Shlomo S. Zercher Squats the yoke at a recent Strong Fit class. Check out Strong Fit on Satudays at 8am!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Our new 8-week training cycle started Monday. Don’t forget: you can always check out our current training template over on the Current Programming Cycle page.
2. SAVE THE DATE: Murph Day 2017 goes down on May 29th, Memorial Day! This is a great community event where we perform this classic CrossFit benchmark workout followed by some grilling, side dishes, and beers. The workout is tough—very tough—but it can, of course, be scaled to meet everyone’s capacity. If this is your first Murph Day, you can check out photos from last year’s event here and here. We’ll have sign-up info soon!
3. We’re in the process of updating the bios on our Coaching Staff page. As we do so, we’ve been posting the new bios to the main blog as a way of reacquainting you with one of the main things that makes CFSBK a special gym: our wonderful, talented coaching staff! This week we brought you the AG gurg himself, Coach Ro!
4. In another installment of Better Know a Member, we got to know Holly Mess… we mean, Molly Hess a little better. Check our yesterday’s post to learn more about this Corgi-loving Jersey native!
5. Do you follow us on Facebook? How about Instagram? If not, you should! We’re always posting cool stuff there, and it’s an easy way to support the gym.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk | Double-Unders, Thrusters
Building an Engine Training Think Tank
Guy Snatching in Corner Secretly Hopes You’re Watching
Saturday's Programming
Tempo Back Squat / Tempo Front Squat
Tempo BSQ (41×1): 2 x 12
Tempo FSQ (41×1): 1 x 12
Start week 1 at a moderate load and aim to increase through the 8 weeks. The last few reps of each set should be tough but the goal is no misses. Be true to the tempo work. This may mean eating some humble pie, starting with light weights, and trusting that it doesn’t have to be “heavy” to be effective.
Post loads to comments,
Exposure 1 of 8
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
20 Russian KB Swings 24/16kg
10 Push-Ups
Rest 2 minutes, then…</>
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
2 Bar Muscle-Ups
10 Overhead Squats 95/65
The KB should be medium heavy and unbroken. Scale the BMU to jumping bar muscle ups or chest to bar pull ups/pull ups or jumping chest to bar pull ups as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Question for the coaches:
I find myself sorely missing heavy deadlifts and I'd like to incorporate one day of heavy pulling a week in somehow. Especially since my Oly lifts lag so far behind my actual strength capabilities that I'm not pulling anything that heavy on clean days.
If I were to add a heavy set of 5 deads to the end of one class a week, which one is best? Push press day? Squat day? I'm guessing not lunge day.
Last couple of days in DC:
Yesterday –
Pendlay Rows – 6-6-6-6-6 super-setted for the first 3 with 10 chin-ups
then EMOM for 15 minutes:
1) 18 calorie row
2) 10 box jumps (30")
3) MU
This was pretty hard – the row took almost the whole minute. I was happy just to be able to finish the whole thing
Work up to a heavy Power Clean + Squat Clean. Hit 225 but it wasn't pretty. Called it there
10 HPC 155
8 Front Squats 155
6 Deficit HSPU (45# plates + 25# plates)
The plates were the larger, bouncier kind so this was a pretty serious deficit. My shoulder was almost touching my hands at the bottom. Happy just to finish this one as well – 16:24
Deadlift Everyday
We miss you too Stella!
Saturday's WOD:
Had a fun little stomach thingy this week and some serious armpit DOMs after Wednesday's workout. Not feeling one hundo percent but I was happy I came in!
BSQ: 95 x12, 105x 12
FSQ: 95×12
Didn't push it. All doable. I don't feel like being super sore tomorrow
AMRAP 1- 4 rds + 15 KBS.
Decided to go with 20kg. All swings unbroken. Push-ups in sets of 5-3-2. I suck at push-ups
AMRAP 2- 5 rds + 2 bar MU + 3 OHS
FUN! Didn't move super fast on the OHS until the end. This felt nice