“Dear Diary— Today I was a TFBA” | Photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
Feeling crushed by Crush Week? Too tired to scroll back through this week’s posts? Well, kick back and let us do the work for you…
1. CrossFit Journal will be at the gym over the weekend to shoot content for a series about affiliation, best practices, and lessons learned from affiliates that have been operating for a decade (that’s us!). Give ’em some CFSBK love!
2. Our friends at CrossFit Queens are organizing the next in their series of “Hail to the…” competitions, Hail to the Team! This partner competition takes place on Saturday, July 15th from 12 to 5pm and it will feature 25 men’s and 25 women’s teams of 2 in the Scaled and Rx categories. We’d love to see as many CFSBKers as possible sign up! See Monday’s post for details.
3. Coach David discussed our CrossFit Preschool program in the latest issue of Box Pro. In “How to Run a Preschool Class,” David talks to Heather Hartmann about the ins and outs of running a fitness class for 3 and 4-year-olds. Check it out!
4. Save the date! On Friday, July 21st at 8pm (after Open Gym), a CFSBK Movie Night returns. And we want you to help us pick the movie! Head on over to the event page to vote.
5. On Sunday, July 16th, CFSBK will again host a Bulletproof Assessment Workshop. At a Bulletproof Workshop, Active Life doctors and coaches take you through the Athlete’s Hierarchy of Needs to identify flexibility, mobility, and strength balance limitations that can lead to injury or are currently limiting your performance. Go here for more info and to sign up!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean | Burpees, Front Squats, C2B Pull-Ups
The Reason Coffee Helps You Get Going Farnam Street
Alessandra Pichelli’s CrossFit Games Training Playlist Morning Chalk Up
David Osorio says
Saturday's Programming
5 rounds, each for load and row time:
Bench Press, Heavy 5
Row 250m
Post times, loads, and Rx to comments.
Brad L says
F this workout
Stella says
LOL Brad. I love bench press and I still hate this workout.
Bench rounds were 95, 105, 115, 115, 120. Best/worst rows were 51.9, 53.9. Trying to pry myself off the ground afterward was, as Akoto put it, "a very slow Turkish getup."
Sarah M says
That might be my favorite caption, ever.
Roose says
8am with Whitney
Did Saturday's workout
Round 1: 95×5 | 46.3
Round 2: 115×5 | 47.3
Round 3: 125×5 | 49.0
Round 4: 135×5 | 48.6
Round 5: 145×3 | 46.8 *Failed at the 4th rep
So this was hell, but I felt great afterwards. I unknowingly got a new 3 rep pr for my bench press. Last time I did this, I only tracked the bench weight and I only went up to 125 (Which was sloppy).
I didn't plan to go to 145. I originally thought the weight was 135, but my partner went up the previous round and I didn't notice. Lo and behold, I go to do my first rep and the bar feels super heavy and I almost fail I managed to get 3 reps before I couldn't anymore. I knew it felt heavier! I just thought I was exhausted haha.
snood says
How much rest between rounds is indicated?
Bjorn says
Yesterday's Programming at 10 am with Whit
Clean 115 – 135 – 165 – 185 – 215f
Little too casual with the last attempt, but okay. This wasn’t going to be a PR day.
WOD: 15:51 165#, pull-ups 1st round, ring rows after
FSQs were 6 – 9 – 6/6 – 5/4 – 6
As with Morrison, really underestimated this. After considering going rx’d for the front squats I went with 165#, which was still on the heavy side and required pretty long breaks. And I was going to do pull-ups, but that would have taken forever, so switched to ring rows.
I gotta make sure that not everything in a WOD is a “project”. Like today: Burpees are not my strength, the weight was pretty heavy and then I was going to try and do pull-ups, which are still very much a work in progress. Too much.
Was psyched to get that last round done unbroken though.
Brian Moore says
7am with Brett
Worked up to 145# on the cleans.
Metcon: scaled to 125# for squats and did regular pull-ups at 3-6-9-3-6. Probably could have gone the full reps for the pull-ups. Good to know for the next high volume PU workout.
This was a fun one.
Kirby says
Between that A+++ photo caption and Brad's comment, the blog is serving up some quality content today.
Chas C. says
counterpoint: I looooove this workout
I mean somewhere around 10 pulls in on the erg you start to understand a lot of what black metal is about: doom and guttural calls of despair
2/17/2016: 4025# / 4:02.5 (no splits recorded)
1/16/2017: 3300# (failed last set) / 3:43.7 (fastest 43.4, slowest 46.2)
6/30/2017: 4125# / 3:40.8 (fastest 42.2, slowest 45.8)
Hadn't benched in ages and we worked through this a little faster than last time (doing continuous rounds in a group of 3) so I played it safe and did all 5 sets at 165#. Worked out well, but could use some form brush-up.
Fox says
@ snood: rest "as needed". For us that generally means around 3 minutes but can creep up to 4 or 5 on that last round.
Steven N says
Make up posts from a grueling but fun week. Enjoyed reading everyone's updates!
5:53 with 80 lb thrusters and kipping pullups. This is about 10 seconds faster than December, with 75 lb thrusters and jumping PUs.
Broke thrusters up 11-5-5 / 7-5-3 / 9. Pull-ups were small sets: 6-5-5-5 / 5-4-4-2 / 3-2-2-2. Biggest time suck was the getting back to the thrusters. I REALLY didn't want to pick the bar back up. As someone (Shawn?) mentioned earlier this week, just anticipating the transition to a new movement can psych you out sometimes.
30:10 with wall balls at 16lb/9ft and the rest Rx. A 12 second improvement from December, when I used a 14 lb wall ball and did Russian swings instead of American.
Wall balls are a persistent weak point, so I decided to break them up early. Did sets of 6 to 8 for the rounds of 50 and 40, then sets of 5 for the rest. Looking back, really should have upped the rep scheme in the later rounds (something to work on!). Box jumps were more or less consistent, and KB swings in sets of 10 throughout. Low back really felt this one by the end. Next time, aiming for sub-30 min.
Worked up to a 125# clean, then decided to save some energy for the WOD.
10:12. Scaled the squats to 105, with pullups somewhere between chin-over-bar and chest-to-bar. Broke up the squats 6 / 9 / 7-5 / 9 / 6. The limiting factor was the clean. Still trying to dial in the initial pull from the floor.
Whoo crush week!
K HarpZ says
Yesterday w/ Katie E: performance care
4x 1:00 bear hug hold w/ 80# d ball
3×8 high pull @ 30#
3×6 Bulgarian split squat w/ 3s negative
WOD: 12:06
4 rounds:
60 double unders
40 Abm sit-ups
20 burpees
All doubles unbroken! Glad I was able to dial it in with the later rounds even when shoulders felt smoked. My abs are SO SORE today from those sit-ups. I'm such a slow sitter upper. Katie E and I were prettty close on this one so it was a really good push
Cardio: target HR 130-135
10 min row: 136 cal, HR 124-130
10 min bike: 98 cal, HR 112-124
10 min row: 116 cal, HR 118-125
100 Double unders: 1:01, one trip, HR 145
Katie and Toni convinced me to play soccer. So I did that too. Applying my fitness to SPORTS!!! Nice night out too. I am completely exhausted today. Currently enjoying my rest day on the beach after work 🙂