Front Squat Metcon
5 Rounds for Time:
15 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
12 Front Squats 165/115
9 Handstand Push-Ups
The swings are Rx’d as American. Bar comes off the floor. The FSQ weight should be medium heavy for you and unbroken on the fast end. Scale ROM or to Push Ups for the HSPU.
Post work to comments.
Coaches Margie and Jeremy just welcomed Clio Edith Fisher into the world! Clio weights 6lbs, 12oz and was born on March 30th after 30 hours of labor. Congrats, Margie and Jeremy!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. This week we shared member Susan Pittard’s photo series “Strong Is a Woman.” It’s an astonishing set of photos featuring CFSBK women. See Monday and Thursday‘s posts!
2. The 2017 CrossFit Open is OVER. On Thursday, we gave you the top-10 ranked women and men at the gym. Congrats to Bob S., who came in 15th in the Northeast Region’s Masters 55-59 division!
3. The 2017 CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition is also over, but not really! Yesterday we recapped Week 5 of league action, which included flying kettlebells, legal name changing, and everyone’s favorite sporting outcome: the good ol’ tie.
4. Schedule Change: Strong Fit has returned to Saturdays at 8am!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Fold & Cut Theorem The Kid Should See This
Are GMOs Good or Bad? Kursgesagt
30 hours! As if we needed any more proof that Margie is strong.
Congratulations to you both!
Clio Edith. what a lovely name. Congratulations Margie and Jeremy!
Congratulations Margie and Jeremy! What a strong little person! Welcome to the world Clio Edith!
Congratulations Margie and Jeremy!!! ❤❤
Congrats Margie and Jeremy!
Welcome, Clio! Congrats to M&J!
Noon class. Slept in. It was glorious.
WOD Rx'd in 20:57. Got pretty tough. The HSPU wound up being like a little break. 2 sets on everything from jump.
Margie, Jeremy, and Clio — so happy for you! Can't wait to meet Clio!
Awwwww she is heavenly!!!! Welcome Clio, can't wait to meet you!!!!!
Congrats Margie and Jeremy!
10am for death to quads WOD
23:xx Rx
KBS: 9-6
FSQ: 7-5 through 4 then 5-4-3 on the 5th round
HSPUs: 5-4, then 3-2-2-2 on the last round
Congrats Margie & Jeremy!! So happy for you!
Was nervous for this workout! Decided to go with 83# with whit's advice. 24kg Russian, then 4 HSPUs no ab mat.
Planned on no more than 4 minutes per round. Ended up finishing in 12:20! HSPUs were so easy! Switched to 6 in rounds 4 and 5. After finishing, made up the 16 HSPUs I scaled. Must be all the strict overhead pressing I've been doing. Also, FSQ were hard, but obviously I could have gone even heavier. Damn! I fee surprised and proud! Wow!
Congratulations! Such a pretty name!
Did the 11a with some strong peeps.
That was a rough workout that made my forearms cry.
Finished it RX in 14:44. Stayed steady with my reps on the FSQ at 7-5 per Coach JBs advice.
But the kbs were the hardest part. Smoked my arms and truly need some work on those OH positions!
Did this workout yesterday at 10am.
17:32 rx'd.
-hated every second of this one. First round of kbs unbroken then 10-5 for the rest. FSQ's were in 6-6 for the first 2 then 5-4-3. HSPU's in 5-4 for first 2 rounds then in 3's. Low back was lit after this!
10 cals bike,
5 False Grip Ring Rows, 3 second negative
5 Matador Dips
:20 False Grip Hang (high rings)
50ft OH Yoke Carry @195#
5 Strict Wide Grip Pullups (band assisted)
10 V-ups
It's been several months since I've carried that Yoke overhead and it was definitely harder than I remembered! Looking forward to doing more of this…and keeping up with muscle-up drills!
Also, CONGRATS Margie and Jeremy! Can't wait to meet Clio!
Congratulations Margie and Jeremy! 💖