Linda H. representing team Snatch Me If You Can during 17.5. More of Robert C.’s photos from Saturday can be found here
Submit Your Post-Challenge Submission Today!
The 2017 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge is over! We’re so proud of everyone who participated and can’t wait to see your results. Today is the last day to complete your post-Challenge submission. Look for the winners on the blog next week!
News and Notes
- CFSBK Open Intramural team captains: please submit your team’s scores to the spreadsheet by noon today!
- Ben S.’s apartment is opening up for May 15th or June 1st. See his CFSBK Classifieds listing for more info!
- A note from Stella Z.: “Brainz N Gainz, the CFSBK pub quiz team, competes on Wednesday nights at The Rock Shop. Trivia starts at 8:30 but feel free to show up earlier to claim seats or drop by later and join us while we’re quizzing away. Exercise your mental muscleswe totally welcome sweaty people from 7:30pm class, BTW! E-mail stellavision [at] to get on the mailing list, or just show up at the Rock Shop and look for us!”
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Row/Push Press Metcon
Dancer Doesn’t Deadlift? CrossFit Journal
The Surprising Way Mat Fraser Won the CrossFit Games Men’s Health
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Build to a heavy single. Use spotters on all work sets.
Build to a heavy triple. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 9 Minutes:
3-6-9-12-15, adding 3 reps per round of…
Scale the Pull Ups to bands or jumping as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Kipping pull up/strict pull up 101 and some conditioning
Ro, that is so mean. Does "some conditioning" mean "30 minute burpee AMRAP"? ๐
I was seeeeeeriously questioning whether I wanted to come in for 7 AM. Glad I did. Squats didn't go so hot — I hit 195×3, a weight that I can usually do 3×5 no problem, and it was rough. I guess I'm not recovered from 17.5, or rowing yesterday, or both.
Finished the round of 15, plus 7 pull-ups, Rx. Stringing kips together was just not happening today.
It might Stella!
LBBS: 135×5, 185×3, 205×3, 215×3, 225×2, 235×1
Harder than I would have liked, but doable.
WOD: Finished the round of 15 plus 9 pull ups Rx.
Four rounds: AB 10 calories (:27, :27, :27, :28), rest 1 minute, 3 HSPU to 2 abmats. Trying to work on skill work under stress.
I have a ticket for Miss Saigon on Broadway (DOE Theater Teachers Night Out). I was going to look at the AG workout and decide if I want to see the show or work out… now I'M SO CONFUSED!!!
Dropped in to Crossfit Music City in Nashville for 830 class.
15 mins to get to a snatch 1 RM. got to 95, not quite
full depth.
WOD was Isabel.
75# in 2:28. In Dec. i did 53# in 2:43. means i didn't go anywhere near heavy enough in Dec.
now, biscuits!
Surprise WOD! Yay!
Ok. Here it is:
Kipping/strict pull ups
12 min amrap
20 squats
15 Russian kb swings
10 push ups
LOL Ro I was kidding but I'm delighted not to see any burpees on that list ๐
I love the which would you rather surfer vs thruster photos on the blog today.
If Allie didn't know what the AG workout is, I'm positive she would have given up her Broadway ticket because the curiosity would have killed her. Now it's anybody's guess!
LBBS 75, 95, 115 x 5; 125, 130 x3. Felt heavy and the 130 was slllloooowww up but felt good to have to work hard with good form and time to be mindful (as opposed to lifting for time while breathless). Cut back on pull ups and went 3-3-6-9… so one rep scheme behind the burpees after set 1. Mixed pull ups and chin ups and was surprised when pull ups gave me relief from chins. Usually it's the other way around!
Spent a little time GHDing and bridging up to work on relative glute weakness and L/R strength imbalance.
Noon with McDowell
Worked up to 145lbs. As the weight got heavier I noticed that I was leaning to my toes a bit. McDowell suggested taking more time to set my feet and being paying attention through the whole ROM, super helpful.
WOD: Right wrist is sick of my bullsh*t so swapped slam balls for burpees. Really like slam balls. Did jumping pullups due to wrist too. Got through the round of 21 +6. Felt nice.
6:30pm Group Class with Coach Harpsalot
Monday's Progamming
Rows: Kept them all between 1:58 and 2:12. Rowing is Hard ๐
Push Press
That was tough!
@Shawn lol! You're so right! I was afraid I was missing an epic workout I could never repeat on my own.
At intermission right now: worth skipping AG for. #yolo