A1) Front Squat:
4 x 5-8
A2) Single-Arm Ring Row:
4 x 5-8
Use a heavy load (or degree of difficulty for the Ring Row) for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form, heavier than last week. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements. If the Clean is the limiter in how much weight you’ll be able to Front Squat, and you feel like they’ll be too easy for 5-8 reps, perform them at a 31X0 tempo.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Front Squats, followed by a set of Ring Rows, heavier than last week. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
30 Power Cleans 115/75
30 Push Jerks
The load should be light, and you should be fast, scale accordingly. The Push Jerks are “shoulder-to-overhead anyhow.” Be sure to fully stand up on all 60 reps.
Post time and Rx to comments.
For anyone using the gym in the morning 5/24: We ran into a problem with our cleaners, so we are temporarily out of towels in the shower rooms. We should have the problem resolved by late morning. Sorry for the inconvenience, thank you for your patience. -CFSBK
Humans of Starting Strength: Anise F.
CFSBK’s Starting Strength Program is a cornerstone of our gym’s culture. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been bringing you some Humans of New York-style interviews with our Starting Strengthers. Who are these intrepid powerlifters? What brings them together? What is Starting Strength Program like? How is it different from other classes? What kind of funny stuff does Coach Jeremy say in class? Let’s find out! In last week’s installment, we talked to Rob U. This time it’s lifter and multi-disciplinary performer Anise F.!
What are a few of the biggest things you took from or accomplished in Starting Strength?
For me Starting Strength was the first time I’ve gotten serious about doing anything for my body. I find it strange now that the concept of getting stronger was so foreign to me before taking this cycle. Powerlifting for me has been about doing something for my body that is not about losing weight, getting smaller, or changing an aesthetic. Those things are fine for some people but for me the fact that most if not all fitness is about those goals has been damaging and discouraging to me in my pursuit of health and a strong, capable body. The biggest thing I have taken from Starting Strength (besides several PR’s haha) is that strength is for everyone. Everyone can get a little stronger. And deciding to get stronger, not smaller, is a radical and life-changing thing.
Did Starting Strength impact your life in other areas?
As many people at the gym know, I am also a performer, a physical artist. I train and create work in multiple disciplines including theatre, contemporary dance, contact improvisation and performance art. All my work begins and ends with the body and strengthening my body has radically affected my approach to my work. I am writing a blog post for Women’s Strength Coalition on this subject that will come out sometime in the next month if you want to know more!
What’s the culture like?
The culture is amazing. I take the late morning class, which meets at 10am on Monday and Thursday. I have visited other cycles and they all kind of find their own groove based on the time of day and the personalities of the athletes. I love that the Starting Strength Program is full of people who have been lifting for a long time and understand powerlifting really well. They all offer really helpful advice and encouragement and everyone supports each other from watching each other’s heavy reps to putting away the 45 lb plates at the end of a workout. I feel like there is a lot of mutual respect for each others’ strength journeys and understanding of why are there—to prioritize getting stronger.
News and Notes
- Check out photos from our most recent Starting Strength Total on our Flickr account!
- Murph Day 2018 is just 5 days away! So far, 118 of you have signed up. Head over to the event page to learn more and get in on the fun.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Why You Shouldn’t Look Up When You Life Eric Cressey
There’s More to Lifting Weights Than Lifting Weights Breaking Muscle
Hi Anise! I probably fill your first name into crossword puzzles at least twice a week (usually clued as “Pernod flavoring,” “Five-spice powder component,” or similar). That’s my nerdy way of saying “nice to meet you” 🙂
7 AM in which KHarpz was very sad that none of us had ever heard of her favorite childhood toy and we’re like “girl, we’re all old.” (Also, very fun Netflix series about retro toys:
Got through only 3 sets of squats (6 reps/set) and ring rows (8/set), squats at 113 with 3 second tempo because that’s getting close to the limit of what I can
reverse curlclean.WOD in 3:24. Cleans 20-9-1, then shoulder to OH at 10-10-5-5. Kinda wish I’d had someone yelling at me not to break up those last 10 reps, I think I could have managed it.
100# sandbag carry with Gene. Pro tip: use the restroom BEFORE you carry or hold a heavy sandbag. I guess it was motivation to carry the bleeping thing faster, though.
