Barbell Metcon
5 Rounds:
5-Rep Bench Press
250m Row Sprint
Go heavy on the Bench Press and move directly to the row. You can perform ascending sets on the Bench or work across. Go for an all-out effort on the rows. Rest as needed between rounds. Score total weight moved on the Bench Press and best/worst times on the row. Have the monitor set up for a single distance count down from 250m so you can record your exact times. Spotters on ALL SETS of the bench press.
Post total weight moved and best/worst row times to comments.
10 Russian Twists
3 Wall Walks (10 sec hold)
Post work to comments.
Coach KHarpz, KLove, Coach Frank, and Snickers just chillin’ at Wodapalooza in Miami
The 2nd Look, Feel, Perform Better Info Session: Nutrient Timing Simplified
Does nutrient timing matter? In a word, yes. While it’s not the most important part of your nutrition, eating whole foods in the correct quantities is. If you have that part covered pretty well, then you can benefit from spacing out your macros based on your activity level from meal to meal and day to day. Also, we’re 2 weeks in! We’ll discuss taking an honest look at how you’re progressing toward your goals and what adjustments to make so you can meet them. Come talk turkey (in an appropriate quantity) with Coach Christian Michael Thomas Fox this Sunday, January 22nd at 12:00pm in the Annex. As always, an open Q&A will follow the brief lecture.
Join Us for the CFSBK Community Potluck on January 28th
We’re excited to get everyone in house to break bacon and socialize together outside of normal classes. This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look Feel Perform Better Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together.
This event is open to everyone and all are encouraged to come. While your dish doesn’t necessarily have to be Paleo, it should consist of healthy whole foods. Let us know what you plan to bring in the comments section of the info page. We can’t wait to see you there!
Louie Simmons: The 66-Year-Old Legend Who Trains the Strongest Humans in the World Grit
Team Geico Honda: Learning to Suffer CrossFit
1) Back Squat 4×4 Heavier than last week. (45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205×2) 225x4x4
-no belt for these yet but most likely will next week. felt slow but video confirmed they are still moving fine. Looking for a 10# jump next week.
2) Bench Press 4×4 Heavier than last week. (45×5, 85×5, 105×3) 120x4x4
-moving well. Chris said I need to make a larger jump next week but I know how the bench press adds up for me. Probably still just a 5# jump next week.
3a) BB Walking Lunge 3×8 @ 83# (able to get 25ft in 8 steps)
3b) Z Press 3×8 (seated on floor, pronated grip) @ 25#
3c) DB Row 3x8e @ 40#
4) 5 Rounds
15 Calorie Row
10 Burpees
5 Handstand Push Ups (kipping allowed)
10 Burpees
15 Calorie Row
Rest 3 Minutes between rounds
3:39, 3:48, 3:59, 4:14, 3:55
-hardest part surprisingly were the hspu's. I guess I'm just fatigued from the 60 I did on Saturday plus the burpees/OHS from yesterday. Regardless, I was able to do them unbroken though I almost failed my very first rep.
8am with McDowell
175 / 43.6
185 / 43.8
185 / 43.9
185 / 44.8
185 / 46.2
Forgot how awful this workout is. Was going to do ascending bench press but 185 was heavy enough and barely got the last set. On a positive I didn't vomit. In February last year I did 175-185-190-195-195F. So bench is a little weaker but my rows are faster.
After in 608 did some single arm high pulls. Fox noticed I was enviously watching him do OH yolk walks so he showed me how to do them. Did 50'x4 with the empty yoke. Much respect for Lady Fox adding weight to her OH carries! They are tough.
Last day in Ohio. I couldn't replicate this WOD at the Y here (the erg is on a different floor than the weight room and doesn't have a display, so you have no idea how far or how many calories you've rowed, boo!).
So I worked up to a heavy 5 on the bench (best 130, failed 5th rep at 135) and then did 5×1:30 row with :45 rest between rounds.
