A1) Tempo (31×1) Bench Press:
3 x 6
Heavier than last week.
A2) Tempo (31×1) Split Squat:
3 x 6e
Set back foot on a 16-20 inch box and load as appropriate with dumbbells or kettlebells held goblet-style. Heavier/better than last week. If last week was tough, then use the same load and try to perform the reps better.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Bench Presses, followed by a set of Split Squats on each leg. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. Use a 31×1 tempo for both movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
5 Ring Muscle-Ups
The dumbbell load should be on the heavy-ish side for you. The reps will be done unbroken on the fast end. Jumping Muscle-Ups on low rings are an acceptable scale if you have stability atop the rings and can perform at least a few strict Ring Dips.
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The dumbbell load should be on the heavy-ish side for you. Scale the Pull-Ups as needed to Chin-over-Bar, Jumping Chest-to-Bar, or challenging Ring Rows.
Post time and Rx to comments.
After training at CFSBK for the summer, Darrell E. just returned to the George School for his senior year. Check out Darrell’s highlight reel above! According to his dad, Kenny, Darrell “made use of a lot of the classes and mostly worked on getting his strength up, while still staying loose and limber, so he can continue to be agile” for football and basketball. “There were a lot positive people around him,” Kenny tells us, and “CrossFit will definitely increase his stamina and make him be able to fight through that 4th quarter. That’s what it’s all about, the 4th quarter, in any sport!” Knock ’em dead, Darrell! CFSBK is rooting for you!
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throw down: the seventh annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! While our original hosting date conflicted with Flex on the Beach, CrossFit Gantry was kind enough to switch with us, so there’s no longer an issue for you Flexers! Here’s the new schedule:
Saturday, September 16th: CrossFit Gantry
Saturday, September 30th: CrossFit Queens
Saturday, October 14th: CrossFit South Brooklyn
Saturday, October 28th: CrossFit Virtuosity
This year’s Subway Series is using a team format (M/M and F/F) and there are both Scaled and Rx’d divisions, so we hope as many CFSBKers as possible will sign up. As you can tell from last year’s photos, it’s a fun day. You can register below, but hurry: early bird pricing only lasts through September 5th!
How Taking Photos Affects Your Memory of the Moment Later On NY Mag
How to Screen for Ankle Mobility Squat University
Split squats 40#, bench at 95#. Both 5# jumps from last week. I like 6 so much better than I like 8!
Not gonna lie, I kinda sandbagged the thrusters. I went in thinking I would do 30# DBs, but there was only one left at that weight by the time I went to grab mine. I really could have allowed that to push me to do 35, but instead I dropped down to 25. In my defense, I’m a little sore from 120 wall balls in AG yesterday.
Did fairly horizontal ring rows (I started with my feet on a box, but Ro rightly called me out for not getting my chest all the way to the rings) since my stupid pinky finger is still torn. Ring rows are pretty serious actually, or they can be! 6:50, and looking forward to rest day tomorrow.
7am w/ Ro + Lauren
85# Tempo bench press. Tough. Partnered w/ Rachel who was killing it!
30# Tempo split squat. Fine!
WOD: 10:something using 25# DBs and doing regular kipping pull-ups (which fell apart towards the end, when my hands ripped).
Weekend fitness…
So many numbers…don’t really remember how I did on these workouts. Shoulders felt really fatigued–from Thursday’s push-ups maybe?–so I was struggling on the HSPU part especially. The combo of jump rope and HSPUs is no joke!
Worked up to 98# on the C+J complex. Felt really good!
WOD: Fun one. Think it took me just under 8 min.
Fun class with Fox at noon.
Did 125# for the bench press. Felt light at 6 reps after 115# feeling heavy at 8 reps last week and week before that.. Looking forward to rest of cycle. Kept with BW for split squat — might do light kettlebell next time.
7:33 on WOD doing jumping pull-ups and 25# dumbbells. Feel like I need to push myself more on these WODs (lower box for jumping pullups?) but also feeling a bit beat up after Saturday and Sunday and ready for a rest day.
Liking the cycle and the WODs — it’s pushing me in ways I need to be pushed.
12:00pm Group Class with Coach Fox
Bench Press: 135x6x3
Was planning on doing 155 but 135 felt extra heavy today so stayed there.
10 Thrusters 35lbs
5 Ring Muscle-ups
12:34 Rx’d
I inadvertantly didnt eat ANY carbs this morning, so was feeling weak and jittery after the bench press and knew I was going to be on the struggle bus for the metcon. TIME TO EAT
Also, two workouts while I was at Muscle and Lungs CrossFit in Aruba:
8 Rounds
6 Push Jerks, 135
10 Pistols
800m Run
Deadllifts 225
Bar Facing Burpees
800m Run
Recommend their gym if you’re in Aruba… although its HOTTTTT and HUMIDDD and NO AIR FLOW and I WANTED TO DIE
David – that gym sounds awesome except for everything you said about it.
1pm with The Mrs…
Bench 185x6x3
Last rep was tough each set.
Split Squats 35x6x3
Performance version in 11:00
Thrusters at 40# unbroken. Muscle up stamina isn’t quite there right now.
“David – that gym sounds awesome except for everything you said about it.”
LOL you’re not kidding.
I mean they were really nice… 🙂
A) Some variation of a TABATA w/ Box jumps @ 30″, KBS @ 53#, and ring pushups
Too complicated to type and I’m lazy tonight! haha it was a good one though
B) Cardio: for distance
15 min bike- 4.7 mi
15 min run- 1.58 mi
15 min row- 3333M
A) high pulls: 40 accumulated reps ea @ 30#
12/12/10/8 ea side. felt more even let to right today
B) Event one complex from Flex, wanted to feel it out:
snatch + hang snatch + OHS + hang snatch
63, 83, 103, 113
This felt gross today. My left shoulder was just cramping because i was dehydrated and I caught a snatch forward. Not worth it to push past this. Will practice it a few more times before comp day!
C) 10 min AMRAP:
3 T2B
3 Dumbbell thruster 30# ea
6 T2B
6 Dumbbell thruster 30# ea
9 T2B
9 Dumbbell thruster 30# ea
….accumulate 3 reps
This was rough. Toes to bar weren’t too bad. Thrusters were just gross. Shot my heart rate through the roof otherwise the weight felt okay.
Completed 160 reps total, so got to 21 T2B + 13 thrusters
D) 30 min bike: 259 cal
I was not feeling the whole sit down and exercise at the same time thing. I was sandbagging pretty hard and standing for at least 10 minutes of this. then I got mad at myself for sandbagging and tried to push hard at the end. Im a fan of the powerful finish! Going to try and do this a little more often when I have it in me
SpSq: 35#
Bench: 88 (6-5(f)-6–> split up in 2 sets because I kept hitting the hooks…) Will stay at this weight next week?
25#, 4 jumping muscle-ups.
I like doing jumping ring muscle ups to the high rings, because they’re more unstable and it seems more challenging. I ended up needing to do 24″ box, which was frustrating because I’ve done 20″ before. Maybe it was the heavy bench press before… it was way more of a challenge than usual.
Also, when I was done… the bicep/tricep pump was REAL. Dear lord my arms felt swole in an almost bad way… so weak but so pumpy. Lol yikes.