The kids are alright! Check out this latest Inside CrossFit South Brooklyn video on our amazing kids programs, and find out how we instill a love of movement in our youngest CFSBKers…
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Want to learn more about our upcoming Look Feel Perform Better Challenge? You’re invited to an Info Session and Q&A on Sunday, December 17th at 12pm (right after Active Recovery) in the Annex. Coach Fox will further outline the Challenge and answer any questions you might have. See the LFPB Challenge event page for more details and to learn how you can participate!
2. CFSBK has grown a lot over the past few years. How do we manage some of our larger classes? Check out this preview of Part 5 of CrossFit Journal’s series on our Group Class Expectations. And don’t forget to poke around Inside the Affiliate, our business blog, for more insights on what makes the gym go!
3. Front desker Jamal A.’s theater company is raising money for Sheila, a play he’s directing in the New Year. You can follow this link to see a video about the play, learn more about our company, and to see how you can contribute to breathing life into Sheila.
4. Be sure to reserve your 2018 Dogs of CFSBK Calendar! All proceeds go to PupStarz Rescue, a foster rescue started by our own Robyn O’Brien. Both the desk calendar and wall calendar are available for a sliding scale cash donation of $30-60 or more. See this post for order info!
5. Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle this Sunday starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
6. Missing something? Treasures from our latest lost and found clean out can be seen here. Please claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPs in a couple of weeks!
7. This Saturday’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Power Snatch | Bar Muscle-Ups, Thrusters
A Three Faceted Approach to Optimal Alignment Breaking Muscle
Overcoming Us vs. Them Nautilus
Saturday’s Programming
Partner AMRAP 30 Minutes:
500m Row
100 Double-Unders
50 Deadlifts 135/95
20 Handstand Push-Ups
Partners break up the reps however desired. Scale Dubs to 2x the Singles, and Handstand Push-Ups to 1/2 Wall Walks. The Deadlifts should be light.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments .
6am for Saturday w/Snickers
Trio with BK and Zack
Got through 4 rounds + 29 deads
Fun partner WOD. Felt good to move, good balance of rest and being able to stay fairly consistent.
7am doing Thursday w/JB
Returning from a full week off, set back by a fever & strep a la the middle ages. It was not pretty.
Snatch work: C- for following directions and counting
7: 63×5, 63×7 (confused from the first set, super)
5: 73×5, 73×4, 1F (confused on weight; thought I had loaded 68, wondered why so heavyyyy)
3: 73×3, 73×3 (this was the actual plan here)
7: 63×7, 63×7
WOD: 7:10 @ JBMUs from 24 + plate and 73# on the bar
JBMUs were sad, lots of misses. Thrusters slow and careful – but a couple still leaning WAY too far onto my right leg. I need to check this.
Felt really beat up, but so glad to be back with the living!!!
7 AM Saturday work w/Jen as my partner. We did 25# DB push presses instead of HSPU, otherwise Rx’ed.
4 rounds + 179m row (which Jen did, because she totally didn’t even make me rock-paper-scissors for who would go first in the AMRAP!)
I don’t know who this woman was today who can do smooth double-unders almost always unbroken, but I hope she keeps showing up. I like her better than the normal me 😛
Short Circuit!
100′ front rack double kb carry (16kg, 24kg x 2)
8ea powell raise @ 10# – murder
1:00 banded clamshell hold
2 wall walks
:15/:30/:45 work/rest periods of:
hollow hold
kb swing (24kg russian)
DB OH hold (35#)
shuttle run
slamball (15#)
was tough and fun! stayed on for the swings and holds. burpees was something like 6-12-16? shuttle runs were nice and sprinty! slamball I think 10-20-28.
Last 2 days of Strength Cycle before Sunday’s total
LBBS 300×1 255×3 (Wed, PR match) 225x3x3 (Thu)
Press 147.5×1 135×3 (Wed)
Bench 195x3x3 (Thu)
Deadlift 375×1 (Wed, PR!)
Now it’s just fighting the urge to lift heavy things until Sunday. I might try to sneak in a Short Circuit class tomorrow morning, we’ll see…
Don’t do the short circuit!!! Haha. As difficult as it will be, Jeremy made me promise not to do any metcons before sunday 🙂
Damn it Jason 😀 I won’t tell if you don’t tell, and we can both do Short Circuit on Saturday!!
p.s. can I at least jump some rope tomorrow?
I wouldn’t do SC the day before the total. Nothing thats going to make you sore or interfere with your performance in the Total. Fine to get your blood flowing with some rowing, AR, low volume calisthenics or monostructural work but keep your RPE on whatever you do around 5-6 or so.
Dont know what some of that means? 🙂
RPE basically how hard you think you’re working on a scale from 1-10
Monostructural is CF’s movement category for repetative ambulatory or stationary movement like running, rowing, jump rope, ski erg, swimming, bike etc.
Thanks, David, I learned two things:
1) what all that means
2) that you are watching us all very closely
I’ll just practice my double unders tomorrow
re: Jason’s comment #2, why do I have “Every Breath You Take” in my head all of a sudden?
because its a classic song! 🙂
10am with Brett doing thursday’s work
Really appreciate all this TNG work.
7: 47#
5: 52#
3: 54#, 57#
4: 50#
I think the biggest thing I was having trouble doing well consistently was leading with bent elbows on the way down. But was much improved by the end. Also great advice to draw where I want my feet with chalk on the floor.
For time work in 3:25 but really scaled as always: jumping chest-to-bar from 16” box and thrusters @52#. Certainly still challenging for me but maybe I could have pushed myself more on the weight or with a lower box.
@Daniel- congrats on the PR!
Thanks Jen! 😀
I hope you properly cleaned up the chalk on the floor…. I leave for ONE day!
Shit I didn’t. HOW DO I CLEAN IT?! Teach me your ways and I’ll do double cleaning duty next time.
@Daniel: congrats on the PR’s so far and good luck Sunday! And yeah… listen to David 🙂
Round two: accessory/performance care work!
4 sets, move and groove:
15 cal row (~1:00)
11 walking lunges (start and finish L side; 20# farmer carry ea)
:30 HS hold/walk practice away from wall
15 GHD hip extension @ 20×1
:20 L-sit/V-sit
3 sets:
12 db external rotation @ 30×1 @ 7.5#
1:00 standing glute wall push (L side only) – i don’t know what to call this
12 monster walks with band around feet
side plank (did :90 test first, which I made it through, but L side was SO UNCOMFORTABLE for the last :30; R side not so bad); then 1:00 ea