Snatch Complex
Every Minute on the Minute x 10:
2 Hip Power Snatches
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
800m Run
40 Russian Kettlebell Swings
20 Burpee Box Jumps
Steady effort today. Aim to keep moving for the whole 30 minutes. Should be in the vicinity of 3 to 5 rounds.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Here’s Ayana, one of our CrossFit Kids and daughter of longtime CFSBKers Noor and Samir, putting those kid muscles to good use while climbing at The Gunks!
CrossFit Kids and Teens at CFSBK
Our CrossFit youth programs emphasize physical development through games and age-appropriate “workouts.” Most importantly, we’re all about having FUN! Think of it like the gym class you wish you had growing up!
Developing a positive association between fitness, physical activity, and the joy of movement is the primary goal of our programs. Our Preschool and Kids classes are comprised of games, obstacle courses, relay races, basic gymnastics, and other engaging physical activities. The Preteens program is focused on building strength, stamina, endurance, and grit. Teens class begin to look more like CrossFit with basic weight training, calisthenics, and conditioning workouts.
Days & Times
CF Preschool (3-4 years old): Sundays, 10am – 11am
CF Kids (5-7 years old): Sundays, 11am – 12am
CF Preteens (8-11 years old): Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
CF Teens (12-17 years old): Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
We also offer CrossFit Kids birthday parties! For more info, click the button below.
CrossFit youth classes are open to all kids within the appropriate age groups. For questions about our Preschool and Kids programs, contact Coach David. For questions about our Teens program, please contact Coach Jess.
Email DavidEmail Jess
Yesterday’s Results Board: Partner WODs
Back Pain and Back Strength Starting Strength
Is Reality Real? Kurzgesagt (video)
4/6 WZA workouts complete! Squeezed this one in on Friday before my train to MD. Thanks @jakeL and @laurenB for being my supportive camera crew! The logistics behind videoing this crap can really twist my brain sometimes.
On a 20 min clock, complete WOD 4 &5. (must move on to WOD 5 at 18:00)
WOD 4- 2 rounds:
30 calorie row
30 toes to bar
30 OHS @ 65#
WOD 5: 1RM hang snatch
*Tiebreaker is time to complete round 1
Completed in 10:16
Finished round 1 by 4:17
Hit 140# for my hang snatch!
That was a good one. Went a little faster than I should have in round 1 to get a nasty tiebreaker time. But it caught up with me.
Rows: 1:38/1:54
Toes to bar: 10/10/5/5, 8/5/5/3/and a sprinkle of 2s/1s
OHS: unbroken, 10/5/5/10 (rested on back)
Hang snatches went pretty well. Had almost 10 minutes so I took a few to regain some composure. Loaded the bar to 115 straight away to get something on the board. This is how it went:
115/125/135/145 (Fx2)/140 (F)/140 (MADE IT)/145# (F)
Most fails consisted of me getting under it perfectly fine and forgetting to stabilize in the catch. Was failing behind on these. So i don’t consider that a terrible thing. I think that the 145# hang is mine, just need to focus and continue to work OH strength/stability, as i’ve been doing for the past couple of months.
Can’t wait to see how results pan out on this leaderboard! It’s fun to get practice for the open. Also really looking forward to getting this over with next week so i can get back to normal training. I’ve been smarter this go around than I was last year with recovery. Not trying to have a repeat of last year’s back debacle (which happened right after this qualifier).
Go Ayana go!
Saturday StrongFit:
Alternating Single Arm KB Press with 12kg
50m Sandbag Carry (100, 140, 160).
100′ (I think) Bear crawl with the sled, loaded up the last one with 245# of plates – hurt my soul.
Cashed out with an easy 1000m row (2:05-2:10) and helping a friend move, so basically StrongFit part II.
Hip Snatch starting at 63 and worked up to 88.
WOD: 3 rounds + run + 20 KB swings with the 24kg bell.
Saturday’s Partner WOD: 11am w/ JB and Whit
w/ Koji <3 @115#
1st AMRAP: 3+18 Everything in sets of 5
2nd AMRAP: 8+4 HSPU scaled to 3s with 1 abmat
Run/Front Squash Finisher: 7:54 10/10/10/6/4 each
Ouch on the Front Squats – crawled over to the rollers immediately to regain the ability to be a vertical human.
