Ring Muscle-Up Work
Choose one of the following options based on skill/strength…
1) 4-5 Sets:
2-3 False Grip Ring Rows
2-3 Ring Dips with a 3 second down
Make the Ring Rows challenging. Be sure to pass through the bottom of a deep Dip. If you can’t perform a Dip, jump to support and lower down for a 3 count. Alternately, perform 6 Push-Ups with a 3 second down, followed by a 10 second Ring Support.
2) 4-5 Sets:
2-3 Low Ring Band or Leg-Assisted Muscle-Ups
Be sure to pass through the bottom of a deep Dip before pressing out.
3) DIY or:
Kip Swings, a few Dips, then…
3-5 Sets:
1 Strict Muscle-Up
1 Kipping Muscle-Up
Post work to comments.
For Time:
Deadlifts 315/225
Ring Muscle-Ups
The barbell should be heavy. Scale volume on the Muscle-Ups as needed if you can’t perform sets of 2-5 reps when fresh.
For Time:
Deadlifts 225/155
The barbell weight should be medium-heavy for you. Unbroken on the fast end but 2-3 sets is ok. Scale the Dips to Push-Ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
4 Rounds Not for Time:
8e Split-Stance Static Goblet Lunges
8e 3-Point Dumbbell Rows
30-Second Hollow Hold
Post work to comments.
David presents Coach Lauren with the rare and coveted black hoodie at Saturday’s Community Potluck. Congrats, Snickers!
Potluck Photos!
Photos from Saturday are now up on our Flickr account! Here are just some of our favs:
- Stella gets the karaoke started with The Pretenders.
- If it’s possible for Celine Dion to get more serious, well… let’s just say that shit got serious.
- Mike and Karina perform a duet. They’ll be taking their Tom Petty cover band to a casino near you.
- Lynsey gets the audience involved. Need a Shania Twain impersonator? Lynsey’s got ya covered.
- Coach Keith takes us on a little trip down Thunder Road. He’s a beauty and he’s alright.
- “Fitness is Carned.” (No, that’s not a typo.)
- Adele and Ariel will survive.
- The digital lighters come out.
- Scaramouche Scaramouche, will you do the fandango?
- Katie, Coach Jess, and Jess B. reenact the car scene from Wayne’s World.
Thanks again to everyone who came out to make it a great night!
News and Notes
- Our Articles & Media page has been updated and somewhat reorganized to make it more navigable! There’s a wealth of excellent resources spanning many years of blog posts, so be sure to poke around!
- Part 5 of Coach KHarpz’s excellent series she’s writing for our friends at Beyond the Whiteboard is up! As the title suggests, “WZA: Shaking the Scaries” deals with her experience at Wodapalooza 2018. You don’t wanna miss this one!
- The blog is looking for some intrepid CFSBKers who have done the CrossFit Open in the past and would like to contribute to an upcoming feature. You’ll just be asked to write 2 or 3 sentences about your experience, so it won’t take up much of your time. Please email your blog editor at Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you’re interested!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Have You Heard? This Guy Has a Cold. NY Times
Is the Open for Me? CrossFit Games
L-Boogie! Snisky jumped right in and has been a big presence since her very first class coached at SBK…I’m happy to be part of the same team 🙂
Did this yesterday and had a woeful time, finishing the Perf Rx in almost 13 minutes. One of them days.
7am w/Brett & Ro
Worked on options 1 & 2.
False grip ring rows were OK, challenging to keep my hands together on the way up.
Ring dips w/3 sec down felt pretty good! Controlled through the bottom, but I can’t quite push back up strict w/o a kip. Jumped back up to the top.
Leg assisted muscle ups were fun! First time I think I actually felt a inkling of what the movement feels like – also a shocking reminder how just how far away that skill is…
Anyways this all really burned out my push-up strength –
Fitness WOD: 6:13 w/155# DLs and push-ups
Lost all the time on push-ups. 3s, 2s, and then 1s. In better news, DLs felt great. Went 8/7, 6/6, 9. Could have done them unbroken, but I thought it might have saved something. Should have just powered through, push-ups were terrible anyways.
:30 hollow hold (getting better, can keep legs lower!)
8e static split lunges @ 25, 30×3
8e 3pt DB row @ 25×4
Congrats to Jess & Gene on getting those muscle-ups in class!
Oh, BTW, does anyone have any recent gym recs for Denver and/or Vegas?
CF max effort is in vegas yes?
I dropped in at Max Effort a year ago. Great box.
Definitely Max Effort – Vegas. Runs pretty smooth like SBK and is YUGE.
LoDo in Denver is pretty good. Have always wanted to check out Verve. So many boxes in Denver.
Kate – Crossfit Verve is the most popular box in Denver. I thought the coaching was high caliber. I also dropped in at Crossfit DECo which is really close by. It was midday so there were only two of us in the class but the instructor was very cool. I kinda preferred the vibe at DECo but try both if you can. Crossfitting w/o oxygen is quite an experience.
Thanks everyone! Will def check out Max Effort in LV and may try a couple in Denver – one or two smaller ones are in walking distance, but sounds like Verve or DECo would be worth a Lyft to. Cool!
7am w/ Brett & Ro
Much varied fitness today, love it! Though an actual muscle up feels SUPER far away, I love working on these progressions.
Warmed up with some false grip ring rows and ring dips, transitioned to leg assisted muscle up. I should have spent some time at the end (attempting to) pressing out without leg support. Next time! The last few mins were dedicated to watching Jess and Gene getting their ring muscle ups! And Koji was soooo so close!
Fitness WOD: Rx DL weight, subbed push ups.
Did the deadlifts unbroken (cardio!!) and push-ups in 10-5, 6-6, 5-4. Really focused on quality of these, as I tend to curve my back and push my elbows out. Feeling proud of myself today!