Pistol practice with 12" box after. Working on making my left side not suck!
6am with McDowell & Ro
Bench 165-185-195-205-210
Urg: 43.1-45.4
Partnered with Brendan. This felt awful and we took some long breaks in between. Does not feel as easy as it looks on paper.
Bench: 105 / 105 / 105 / 110 / 110
Row: 49.1 / 50.0 / 49.4 / 49.9 / 49.6
Compared to last year this is a little heavier on the bench (95-105) and rows are a little more consistent (48.8 – 51.5), though I did have one slightly faster row last time around.
Made up Saturday's WOD after
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
5 Toes-to-Bars
10 Deadlifts 185/125
15 Box Jumps 24/20"
Did 9 rounds + 1 T2B Rx. This really started getting to my back in the second half of the workout.
Pull-ups: 4-3-3-3
easy money for a handy person!
i need someone with their own tools and a moderate amount of skill to hang two things in my apartment: a bike rack and a guitar rack. both will require the usual stud-finding and plaster-violating tasks.
i'll pay cash money per your requirements, and probably also violate your dietary standards by pressing something sweet and homemade into your hands before you leave.
email me: mignyc at the gmail dot com.
285 x 3, 300 x 3, 315 x 3
All hookgrip until the last rep- I think that either is a PR or matches one. It was a bit of a grind, but manageable.
70 x 5, 75 x 5, 80 x 5
Front Squat
165 x 3, 175 x 3, 185 x 3, 170 x 3
4:30pm with Ro and a lingering hangover/cold combo
Bench press: 65, 70, 75, 80, 85
Row: 59, 58.8, 59, 1:00, 1:01
This was my second exposure to bench pressing since I started crossfit–feeling good! Curious to what my actual capacity/limit is. Rowing is still a mystery, especially on this sprint where one lazy pull throws the whole thing off.
Make-up squats after:
BSQ 90# x 10, 95# x 10
FSQ 80# x 2 x 10
~1mi walk home. Oh, for more 3 day weekends…
12pm class
7:33 with 80# snatch and jmu's
went in thinking 80# was around 80% but i think i have to retest my 1rm snatch. its definitely not 100 anymore, these snatches felt too light.
after class fox gave me a great cue to think about the mu kip as a toes to bar kip and then like MAGIC i went straight up and got my first ring muscle up! i need to play around with it some more to get it into my muscle memory but so happy it happened! fack man, all the coaches here seriously bring out the best in you.
2pm anti gravity
worked on ring dip and toes to bar. the kip in the ring dip is still so awkward. used the assault bike for the first time ever during the metcon and its SERIOUS. had no idea 30sec could feel so rough. loving the all the ab work we've been doing recently.
only day 5 of my rp diet and im *literally* dreaming of cookies. ruh roh.
Too much partying this weekend. Hard to get moving today.
5 min row
4 Warm-up Sets:
Squats – 45×8, 95×5, 125×4, 145×3
3-5 HS Walk attemps
3 Butterfly pull up sets of 2-4
Squat Work Sets:
165 x 3, 175 x 2, 185 x 1 – not mentally ready but went ok
Snatch pull + Snatch @ 63, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93
10 min EMOM
Even: 5 kipping HSPUs + 5 TTB
Odd: 10 WB 16# 9-10'
6:30pm Group Class with MelRo's Place
The classic Row BP couplet. Ive done it many times and never disappoints in how potent it is. I came into it with the mindset that I wanted to make the rows hurt REALLY bad, and well, I succeeded. Took me about half an hour to feel like a human again after this.
R1: 155×5 – 45.4
R2: 165×5 – 44.7
R3: 170×5 – 47.2
R4: 175×5 – 49.4
R5: 180×5 PR – 47.2
Thanks to Ro for covering the first segment of the 7:30 class while I laid on the floor. Thanks to Greg and Nate for being awesome partners. Cashout be damned
11am solo on Tuesday
So, 5525 lbs all day. Died on the rows each time.