Sunday's Class: 9am w/ Fox
95# Hip Power Snatch
3 Rounds + 700m run (24 kg KB, 24" Box)
Looks like there's an 800m partner run for next weekends subway series – glad to get a few in this weekend as a point of reference. Moved mostly consistently throughout – the burpee box jumps being the exception – they slowed down in the 3rd round. The front squats from yesterday still felt fresh.
Love today’s pic.
12pm class
95 to 125 on Hip Snatches
3 rounds flat on the metcon @ 24kg and 24″
So hot out today. Lots of sweat.
Go ayana! So cool.
63-68-73 for several rounds on hip snatch. Loved this. Definitely hopping forward which is a constant struggle. I was able to correct and get more vertical about 50% of the time! Fun tangible practice and improvement on the thing I struggle with most.
Wod: 3 rounds + 800m run with some seconds to spare. I was one of the last people in on the first run, but went further into my third round than others. I attribute this to all the aerobic/ percentage based training we do in AG. I knew I needed to keep it slow and steady to keep moving. Wanted to get a little further, but that heat was a killer.
Went light on kB swings because my back is super sore.
Always worth staying for AG. Never regret it!
Got some great practice on kipping muscle ups. Dang, still so close with strict and now with kipping.
Fun workout for *training*. Did 7 rounds of 10 wall balls, 8 pull-ups, 6 burpees with 1:1rest, which means I did 56 pull-ups and it felt like nothing!! Got faster throughout which is the goal. Love this stuff; feel like I could do 20 rounds! I can feel it improving my abilities.
Sat 10am
Partnered with Adam, who’s a beast (even when hungover).
1) 4 rounds Rx
Deadlifts were super hard, but only started really hurting later in the day. Pistols (I did to a bench) were fine, but started fatiguing the legs for…
2) 10 rounds +1 Rx
Started too hot on the power cleans, with first 2 rounds doing 10 touch-and-go. For next 3 rounds had to break them up 6/4. HSPUs were strict to 2 abmats, and certainly got slippery towards the end. Legs were dead.
3) 10:40min
I was soooo slooow on this. My run was a shuffle, and I had to break the front squats 5/5 for all rounds.
This was a fun but really rough workout. Still feeling it all over. I’m glad that I identified that the FS were going to be my struggle, so it didn’t sneak up on me.
Sat 11am AGS
After laying on the floor for 20min recovering, I managed to work on some more HSPU and some strict tempo weighted pull-ups. Some of the strength work felt really good yesterday.
Sun 10am
Hip Power Snatch up to 120
Power snatches aren’t too hard for me, I realized afterwards that I should have done 1 hip snatch + 1 OHS instead.
Metcon 3 rounds. This was just awful, all my worst exercises (burpees, box jumps, running, blergh) in the 90+ degree heat.
Sunday Mornings with Chris Fox
So much running today.
8am Short Circuit
8 Tempo RDLs
8 Tempo Push-Ups
8 Bent over DB rows
8e Russian Twists
Made it to 3 rounds.
Every 2 Mins (20 Mins Total | AFAP)
1.) 5 Rounds of 8 Burpees and 130M Sprint
Then switch to:
2.) 5 Rounds of 150m row and 8 DB Thrusters
It’s been a while since I’ve done a short circuit class with so much running + rowing. This was actually pretty fun. Each round I managed to stay between 50-55 seconds throughout. Hardest was the second conditioning piece for me.
9am Group Class
Hip Snatch – Started at 95 and made it to 105
This went pretty well for me. No misses and I felt I was moving fairly fast under the bar. About 80% of my 1RM.
3 Rounds + Run
Using 24KG kb and 24″ box
My goal was 3 rounds minimum. Managed to do the KB swings unbroken the first round, then 30-10 for the rest. Incredibly slow at burpee box jumps.
11am AR
10am with fox/brett today — a rare sunday appearance
Hip Power Snatches:
65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85, 85, 85, 90, 95
-I wanted these to be non-power snatches sooooooo badly
-can feel the deficit of power in my legs right now. felt pretty sharp pulling under, but not as much acceleration as I was hoping to feel.
WOD — 3 rounds in 28:20 then jogged in place and put my box away 🙂 Used 16kg and 20″. Ran real slow but tried to focus on form. I realized I shift my hips a lot and collapse on my L side… tried to keep more core stability, use some arm swing, and push from both sides equally. Hard for me to do.
Did some eccentric knee flexion and quad stretching while trying to cool down, but just kept pouring sweat.