Here’s CFSBK OG Samir C. doing Push-Ups at Iceland’s Hornstrandir Nature Reserve while hiking there in July
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. In solidarity, we will be running “Heather” as this Saturday’s group class programming. “Heather” is a Hero WOD in memory of Heather Heyer, written by former CFSBK coach Noah Abbott (now owner of CrossFit Lumos in Austin). See Noah’s post to learn more about Heather and the intention behind this WOD.
2. Good news! We’ve changed the date of the Subway Series so that it no longer conflicts with Flex on the Beach. CrossFit Gantry will now host the 1st event of the Series, and we’ll host the 3rd on Saturday, October 14th. See Monday’s post for the full schedule.
3. Registration for our upcoming Starting Strength Program cycles opened this week. There are still some spots left in a few of the cycles, but hurry! These are sure to sell out.
4. On Wednesday, in the return of blog fav feature Better Know a Member, we learned more about Charles S.!
5. CFSBK is in the process of updating our member waivers and integrating them with Zen Planner! Active members will soon (tomorrow) have an alert added to their account saying that they have an “Unsigned Document.” While it won’t prevent you from checking into class, the alert won’t go away until you complete the waiver. To speed the process, we’re asking members to sign into their Zen Planner accounts from home to complete the waiver. If you’re having a hard time signing in, get in touch with the front desk and/or plan on arriving early/staying late to complete it in house. Thanks so much, gang!
6. Tomorrow’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled. Yoga for Athletes will be cancelled for the rest of August while Coach Whit is out of town. Class will resume on September 2nd!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Row, Burpees
6 Elite Strength Athletes Share Their Best Hotel Workouts BarBend
Finding Vitality at CrossFit Roots CrossFit Journal
Saturday’s Programming
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
8 Pull-Ups
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
17 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
In honor of Heather Heyer, who was killed by a white supremacist in Charlottesville, VA on 8/12/17 during an anti-discrimination protest. Scale the Pull-Ups to Ring Rows as needed. Use a dumbbell that’s heavy for you but that allows you to move through.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Any updates on the water situation?
Any update on the water situation
anon h2o – Water is out until further notice. The city told us it could be up to 10 days…They’re out there working today so fingers crossed. It’ll be on the blog for sure when it’s back on!
Water update. Hopefully back on by Saturday. If the rain didn’t slow them down too much today.
Thursday’s workout with Lauren
Snatches: Worked up to 62 (PR). Didn’t over think it. Have really been working on getting under the bar faster and also on being more comfortable/balanced in a squat. Slow but sure progress this cycle; feels good!
Rows and burpees went less well–6:24. I mentally fail on burpees every single time.
An honor to do ‘Heather’ today during the 10AM class; 7 rounds + 6 wallballs. Very happy to hear ‘Nazi Punks Fuck Off’ come on during the WOD.
RIP Heather; respect.
2 different versions of it even, Samir! I’m honored to have done CF Lumos’ “Heather” and to work at an establishment that supported programming it. Pretty sure Bannon’s resignation went public during the class I took…Nazi Punks Fuck Off indeed. Went into the zone when that song came on.
8 rounds + 9 reps with a 50# DB
OG tonight
Worked on some overhead squats… I hate trying to get these overhead. I nearly killed myself so I stopped. worked up to 108×3
Snatch singles. Felt sooo good so I worked up to my current PR of 93 and then hit a new PR at 95!! Missed 98 about 4 times in the catch by dumping it forward. Soon soon. I smell triple digits in 2017.
Thursday’s row/burpee wod in 4:26. Spicy