A sneak peek at this year’s Murph shirts. Save the date: Murphy Day 2018 goes down on May 28th!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Coach Keith’s next Active Life Strength classes start Monday. Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, and improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger! This is a predominantly strength-based class very specifically programmed to strengthen movements and improve positions based on your individual needs. There are still spots open! See Monday’s post for details…
2. Charles S. is CFSBK’s May Athlete of the Month. Congrats, Charles! If you ask nicely, maybe he’ll teach you how to capture a laptop thief.
3. Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! You can also now see photos of our lost and found clear outs via the link under Member Resources. Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS!
4. “My biggest takeaway from Starting Strength is that I do belong at this gym. I don’t have an athletic background and have not been ‘fit’ for most of my life. I had only been a member at CFSBK for less than 6 weeks before starting SS.” That’s Bridget M. in the return Humans of Starting Strength, a feature in which we profile the intrepid powerlifters of Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strength Program. Look for more of these in weeks to come!
5. Interested in volunteering to help out at Iron Maidens? Fill out this form!
6. Tomorrow’s 11am Active Recovery class is NOT cancelled, its on as normal. There will be No AR on 5/19 though!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | NFR Work
Strategies to Better Fuel Your Workout Athlete Daily
Sometimes Things Have To Get Worse Before They Get Better
Saturday’s Programming
Team Metcon
30 Minutes
1 Mile Team Run Buy-In
Then, In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time…
90 (30ea) Double-Unders
30 (10ea) Knees-to-Elbows
15 (5ea) Overhead Squats 135/95
Once all three partners are back from the run, Partner A completes 30 Double-Unders then, Partner B, then Partner C. Partner A then moves on to 10 Knees-to-Elbows, then Partner B, then Partner C. Then Partner A moves on to 5 Overhead Squats, then Partner B, then Partner C. This is one full round. Continue in this fashion for the 30 minutes. Score TEAM TOTAL rounds completed on the AMRAP.
Dubs: 60 Singles or 10 Attempts
KTE: Knees to Triceps, Hanging Knee Raises
OHS: Load or Front Squat
Post total rounds, Rx, and teammates to comments.
Looks fun!
7am OG under relentless stares & squeaks from Francis
AGS Testing – discomfort in my left shoulder through much of this, but no acute pain.
Max pushups: 10, then the snaking set in
Tempo dips: 1, lowered down on the 2nd rep, but couldn’t get back up
1rm close grip bench: 45×6, 65×4, 85×2, 95
8e DB external rotation @ 10# – fine
8e Powell raises @ 10# – could do 8 on the right, but only 5 on the left
Tempo pull up: 1!
Max side plank: 70sec on right, 90sec on left – think I coulda held on the right
Tabata sit up: avg 8/round
Looking forward to getting the gainz, but more importantly more back, scap, shoulder, and midline stability to avoid pain.
Did Monday’s WOD after:
50 wallballs – 40 unbroken, totally should have tried to hang on
40 KBS @ 24kg – unbroken
30 burpees – slow – finished this part by 6:15 and then…
10 pull-ups – strugggggggle. Finished around 9min
7 AM doing Thursday’s work badly. SOMEONE needs to be more consistent about coming in on Oly lifting days. 😛
Worked to 73 on the complex, which is what I came in thinking I would do, except that I managed it for only one set instead of doing a bunch of sets across at that weight. Ha! I actually failed 53 in warmup and was like “WTF?!” KHarpz suggested holding a handstand for 0:15 to wake my shoulders up a little more, which definitely helped. Neat trick for future reference.
Speaking of handstands, did the accessory work with wall walks and hip shifts. I was too damn chicken (read: abjectly terrified) to do actual shoulder taps so that was another helpful KHarpz suggestion. I was at least able to get my hands a couple of inches off the ground, which is actually better than the last time I tried this, so…progress?
Gorgeous day to be running outside!
I overheard that handstand tip and was like “huh! good idea!”
Saturday WOD with Joy and Kyle.
Finished 5 rounds + 60 DUs, I think.
Mile was a nice steady pace. DUs all unbroken. K2E were a mix of some nicely kipped short sets and, well, not – pauses and resets on the bar. OHS felt better with each round. Excellent team members.
Thursday OG:
Squats: 185×5, 205×5, 215×5, 225x5x4
Bench Press: 105×5, 115x5x3, 115×4 (wasn’t confident on the last rep sans spotter)
7am w/ JB doing Saturday’s super fun team WOD!
I had an AWESOME team–Christine, Ben + Rob. Lots of cheering for each other! We got 6 rounds in, plus 28 double-unders.
The run was the run; I tried to keep up with my team but lost them toward the end because I’m slow. At least it was perfect weather! Did all the double unders unbroken–felt great today. Really liked the knees-to-elbows and got a very helpful cue from JB about getting horizontal and focusing on pushing down on the bar. Did all those unbroken too and kipping felt smooth. OHS at 73#. We were going to do 80# but this felt like plenty at first…turns out it might have been a liiiiittle too light, but then again, I felt like my form was strong, so maybe it was right on. This felt like a big win because I used to really struggle with OH squats, but they seem to be improving–today they felt great and I was able to get to full depth.
All in all, felt SO good today and it was just nice to move around. Short Circuit tomorrow!
Your kips looked like BUTTAH!
So fun today!!! I am 100% at peace with our OHS weight 😉
6am with JB doing Saturday’s metcon
Partnered with James and DJ Flash. 6 rounds + 90 DU + 10 K2E
Run in 7:20. I knew OHS at 135# would be a struggle and they were. Made it through 5 rounds unbroken on them then my shoulders were done. Tried two in the 6th then told them to just keep going. DU unbroken through 5 rounds. Knee to elbows is weird.
Do not partner with an energizer bunny on this one. I need a nap.
today post-classes
knee pre-hab/re-hab stuffs
3 x 20, L side only, 4″ deficit rvrs lunge w/ voodoo
rest about 1:00
EMOM x 20
a 10 cal row
b 5 cal echo bike
c 5 strict pull-up + 8 push up
d farmer carry outside (24kg ea), about :45 worth
then just because…
5×10 butterfly pull-up practice
3×10 push-ups