Sara B. representing CFSBK in Cuba. “I am in Guantanamo to monitor, analyze and critique Military Commission hearings and process,” she writes “an opportunity for which I am grateful. I would be happy to talk your ear off about promoting rights-respecting national security policies and the right to a fair trial.”
This Week at CFSBK in Review
Holy crap. A lot of important stuff happened on the blog this week. Allow us to recap…
1. We’re now just 6 days away from the start of the CrossFit Open. We’re currently hovering around 130 CFSBKers registered, but we still need more folks to sign up to reach our goal of 200. Go here to do that!
2. We’ll also be bringing back our Open Intramural League. This is a totally voluntary, totally fun, and very low pressure way to add an element of camaraderie and friendly competition to the Open. You don’t need to be “good enough” or do the workouts as Rx’d to contribute points to your team. If you want to participate, please fill out this survey!
3. CFSBK is excited to partner with our friends at beyond the whiteboard to provide digital workout tracking for our affiliate! Members are able to access each day’s workout on the app or desktop site, both of which provide tons of data, gym leaderboards, and a variety of other cool tracking parameters. See Tuesday’s post to find out how you can take advantage of this service that we’re offering to CFSBK members for FREE.
4. Abbotsford Road Coffee (right around the corner on Sackett between 3rd and Nevins) is now offering CFSBK members and employees a free upsize (e.g., a large for the price of a small) on their excellent coffee! Just show your membership scan card at the register. (You do have a scan card, don’t you?)
5. On Wednesday, Coach Brett talked about overcoming his mental struggles when it comes to competition and offered some tips on how you can have FUN during the open! You can look forward to more writing from Brett throughout the Open.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean and Jerk | Row, DB Burpees
What Makes Ice Dancing Different? Deadspin
A Message to Masters CrossFit Journal
Saturday’s Programming
3 Rounds for Time:
800m Run
25 Pull-Ups
25 Overhead Squats 75/55
Scale the Pull-Ups to Jumping Pull-Ups as needed and the load on the barbell to be able to do the reps in 1-2 sets.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Sara that sound fascinating! Please do talk my ear off when you’re back; would love to learn more.
7am with Lauren doing yesterday’s work
TNG clean and jerks got better as they went along, but cycling them felt weird. Kept weights light-medium. 52x5x2, 57×5, 62x5x2, 67×5. Last set was best.
Did the WOD Rx, which felt great even though my time was slowwww (7:35). But starting to feel like I don’t have to scale everything even if I’m slogging my way through is very exciting. I wish I pushed the row in the end a little more; I did for the last 8 or so cals but should’ve pushed earlier.
Rx FTW! You looked awesome!
Woohoo! Thanks for that encouragement and for letting me steal those last 35# dbs! Your jerks were really solid!
Rx’d!!! Hell yes!!!!
Hi Sara!!!!
I’ve never been so indecisive about which workout I’m going to do on a Friday before. I’m coming to Strong Fit and maybe Short Circuit tomorrow, so it wasn’t like “oh, I’ll do Thursday and do Saturday’s WOD on Saturday.” So then I asked myself which one I need to practice more: cycling C&Js, or kipping pullups? And I didn’t have a clear answer to that question either, so when I got to class I just decided to follow the crowd and do Thursday. This was a good thing, as I *definitely* found the C&J cycling quite awkward and something I need to work on.
73, 73, 83, 93, 98, 103. Rounds at 93 and 98 were the most effective. At 103 I caught myself pressing out on the jerk.
WOD in 5:52 Rx. I had *so* much trouble keeping my calorie rating above 1000, which is not usually the case. I swear I was working hard though! I lay on the ground for at least two minutes afterward.
Toni crushed the pullups this morning!
7am today doing Thursday with Lauren!
I also decided to do Thursday since I haven’t practiced C&Js in any form in what feels like a very long time, and I had no idea how things would go trying to cycle. Definitely a lot to organize and glad I worked on these! Built up to 88 which felt comfortable weight-wise and allowed me to focus on form.
WOD in 5:41, using 30# dbs since we ran out of 35#s. The limiter for me on these is flexibility – the weight is OK since there’s no overhead DB stability to contend with but I need some kind of course on how to jump out effectively (that course is probably titled “work on your hamstring flexibility, Christine”). Rows were less fraught, tried to keep it above 1100 which was TOUGH those last few calories.
Fun cheering on the group doing Saturday’s WOD, too! Toni rocked the pull-ups and everyone looked super strong!!!
