Clean and Jerk Complex
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 14:
Clean Deadlift + 4 Second Lower to Floor + Clean High Pull + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk
Keep this complex relatively light today (70-80% of Power Clean and Jerk 1RM) and focus on executing perfect positions on each movement.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
Partner AMRAP 20 Minutes:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Toes-to-Bars
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
10 Hand Release Push-Ups
10 Box Jumps
Partners alternate movements in order throughout the workout. Partner A begins with 10 Dumbbell Thrusters, Partner B does 10 Toes-to-Bars, Partner A does 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings, Partner B does 10 Hand Release Push-Ups, Partner A does 10 Box Jumps to finish the round, then Partner B begins the next round with 10 Dumbbell Thrusters. Choose loads that are challenging but will allow you to move largely unbroken throughout.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
From our Instagram account: Some Squatspiration for you from some of our Starting Strength crew. Big Squats and Pause Squats on a Thursday morning. We currently have 40 lifters enrolled in our Starting Strength cycles with our next Total scheduled for April 29th
Need a New Read? Check Out The Little Clan!
A message from CFSBK member Matt C.:
Tweet the Deets
Yesterday’s Results Board: Deadlifts, Double-Unders, Muscle-Ups
5 Common Struggles That Follow Heavy Deadlift Day BarBend
When You Never Rx Anything CrossFit Journal
A. 10 min
:30 row (check calories)
2-3 hollow body wall walks
5 push up @ 31×1
5 TTB on KB/DB anchor
B. HSPU practice
5 sets @ 80-90%
12/9 cal row
6 Alternating DB Snatch (full) @ 50/35 *
REST 1:1
Testing with Ro:
60 min AMRAP:
1000M row
20 sit-ups
20 American swings 53#
8 rds + 771M
Holy F that was almost a sneaky 9k!! I was aiming for 9 but my mind got a bit stale and I was losing focus/was easily distracted. Still a solid effort though regardless of feeling so cruddy all week, chest is feeling less tight finally and I was breathing much better.
Rows avg 2:12-2:15
Swings: 10/6/4, 10/5/5s throughout. Tough to do after all of the swings on Friday
After this toni and I biked from the gym to 81st street along the Hudson River and into Central Park. We also played spikeball and threw the football and stuff. I don’t think I’ve ever exercised this much in one day in my whole life. So beat today!
A) Back Squat
4 clusters at 200lb of (20×1 4×2 rest 15 sec between each set) rest 3-5 min
Advice from Ro- ‘wherever you think the bottom is, go 2 inches lower.’ I did this successfully today for all 32 reps! Now I just need to figure out how to do that when it’s heavy. No biggie.
B) Chin up
@10×0 7,5,3,7,5,3 rest 3-4 min
5@ + 15
3 @ +20
7@ + 5
3/2@ +15
3@ +20
Trying to decide if I’m better off doing the second set of 7@ BW then maybe getting the 5@ +15 or going lighter in the first three sets? Seems by the time I get to that second set of 5 the fatigue has kicked in and I can’t stick to the tempo.
C)24 min row @2:10-2:15 split
e6 min
6 RMU transitions w/dip
100ft SB carry, 80lb
17 wall ball, 14/9
D)10 min EZ flush- Assault Bike
9am group class! Sunday funday.
C&J Complex was solid. Did 3 jerks for the first three sets just to get a bit of extra OH work in.
95, 105, 115, 125, 130, 135, 140#
140 = 85-90% of my best power clean and push jerk (155 or 165, I think?)
focused on staying vertical in the high pull and power clean. fox said i was laying back a bit at lighter weights but it got better by 125#. jerks all felt super sharp today! holler.
partner AMRAP with Kayleigh was HARDDDD!
we did 9 rounds + 44 reps (6 BJ shy of 10 rds)
35# db thrusters, 24kg swings, 20″ box
I managed to keep everything unbroken. DBT got really rough, KB swings felt like a relief after that. TTB were the place i was breathing the most! felt awesome to just use a long swing, not rush, and breathe throughout. push-ups stayed unbroken too, but got slower. definitely added up.
I had my hands on my knees and was trying not to die during most of my rest intervals.
cooldown = 10 min easy AB, legs only; drank some BCAAs on there until I felt like a human being again. then… cinnamon bun Sunday treat!
1pm class:
83-93-98-103 on the C& J complex
Worked on a) not death gripping on jerks b) smooth dip c) butt back at the bottom on jerk— helpful advice from Snickers and Whit! Improved *a lot*
Partnered with Thaisa— 10 box jumps shy of 13 rounds
30# DB/ 24 kg Bell/ 20” box/ Vups instead of TTB (still avoiding kipping)
AG: HSPU practice then…
Special snowflake/ choose your own adventure WOD
6 cal row
5 each side single arm OH squat (7.5#)
Holy crap! I majorly deficient at full squat snatching/ single arm OH squat
Did a little test with Whit— I have a lack of range of motion with some scapular rotation so my arm doesn’t go back far enough for these movements. For some good tips to improve this! Man… that was humbling!!
Back in NYC!
1pm group class
C+J complex: up to 205lbs (85-90% range). Push jerk was right on the limit.
Metcon (with Alex B): 9 rounds, 50lb DBs + 32kg bell + 24″ box. Holy moly this was TOUGH. I spent most of my time trying to breathe and not die, and feeling bad for Alex who was super fresh and ready to go at all times. Sorry buddy! The 50lb DB thruster really wrecked me around mid-way through.
2pm AG
Kipping HSPU practice, but mostly still catching my breath and drinking some carbs because of the class before.
Special Snowflake Metcon with 12 cal row, 9 T2B, 6 DB hang (squat) clean. I lost track of my time at some point, so just went when I felt good. I tried a single-arm DB full snatch and it was *humbling*, I wasn’t even close to the mobility needed for it. At some point I was tired of doing so many T2B, so I switched to 12 sit-ups instead.
After 2 weeks without training, I think I’m gonna be wrecked tomorrow.