today- 5/4 on the jerks and pullups and then all unbroken from there.
Happy to keep all my rows at a 2 min 500m pace.
Thanks for the comedy show plug!
-Maria & Courtney