NFT work: Worked up to 30# for goblet lunges and 30# dumbbell rows.
Finally – for those of you asking for the Spaghetti Squash Carbonara recipe: https://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-baked-spaghetti-squash-carbonara-recipes-from-the-kitchn-200313
I subbed bacon for turkey bacon. When making this for myself, I half the number of eggs and sub the other half for egg whites to get extra protein. I also cut down on the amount of parmesan, but don’t skimp on the ricotta! Full fat or fat free both work great. That one casserole dish was double this recipe.
That was you? GURL YOU DONE GOOD.
AG last night was awesome!
I always thought my pistols were legit but looked a mess (I bend my leg sideways!) because I have limited mobility. But when we did them with bands I was able to extend my leg almost all the way out, which proves that as Ro said, it’s a hip flexor strength issue, not a mobility issue.
Things to work on!
6am with Ro and Brett
Warmed up MUs
WOD in 9:10 Rx’d – this was tough
random thought of the day: we should do an organized group field trip to the Renaissance Festival in upstate NY or wherever it is this fall. I want to watch jousting and LARPing. Plz and thank you! It’s likely to be only 7 months away!!! Start the countdown. I’m going to start making a costume now.
I want in on this!
IN Like Dr. Quinn
did not drink enough water this morning!
wu: 2 rounds
:30 banded clamshell hold L
:30 ea psoas march hold
10 dead bug
10ea lateral band walk
FSQ … waves
(45×8, 95×5, 125×4)
115×8 @ 20×1
*4 sets of :20 hollow hold between first sets
*decided not to go up in second wave today b/c things were feeling squirrelly. better tension in round 2 overall. first set of 4 @ 155 was gnarrrrrrr.
3 rounds for time, focusing on quality:
6 shuttle runs, 50′
12 ghd sit up
12 overhead walking lunge w/ 45# plate
6 push up
6 ea split stance deadlift (32kg, contra lateral)
100′ ea single arm farmer carry (32kg)
7am w/ Brett and Ro
Hit my 1st (and 2nd) ring muscle up ever in 7am!!! All of Ro’s wise words in AG finally made it to the muscles responsible for the muscling. The rest of the class was a blur.
Nice, Jess! Long time coming…Congrats!
Congrats Jess!
congrats Jess!!!
Only had about 40 minutes to get my training in today so just warmed up and hit the metcon
Deadlift 315
Round 1: 6-4-2
Round 2: 4-3-2
Round 3: 3-3
Kipping Ring Muscle-Ups
Round 1: 6-4-2
Round 2: 4-3-2
Round 3: 2-1-1-1-1
11:57 as Rx’d
This was humbling! I spent so much time standing between the rings and bar going. UGH.
I warmed up the Deadlifts to 355×1 which really helped make that 315 feel “light”
Back after a much needed rest day, legs are still so trashed from Monday:
A) CrossFit Games Open 15.1 : 6 rounds + 8 Toes-to-bars | 188 reps | Rx’d
9:00 AMRAP:
15 Toes-to-bars
10 Deadlifts, 75 lbs
5 Snatches, 75 lbs
To be honest, I completely forgot that I’ve already done this workout! This was my first official open (had a shoulder injury in 2014), so it was all a blur. SO i looked up my old stats! In 2015 I got 159 reps, putting me in 829th place in the NE, my new score placed me in 108th! The stats are a little less relevant now that people are so much better, but still motivating to see a big jump over the years.
This was all grip! Lungs and and everything else was there. 5s on toes to bar until round 5. Need to decide whether I’m avoiding the uncomfortable or being strategic with the grip stuff. Going to try and push through that deep burn a little more and see what happens. More carries always! Happy with this though. In retrospect I should’ve done all snatches unbroken instead of 3/2. I bet I could have cleared the snatches and gotten into those deadlifts. Deadlifts were easy to get through unbroken.
B) Upright Rows: max effort @ 75#, slower down/faster up tempo, 9 reps, stopped after losing tempo. I can’t really improve here. But they feel awesome and I love the pump. Probably didn’t help that I did them after all of those snatches
C) Strict ring dips in as few sets as possible: 6/5/5/4
D) 30 min assault bike:
1 min on
2 min easy
Calories: 235, legs are so ded from Monday. Felt like I had a good feel for the bike though with balancing effort from arms/legs and was able to push towards the end. Hurts so good.
Metcon done yesterday at 9am solo.
7:23 as 12-9-6 deadlifts at 225 and Ring dips.
-first round of deadlifts as 9-3 in :45 then spent about 2 minutes attempting 2 muscle ups. decided to switch to dips…which I just should have started with anyway!
-rest of the dl’s as 6-3, then 6 unbroken. probably could have pushed unbroken throughout but was mentally not in it. had low energy going in and working out solo didn’t help. didn’t really warm myself up appropriately and just felt blah.
Little home Active Recovery today:
10 cal row, 10 windmill, 10 side bends, 10 RDL’s, 10 bird dogs. All at 16kg (except bird dogs obvs.)
And congrats Jess and Gene on the muscle ups!!! Just in time for the Open!
No strict muscle ups today. So disheartening, but I did a ton of work at AGS yesterday, and so much overhead Monday… is that it?
Fitness wod: 5:42 RX
Dips were amazing!
Deadlifts were… a challenge. Sets of 3 belted, but consistent. I’m actually pleased with my progress here— I did that open workout with 55 deadlifts at 155 in 13:00 two years ago… doubles in last years open.
Anyway, definitely stronger!
really cool wod!
15 – 12 – 9
50 – 55 – 60kg
burpees over bar
the other exercises were strange but I kind of like it 🙂