WOD 2.10.18
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
20 Dumbbell Deadlifts 50/35
30 AbMat Sit-Ups
400m Run
Aim for a steady pace throughout the workout.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. We’re now just 11 days away from the start of the CrossFit Open. This week we surpassed 100 CFSBKers registered, but we still need more folks to sign up to reach our goal of 200. Go here to do that!
2. Lots of great stuff went up on Tuesday. We walked you through how to properly warm up a barbell lift and reposted and old blog classic, “A Letter to New CrossFitters: Good Training Habits.”
3. We’re always trying to get better at what we do. If you have a minute, head over to the Feedback page and tell us about your experience at the gym!
4. In case you missed it, lots of fun photos from last weekend’s Community Potluck are up on Flickr! On Wednesday, we picked out some of our favs.
5. Part 5 of Coach KHarpz’s excellent series she’s writing for our friends at Beyond the Whiteboard is up! As the title suggests, “WZA: Shaking the Scaries” deals with her experience at Wodapalooza 2018. You don’t wanna miss this one!
6. In this week’s Better Know a Member, we got to know Burpee-Box-Jump-Hater Kris L. You’re not alone, Kris.
7. Coach Fox offered some tips to the LFPBers on how to stay on track on the weekends, but we think you’ll find it really useful too!
8. Finally, tomorrow’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled.
No More Nursing Home CrossFit Journal
How to Fix Awkward Foot Positioning in the Snatch & Clean Catalyst Athletics
Strong Fit so fun today!
Also so hard that I decided to eat all the oatmeal afterward instead of segueing into Short Circuit. Partner sandbag carry was rough with a 3-top and 2 bags!
10am with David and Keith
Got through 5rds + 130m. Moved fairly steadily starting at the 2nd round; 1st round was a little too fast and so I recalibrated pacing. Felt good. Used 20#. Super impressed by all the speedy people in class today. Also was very energized by kids lined up on the sidewalk giving out high fives.
Fun working out in the same class as some of the 6am stars— man, they are relentless!
7 +14 rounds RX
Deadlifts were slow, but did them unbroken.
Sit-ups unbroken.
Runs were definitely not sprints.
Pretty happy with this this 🙂
I was also a crazy person and did short circuit, yoga, and AG Strength because I just had a mediocre week and felt like it.
11 group class
About 5 rounds, though I lost track, kinda gotta lost in the moment. Enjoyed doing some running that wasn’t for time. Found myself really struggling with the sit-ups for some reason. I think I had a hard time catching my breath. Deadlifts at 15lbs we’re easy, maybe should have gone harder on those. Whit gave me some good tips on a different way to try using bands for chin ups that I’ll try next time.
WOD 7+40 Rx’d
DLs: pretty fast. Good reminder/demo from Whit and Brett to bring the hips back and then bend at the knees so they don’t become squats.
Situps: surprisingly fast. We did 3×55 crunches and 3×25 partner leg raises in AGS today so thought I would cramp up on these but they felt super easy. All that strict ab work we’ve been doing in AGS is paying off.
Runs: Kept a decent pace for me, slowed down slightly in the 5th an 6th round
Shared a mat with Courtney which motivated me to keep moving! Everything unbroken and made sure not to take my time coming in from the run.
I was just watching this rad video about a biathlon athlete preparing for the Olympics. I always thought that was such a cool sport, and definitely kind of Crossfit-ish, with the needing to manage your heart rate in order to shoot accurately. Also, “do what you can with what you have where you are” is going to be my new mantra.
Biathalon is like, the coolest.
saturday flush out
7 rounds / 28 min:
:50 ski erg
:50 walking lunges
:50 FLR on rings
:50 single unders
rest about 5-6 min / reset equipment
7 rounds / 28 min:
:50 ski erg
:50 farmer carry, 24kg each hand, 150′ each
:50 handstand walk practice (maybe a bit less time here), shooting for 30-50′
130m run
felt great to just move and sweat and breathe
about 15-20 min cooldown/recovery movement
~10 roll ups to forward fold
~10 alt saw reaches (lats and back feel so stiff these days!)
1:00 butterfly adductor stretch
1:00 frog adductor stretch
10 ea sciatic floss
hip ext rotation/flexion stuff
some elbow CARs
Did this around 530pm
7 Rounds + 40 Reps!
felt good!