Clean and Jerk
Every Minute on the Minute x 10:
Clean + Jerk
Use the first few sets to build, planning to make 5-7 reps at around 90% of last week’s best lift.
Every Minute on the Minute x 10:
1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk
Use the first few sets to build, planning to make 4-6 reps at around 90% of last week’s best lift before dropping weight for the final 1-2 reps.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
250m Row
9 Push Jerks 185/125
9 Muscle-Ups
500m Row
6 Push Jerks
6 Muscle-Ups
750m Row
3 Push Jerks
3 Muscle-Ups
The barbell load should be heavy for you, 2-3 sets on the 9s and 6s is okay.
For Time:
250m Row
9 Push Jerks
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
9 Burpees
500m Row
6 Push Jerks
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Burpees
750m Row
3 Push Jerks
3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
3 Burpees
The barbell load should be heavy for you, 2-3 sets on the 9s and 6s is okay. Sub Chin-over-Bar or Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Fox’s latest post for our friends at Beyond the Whiteboard, “Coaching the ‘Older’ Athlete,” went up yesterday! It draws on his experience running our Fit 55+ program, and as usual, it’s full of insight and wit. Give it a read!
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at CFSBK
Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) is a full-contact grappling style that prioritizes strategy over brute force. Literally translating to the “soft” or “pliable” (jiu) “style” (jitsu), it is often thought of as the chess of martial arts. BJJ is, at its core, a self-defense system that employs positional advantages, joint locks, and chokes to defend against an opponent or attacker in an assertive and elegant manner. You needn’t be stronger than your opponent to subdue them, which makes BJJ one of the most practical and effective martial arts for all ages and sizes. There is no striking in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This is a submission grappling art based on efficiency of movement, leverage, and timing.
Fundamentals is your jiu-jitsu starter pack. The course is geared towards anyone intrigued by BJJ but unsure where to begin, anyone who wants to become better acquainted with dynamic movement on the ground, and anyone who could use a review to jump back into it. Classes will cover the basic body mechanics and techniques used in Jiu jitsu. Come dressed in standard work out garb (leggings, spats, shorts that won’t fall off) and be advised that the sweat you leave with may not be your own. No zippers, no claws, no jewelry! By the end of the course, you will be at the point where you can walk into a live-sparring Jiu Jitsu class without reservation.
In Level 2, we will build on concepts and vocabulary of movement from the various positions with a larger portion of class-time dedicated to progressive resistance drilling, positional sparring, and straight sparring. If you have grappling experience from the past, you are welcome to jump into the Level 2 course!
These will both be 4 week courses with 1 class per week.
Days & Times
Level 1 (July 22nd – August 12th): Sundays, 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Level 2 (July 22nd – August 12th): Sundays, 3:00pm – 4:30pm
$100 (1 class per week)
About the Coach
Callie Brennan is a brown belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Team Fabio Clemente. Callie has been training and competing for the past 7 years. She began teaching beginner and intermediate students under the guidance of Pan American champion Babs Olusanmokun and multiple time World and Pan American champion Dominyka Obelenyte. Callie has competed locally and internationally winning gold at American Nationals as a white belt, the Montreal IBJJF Open at blue belt, and New York IBJJF Open at purple belt in her weight. She also medaled in the Abu Dhabi Pro Trials at blue belt.
Callie recently founded Rag Doll Camps with her training partner and coach, Dominyka Obelenyte, with a mission to close the gender gap in the sport. She also teaches privately. Callie initially began CrossFit to supplement her jiu-jitsu practice, and she is looking forward to sharing it with the CFSBK community!
Feel free to contact Callie directly with any questions!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Squat / DB Row | Double-Unders, DB Snatch, Bar Muscle-Ups
Training Safe in the Summer Breaking Muscle
The First Color Made By a Living Thing Atlas Obscura
STRENGTH! Great lifting day today…felt so much better than Monday.
LBBS: 150x5x3. Proud of this! 150# is what I call my “panic weight,” when I start to get scared…don’t know if I’ve ever even done 3×5 at this before. Got good marks from Jeremy on depth and speed, so yay!
Press: 60x5x3. This was tough! My first set I think I rushed through the first few reps and then the last 2 were a grind. Second and third set I paced myself better and it helped.
Deficit deadlift: 165×5. Smooth; no complaints!
Wow, 150 5×3… that’s so amazing!
7am with Harpersdottir + Jess!
Clean + Jerks went okay, but I don’t think my head was in it today. Barely made my opening weight (75# – it was more of a power clean and then squat) and then completely forgot the jerk until Jess called me out. Odd. Everything after the first rep went fine, though!
73 – 83 – 93×4 – 98×2 – 63×2.