8am doing Saturday
Metcon Rx’d in 24:02
I’m a slow runner, so there may have been a bit of self-defeatism going on, but I just didn’t feel like I had much push today…ugh…
@Sara and anyone else who is interested—we have an exhibition up right now by British photographer Edmund Clark that explores structures of power and control in the global War on Terror. One of the sections features his creepily beautiful prints of the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay and another one is a mind-blowing look at the CIA’s extraordinary rendition program via seemingly mundane images and documents that reveal a larger story through what they don’t show. In case you’re interested! (Pay-what-you-wish hours are Thursdays from 6 to 9 PM.)
Oh, and fitness: 6 AM with the very awake (especially compared to me) JB. Worked up to 62# clean and jerks. Everything felt sore today. Had trouble organizing the cycles, but fun to practice. WOD in 5:31 with 25# dumbbells. I enjoyed this burpee variation.
Thank you Stella and Christine! Super pumped about the Kipping pull-ups! Finally after always saying “I’m NEVER going to get these pull-ups” It happened! Such a great morning class! Everyone killed it! Starting to enjoy these Friday Mornings! Great crew!
Saturdays Workout with JB – 20:42. I did 17 Kipping Pull-ups each round (Broken up) instead of the full 25 (because it started to feel and probably look funky) and then 8 jumping pull-ups. OHS unbroken.
Yeahhhhh Toni! Glad to see all that extra pull-up work you’ve been doing outside of class paid off! And you did 17 a round?! Amazing!
Right! finally :)!
I did, not 17 in one lol broke them up like: 5-5-3-2-2
They were awesome. Killin it!
Toni- crushing it! Just in time for the open too!
🙂 !! Just by the skin of my teeth!
6am with Lauren and PG-13 JB doing tomorrow’s wod.
22:14 Rx. My runs went from run to jog to miserable trot.
Pullups 15-10, 10-5s, 10-5s
OHS 13-12, unbroken x 2
Saturday’s WOD at 10am- yay for days off.
22:58 Rx.
Lovely starter run with Greg (twinning), and probably could have pushed the later runs a bit more. Pull-ups started with sets of 12, 9, and 9, then smaller sets heading down to doubles at the end. OHS unbroken, 15-10, unbroken.
3 sets of 15 GHD and 10 WB (20#) after.
feeling stiff today! triceps like whoa.
5 min bike, 2 min ski, 3-4 min line drills and general joint prep
EMOM x 14
a – 7 CTB + :20 handstand hold @ wall
b – 9 pistols + :15 hollow hold
(ctb unbroken; pistols getting better – start and finish on L side)
10 min, sustainable pace:
10 DB power snatch @ 35#
8 burpee box jump over (20″)
6 cal ski erg
5 rounds + 4 DB power snatch
finished first round in 1:48 or so and aimed to keep myself starting every 2 minutes throughout. felt like a solid pace; got tougher in the last couple rounds but kept it and then pushed harder on the last ski and hustled back for extra reps on the DBPS.
immediate cool down:
2 min bike, just legs
10 kb dl, 10 ea SLSSRDL @ 16kg
10 air squats
2 min bike, legs and arms
slow jefferson curl x 2
sciatic floss, hip mobz, lat stretch, twisting, hanging, etc.
First of all— it’s so cool that Sara is in Guantanamo doing great work. But it’s equally important to mention those amazing traps and arm muscles! Lookin good, girl! Can’t wait to hear about it 🙂
And Toni!!! You gotta get to regionals. Now that you’re crushing pull-ups…. man! Can’t wait to see what amazing things you’re going to accomplish this year! You’re a true athlete… that’s for d@mn sure!
Went for a “recovery” run at a sustainable pace because my adductors are still dying from Wednesday’s squats. It didn’t help… still feel sore! At least that means they are growing. Maybe someday I’ll be as strong as Toni.
Thursdays Workout at 12pm with Brett and Whit
5 TNG Power C&J @ 73; 83; 93; 103; 103; 113
As I fatigued I had to take a quick pause before the Jerks of my last 2 reps on rounds 3, 4 and 5, but i’m pretty pleased overall.
30 Cals, 20 DB Burpees, 30 Cals in 5:41 RX.
I went way too fast at the start, so i burned out and dropped the pace too much in round 2 of the row. Some amazing scores up there for this one, well done everyone!
Open gym – form work
Power Cleans 10 x 5 @ 95#
I started to feel it towards the end and felt like I was getting full extension, which is my biggest problem right now. Videoed most of them and I’m not completely embarrassed. Except for wearing a neon orange shirt.
Tempo Bench press 41×1
8 @ 95
8 @ 115
8 @ 125
8 @ 135
Goal of maintaining a straight up and down line. When I fail it tends to be because I let the bar drift forward.
50-40-30-20-10 FT Double Unders and ab May sit ups
Wasted a lot of time on the 50 double unders trying to remember my feet are connected to ankles that allow me to use the front of my feet to jump off of.