Here’s a fun time-lapse of the whole day of Fight Gone Bad in 30 seconds! Also, be sure to check out our action, team, and awards photos from the event
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. CFSBK collectively raised close to $22,000 for Brooklyn Community Foundation as part of Fight Gone Bad this year. That’s amazing! See Monday’s post for the full results from the day.
2. And be sure to check out Brooklyn Community Foundation’s FGB thank-you post!
3. Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Join Coach Nick‘s CFSBK CRASH-Beasts and train for the World Indoor Rowing Championship! The first technique clinic is this Saturday, November 11th, and there’s still time to sign up. See the event page for details.
4. Our 4th Art Show is next Saturday night! We’ll have LIVE TATTOOING, an aerial hoop performance, tons of great art by CFSBKers, and lots more cool stuff. Details are in Tuesday’s post.
5. On Tuesday night, CrossFit HQ released an incredibly awesome video about our very own Diapers & Dumbbells class! Yesterday we brought you an interview with the masterminds behind this unique class—Coaches MeLo, Sasha, and Lauren.
6. We’re hosting the CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Seminar this weekend, which means we’ll have to cancel a few classes. On Saturday, November 11th the following classes are cancelled: 8am group class, 9am group class, and AG Strength. On Sunday, November 12th, these classes are cancelled: 8am group class, 10am CrossFit Preschool, 11am CrossFit Kids, 11am Active Recovery.
Strength Training for Depression and Optimizing Cognitive Performance Starting Strength
Lasha Talaxadze Snatches 485lbs hookgrip
Saturday’s Programming
Team Metcon
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
50 Handstand Push-Ups
100 Pull-Ups
150 Deadlifts 135/95
200 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
You should be able to perform sets of at least 5 on everything when fresh, scale accordingly.
Options are:
HSPU: 1-2 AbMats, Box Piked, Floor Piked, or Push-Ups
Pull-Ups: Jumping Pull-Ups, Ring Rows
Deadlifts: Load
Wall Balls: Load and/or Target Height
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
Saturday Rxd with FGB Teammate Kayleigh in 17:53. Everything was great until the 200 wall balls…
Off to Costa Rica for a week!
7am w/Brett doing Thursday
Power cleans:
83×3, 93, 103, 113, 123×2, 128 (full squat PR), 128, 130F
Power weirdsies as usual! 113-123 felt good, dropping and moving elbows through quickly. The 128 full clean actually felt good too, just didn’t get the brakes on above parallel before the world’s slowest stand up. Overall pull + jump felt good, need to keep the bar closer and move those elbows. 130 I’m coming for you! Thanks to Brett for good cues & helping out w/some video. Nice lifting back & forth w/Christine, too.
WOD: scaled to 27.5 (~5# per db below RX)
Last 3-4 rounds were torture. Desperately tried to keep my core engaged for those thrusters.
What Fox said (only I won’t be going to Costa Rica). Balanced out our strengths with him taking the majority of HSPUs and pull-ups while I look on more deadlifts and wallballs. Did have flashbacks of FGB standing side-by-side during wallballs, but was not regretting my lift choices as much today.
Cash out of supersets of GHD and Molly/Tucker time.
Can we make Molly/Tucker time an official cash out??? They are the best.
7am w/ Lauren doing Saturday
Partner workout with Eduardo, who was aaaawesome and took some extra HSPUs when mine started to fall apart. RXed deadlifts, wall balls and pull ups + 2 abmats for the HSPU. We finished in 25:03 I think? Was worried the deadlifts would bother my back but happy to report no issues.
Small but mighty 7am class doing Thursday with Brett
Power cleans:
Struggled a bit with these today. Brett took a video which was equal parts horrifying and instructive – I should do this more often. Helped me see that I’m catching SO high even as the weight gets heavier – I think I need to spend some time practicing power cleans specifically at maybe 80-85% and just work on nailing the height and speed under the bar. That said I learned a lot this cycle and do feel as though I’m progressing thanks to some great coaching and tips throughout. Shoutout to Kate, who had a few really beautiful cleans and was a fun lifting buddy this morning!
EMOM with 22.5# – my lat/neck thing is a little twinge-y and thrusters of any flavor tend to aggravate it. Still plenty tough!
Saturday’s work with Lauren
Partnered with Jen, who I rarely see anymore so it was a treat!
Finished in 20:42.
Rx weight deadlift + wall balls, HSPU’s with two ab mats and jumping pull-ups.
HSPU’s: Sets of 5
Jumping Pull Ups, DL’s, Wall Balls,: Sets of 10
This schema worked very well for us!
My quads are SO SOOOOOORE from those stinkin’ DB thrusters! Any amount of volume on thrusters (bb/db) always lights up my legs. Always. Focusing in on this weakness in the next couple of months!
Today, simple row conditioning after a long day of awesome classes + clients!
4 x 500m @ 2:08 , rest 2:15
extra 4 min rest
4 x 500m @ 2:07 , rest 2:15
2:07.9, 2:08.1, 2:07.9, 2:07.3
2:07.1, 2:06.7, 2:05.9, 2:06.2
went a little beyond my own prescriptions because after the first two my legs started to feel a lot better. strangely looking forward to progressing this again and doing these each week.
OG tonight!
Started a wendler cycle for my back squat: 5×130, 5×150, 170 for 6 reps in the rep out. Felt good considering how long it’s been since I did heavier weights.
Metcon w Crumsho in 11:03
20 cal row
20 box jump over
20 power snatch at 55
20 ttb
20 power snatch
20 bjo
20 cal row