WOD went surprisingly well! Finished in 13:19.
Usually I dread rowing, but it was broken up nicely. Did fitness (CTB + Burpees), though admittedly about half of my CTB were more like regular kipping pull-ups. 83# for the push jerks.
Push jerks went 5-4 for the first round and unbroken on 6 and 3. CTB pull-ups were in all sets of 3. Row happened!
You just needed weight on the bar in order to remember that it’s weightlifting and not shopping or reading or whatever else your brain thought you were doing. After that wake up lift you looked great!
Leggies feeling a touch sore and tired from yesterday! Especially lefty. I kinda love going into clean and jerk day that way though, cuz then I get to say… “hey, shut up legs, LET’S DO THIS THING!”
10am group w/ Jess; great crew as always!
EMOM X 10, C&J
135, 145, 145, 150, 150, 155, 155, 160, 160, 145
The past 6 weeks of this work have been so useful. My mental framework of this weight range has completely shifted, and I am stronger standing everything up, too. A lot of it just commitment and confidence before I start.
160=94% of my best C&J, 90% of my best all time jerk.
WOD in 17:55 RX’d
this felt slower than molasses, but that’s ok. would be a good one to re-test a few months down the road. legs felt tired on the 2nd and 3rd rows, but i also just wasn’t interested in pushing pace today. dare I say that jerks were the easiest part of this for me?
rows: 250m @ 1:58-2:03 / 500m @ 2:00-2:05 / 750m @ 2:05-2:15
jerks: 5-4, 4-2, 3
RMU: 2-2-2-2-1, 2-1F-1-1-1, singles
the fail was b/c I lost my L side grip and couldn’t turnover. after I miss, I get too geeked out to go back to doubles. think I could’ve kept my arch a bit tighter and i would’ve been slipping less and had more power throughout. but turnover and dip is feeling a lot more solid at least.
accessory: 4 sets
100′ ea SAFC @ 100#
1:00 sorenson hold +25#
50′ ea SA OH Carry @ 70#
Finally got a legit CTB pull-up yesterday! Are there any more mountains to climb?
Yeah, jay! Now do a muscleup!
You’re just a few steps away from me handing you the keys to the gym JSTAR
Try being funnier than DO!
I can’t believe all I heard about was the stupid jumprope. Way to bury the lead, jay-star!
5 Turkish sit-ups 15# each side
10 barbell rollouts
4 wall walks
A)12×3 behind the neck strict press 42#— last two reps challenging every set
B)12×3 7.5# dB ext rotation each arm
Cleans: 83/93/103/113/103
Cleans are feeling great
WOD: 12:21
9/6/3 Ring dips instead of jerks, ring rows to a 12# box, burpees
I can’t wait until I can do everything again. This is suddenly getting annoying. Oh well, patience is a virtue.
7 am with HarpZ and Jess
Every week something different is hard. Today it was standing up. I was catching pretty squatty at least but even in the 80s it was heavy coming up. Usually jerk stays on point and cleans go whacky but last week it reversed. Happily this week the jerks felt better again. I literally have to say “launch” in my head. Try it! Worked up to 93 – same as last week when we had those extra, precious 30 seconds between!! The WOD felt pretty good. 14 flat with pull-ups/burpees and 63 on the bar – too light – all unbroken. I lost time in the first round because we didn’t space ourselves right on the bar so I waited instead of kicking others. You’re welcome others.
Today’s programming done between classes
Felt hard enough. Was too lazy to grab more weights in the time between lifts so stayed there.
ROE/S2OH/MU metcon
12:45 scales barbell to 135
All ring muscle ups unbroken. Yesterday’s goal was the 5 sets of 6 bar MU unbroken and I came in today with the same goal on rings. Happy to hit it!
Took it easy because I’m still exhausted (and sick) after my trip.
C&J: Did 83 for all rounds
WOD: 13:25
Fitness version @83#
Rows: slow
Push Jerks: unbroken
C2B: 4-3-2, 3-3, unbroken
Burpees: fine
Very slow transitions and lots of unnecessary chalk.
Awesome post, Fox!
Thank goodness we got to take a pause today in Strength Cycle! Shit was feeling pretty heavy and it was nice to go lighter with pauses.
Pause squat 155x4x4. NBD.
Bench (no pause) 122.5x5x3. The last rep of each set is starting to get a little sticky, but nothing crazy.
Pause deadlift: 195×5. Note to self: make sure you know Jeremy is watching before you start! I didn’t, and my first pause was an ETERNITY because he didn’t know I had started. Oops.
Not gonna lie, it’s fun to watch people do burpees in the summer while I am not doing burpees.