From our Instagram account: “Some rad visitors stopping by CFSBK today! The one and only @dannybroflex aka @dan_bailey9 as well as @zogdogg who was visiting from @crossfitinvictus and repping a great cause called @555fitness check it out!”
This Week in Review at CFSBK
1. Diapers & Dumbbells, a postpartum fitness class designed to help new mothers safely return to exercise, connect with other parents, and develop the strength they need to support their growing babies, kicked off this week! See the program page for more details, and spread the word!
2. Registration for the 2017 CrossFit Open started a couple of weeks ago. We want you to sign up! In fact, we’re shooting to have 100 CFSBKers register for this year’s Open. On Monday, we offered a few reasons why you should do it.
3. KLove is January’s CFSBK Athlete of the Month. Congrats, Kelly!
4. Coach Fox checked in with Andrew S. and Steph M. to find out how the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge is going. Spoiler alert: it’s going well!
5. CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff our beloved Front Desk! Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization, and other miscellaneous duties. We will be interviewing this month and hiring a new staff member for immediate training. Perks include a comped membership and all the Nespresso you can drink. See Wednesday’s post for more details.
6. Interested in volunteering for Iron Maidens? We’d love your help on this very fun day! There are a variety of ways to be involved. Fill out this volunteer form to learn more and share your availability. Check out photos from last year’s event to get a sense of what it’s all about.
7. Finally, we bought you the first installment of this year’s Iron Maidens of CFSBK series, and Allison K. knocked this interview out of the park. This year, our goal is to raise $50,000 to pay for 70% of college tuition for students in the College Prep program at the Bronx-based Grace Outreach, and we need your help to reach that goal! You can donate to a lifter’s campaign by going here.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk | Hang Cleans, Double-Unders
How To Do the Shortest Workout Possible NY Times
Hell of an Injury, Attitude of an Angel CrossFit
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
2 x 10
2 x 10
Move directly from the Back Squat to the Front Squat. Heavier than last week. These should move fast throughout the entire cycle, increase weight only as appropriate.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
For Time:
Thrusters 95/65
Toes to Bars
The Thruster weight should be light for you and unbroken on the fast end, as should the T2Bs.
For Time:
Thrusters 65/45
Hanging Knee Raises
The Thruster weight should be light for you and unbroken on the fast end, as should the HKRs.
Post time and Rx to comments.
7am doing Thursday with McDowell
EMOM work: 73, 78×3, 83, 88, 93×2, 98PR, 103 shaky
I went into this focusing on cleans and they felt pretty good, except the last one w/some super slow elbows. Split jerks are a work in progress-would like to practice these more! McDowell was helpful w/cues on reaching out with my front leg and not letting my elbows lower forward before driving up. 98# felt legit, 103# was more of a press out, so I'll work on getting back to that again.
WOD: 6:29, fitness scale. Thought 73# would feel muuuch snappier than it did. Last couple sets were better than I expected. Really need to bring my legs + midline stronger into everything I do.
As a thought/suggestion, it could be really helpful to have some standardized cash out options (like we have the standard warm ups) to work on on days like today when we have a good 10min+ left after the workout. I know I should totally be able to make my own plan, but I have like ALL THE THINGS to work on so sometimes it's hard to get focused.
6am with McDowell
HBBS 200 x 10 x 2
FSQ 170 x 10 x 2
Still moving well but definitely getting tiring. Happy to only have one more jump here.
WOD in 6:28 Rx
Oh thrusters, how I have missed you. No really. I do. Feels like we haven't had them in a while and we know they will be in the open. I was surprised how quickly my ttb fell apart in this workout. Couldn't kip past the first round so the remaining 30 were all strict. Thrusters unbroken except round of 12 when I got mentally soft. Fun workout.
Make up from Yesterday
Clean complex – worked up to 185# with all push jerks. Everything was feeling good yesterday.
WOD in 8:12 at 135#. Knew I wouldn't be able to do 155 unbroken so went with 135. Cleans were easy, double unders toasted my shoulders though.
Looking forward to StrongFit tomorrow
Katie Tk!!! I love the idea of a standardized cash out! There are often times there are like ~5 or 6 minutes at the end. I want to know more of the weird dumbbell accessory strength stuff we do in short circuit/strongfit/AG, as well as cool ab exercises and mobility stuff!
Great idea. I hope it becomes a reality 🙂
7 a.m. doing Thursday's work w/McDowell, who does a pretty good Robert Plant impersonation.
C&J EMOM: 95, 105, 115, 125, 135×3, 145×2, 155. Creaky on the cleans.
Metcon: 7:20, fitness rx'ed. Already a little hesitant after the EMOM so not my speediest or prettiest cleans.
LBBS: 225 x 2 x 4.
Got better with each set – less "good morning-ish."
WOD: 6:28 Rx
Thrusters unbroken. T2B very broken (sets ranging from 6 at the start usually ending in doubles). Got an extra push of motivation in the last round trying to catch Steve.
Thursday's workout with Brett.
Went with kilos today, starting at 70 and working up to 90 kg for the ninth round, which I almost dropped on my head. The split jerk is basically a "new" lift for me and I definitely need practice. Tendency is to keep feet narrow and shift weight forward.
Wod in 6:20 Rx. Loved the hanging squat cleans, which for me tend to promote better footwork and speed under the bar. The weight was also just heavy enough to force good technique. Died on the rope – zero wind after second round. Saw some amazing scores on the board today.
12pm class with McDowell
Missed several weeks of squatting, so picked up where I left off.
Back squat 90lbs
Front squat 80lbs
Back squat easy peasy. My teres fired some warning shots on Wednesdays so front rack and overhead positions/general pushing were no bueno, McDowell gave me a nice halfway between front rack and the cross armed front squat position. Always on alert for the right hip being dumb, making sure my knees were pushed out. Think I could have done 95/85 but didn't want to tempt fate.
WOD: 4:45 with just front squats @ 42lbs
I need to spend a half hour and figure out how to kip on t2b. I can do 5-7 strict or endless knees to shoulders but haven't figured out the kip. First order of business once my shoulder is no longer complaining. Did as many strict as I could per round then did knees to shoulders.
Cash out: 5 minutes DU practice. New record is 18!
Hey! Can someone check in on Fox? He was totally traumatized by today's QOD. Even as I was leaving the gym he was still exclaiming and doing the heebee jeebee dance.
8am with Brett
I've been out of the gym for a month and couldn't even remember how my feet split on the jerk. Nevertheless, felt some form happening and got to 78 (mid 80s is the norm so OK). 8:01 with 65 and 10 DUAs (but they all had to be makes).
A. 3x
8ea single arm DB press @ 30#
5-8ea rvrs lunge
:20 nose and toes HS hold
B. back squat
5×10 @ 135#
C. 18-20 min, moderate pace:
15 cal row
10 GHD sit up
20 DU's
12 alternating DB Power Snatch @ 40#
Completed 5 rounds in 19:00 and stopped there.