I would have yelled but I was busy for a full minute and a half after you were done. Thanks for yelling at me though! “Don’t you dare….”
IM training yesterday and today. It’s getting close, so shorter heavy sets with lots of accessory work (not written) in-between. Here are some highlights:
LBBS: 185×4, 210×4, 225×4, 235×4, 240x4x3
Bench Press (with pause on first rep): 95×4, 115×3. 120×3, 125×1(F2), 120×3
Sumo Deadlift: 135×5, 225×5, 275×3, 295×3, 315×3, 325×2
Today’s WOD on my own (cause how could I resist): 2:34 Rx
Broke up a bit more than I needed to. This deconstructed, lighter Grace was longer than my actual Grace. Is this true for others?
Back Squat
@2011 2,1,1,1 rest 3-4 min
245 x 2, 265 x 1, 275 x 1
Felt pinch-y in my lower back and Ro noticed I was rounding a bit on 275# so I left it there. Confident I can PR next week though because it was pretty fast- as long as my back feels better.
Strict Pull up
@10×0 2,1,1,1, rest 3-4 min
35 x 2
40 x 1
45 x 1(PR)
50 x…… almost!!!! So close!!
8 min @aer
25 DU
10 cal row
5 burpee
4 rounds plus dubz
Praying I can deadlift tomorrow…
Anise- you’re awesome and I can’t wait to see what you lift next week 💪💪💪
7 am with Katie and Ro
I love seeing all the maidens of the iron making so many gainz in the lead up to the meet! It’s gonna be powerful fun!
FS – 85# x 8 then 95# 2×8. Ran out of time for the last set which disappointed me because they were feeling alright and I wanted to try to clean the bar up better. I really didn’t warm up the clean and 95 is 5 less than my PR so it got to my shoulders all ugly, but it did. The RRs were as in past weeks – easy the first half and grrrrr the second half of the set. This is true for both arms.
WOD sub 5. I most recently did grace with 62# in 3:40 so adding 30 push jerks in at just 1 min and about 15 seconds more time at 63# feels fairly accomplished. Katie announced that we were 3 mins in when I had just 5 cleans left so that’s progress. It helped that Stella was shouting – don’t you dare put it down and everyone else in the class was done so I had a quality cheer section. I crossed the street way after everyone so I went solo on the bag carry. I grabbed the small grey bag and went about halfway to 3rd ave and back (yup – sorta shootcanned it).
Hooray for Anise!
Anise is
Great CFSBKer!
5:30pm Group with Keith and Snicks
FSQs: 135×8, 155x8x3
SARR: did em
This was lower than even week 1 but I was feeling weak and sort of tired so just did a weight that felt challenging but perfect positions.
30/30 light Grace
5:41 as Rx’d
Did the 100# Sandbag with Pat.
These Humans of Starting Strength profiles are the BEST. Thanks for sharing a bit of your story, Anise – your comments about how powerful and life-changing it is to focus on getting stronger instead of smaller really resonated.
Anise is hella cool & strong.
AGS make up –
A) Banded pull up waves: 8, 6, 4, 8, 6, 4 – hard
B) HSPU same rep scheme – working on not needing mats any more for the box piked
C1) banded BB row – 42#x8x3
C2) seesaw DB press – 15#x8e x3 – so spicy!!!
D1) BB curl – 42#x8x2
D2) Tate press – 17.5x10x2
E) Medball seated knee tuck: 15×3 @ 8#
Then 6:30 group class with KVW & DO
FSQ: 115#x6x3, 120#x6
SA RR: 5e x2
WOD: 4:30ish? Cleans were fine but hit a wall with shoulder fatigue on the push jerks! Would love to try this again NOT post AGS.
Attention morning CFSBKers!
Our towel delivery from the cleaners which was due this evening did not arrive so we are all out for tomorrow morning until they deliver. Please plan accordingly!
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Glad I am an obsessive blog reader. Thanks for the heads up!
Felt harder than last week even though I only went up 5# and did less reps this week.
WOD: 3:21 Rx’d
Planned to break each movement up into 3 sets, but had to do it in 4. Pretty fatigued from AGS yesterday. My time was only 20s faster than my best Grace.