Every class at CFSBK provides you with some physical education via movement reviews, demonstrations and, most importantly, individualized feedback from coaches. Our goal is to guide you towards the safest, best, and most productive way to get fit in the hour you’re with us
This Week at CFSBK in Review
This is it: the last “This Week at CFSBK in Review” of 2016 (whew)! Even in the midst of the holidays, a lot happened this week. Let’s take this old thing for one last spin…
1. The Look, Feel, Perform Better Capacity Test WOD is programmed for tomorrow, which means you can do it in both today and tomorrow’s classes! This is a requirement if you’re planning to do the Challenge.
2. The LFPB Challenge kicks off this Monday, January 2nd, but you have until Thursday, January 5th to sign up. See Tuesday’s post for info on how to get started and Francine D.‘s reflections on last year’s Challenge.
3. Don’t forget to save the date for the CFSBK Community Potluck on January 28th. This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the LFPB Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together.
4. We are excited to be hosting the Starting Strength Seminar again this April 21-23! Also, as Rob U. pointed out in Monday’s comments, earlybird registration for the Spring Starting Strength Challenge is now open! The event takes place on April 2nd at CrossFit Gantry in Long Island City. Go here to sign up!
5. Tomorrow’s 11am Active Recovery and 2pm Comp Classes are cancelled. To see the rest of our New Year’s schedule changes, go to the Class Schedule page.
Question of the Day: What goal (or goals) did you accomplish this year? Tell us in the the comments!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Double Unders, Cleans
8 Ways to Avoid Getting Shanked by Other Weightlifters Catalyst Athletics
How Carrie Fisher Championed Mental Health Rolling Stone
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat / Back Squat
2 x 10
2 x 10
Move directly from the Back Squat to the Front Squat. Heavier than last week. These should move fast throughout the entire cycle, increase weight only as appropriate.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
LFPB Capacity Test
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Minute Max Calories Rowed
Score rounds and reps + cals rowed.
Oakland workout in Adrian's Garage gym with him
10 rounds total, alternating per rounds
3 thrusters 155lbs
6 100# sandbag lifts over a 5' bar
9 chest to bar pull-ups
10-1 reps
Matador dip + leg raise at top
5 sets of 20 hollow rocks
7am w/Brett
BSQ 125×10
FSQ 115×10
Harder better faster stronger test wod:
7 rounds + 20 reps Rx. Did this one last March with just about the exact same score but with ring rows, so great success
3 mins on the rower: 65 cals. Did this last March at 60 cals, so also great success.
6am doing Thursday with Brett
WOD: Scaled DU to 15 each round on Brett's suggestion so I'd finish in a bit more than 1 minute each time. Finished all 6 at 225 right at the 12 minute mark. Happy to be able to do 6 of these in 2 minutes while a bit fatigued.
6am with Whit
BSQ – 160 x 10 x 2
FSQ – 135 x 10 x 2
Easy and light but need to focus on sitting back a little more into my back squats
WOD 8 rounds + 1 Rx + 56 cal. About a round and a half worse than last year but I also haven't been doing much for last month so not surprising. Push ups fell apart quickly and made me feel weak.
Deadlift at 608 after. Worked up to 275 x 5. Haven't really deadlifted in 2-3 months so want to start incorporating them back in. For what use to be an easy weight it felt heavy.
Thursday's WOD: 227 reps Rx.
Cycled at 93, quick singles at 123, singles with about 15-20 sec rest at 153. These were heavy. My clean PR is 168, so did a few attempts at 173, but really just glorified clean pulls- never committed.
Presses after with 25# and KB swings with 20kg.
Short circuit after. All the cardio.
10 AM with Whit
I came in a bit scared of this WOD but Whit encouraged me to go for it, which I did at the C scale. Came to class thinking I might try B scale but warm-ups were pretty humbling. On the other hand, I think the 3 cleans I did at 113# looked better than I usually do at that weight! (My 1RM is a very sad 120#.) The cue about pushing the floor, which totally sounds like something my old tango instructor would say, was very helpful.
I did…uh…177 reps if I am doing the math right? Did 30 DUs per round since it was very clear I did not have them today.
NFT work was fun. Takes me back to the bad old days when I did 1-armed swings because I had to!
9am short circuit: Did some strict high pulls at 15# which I realized is a definite weakness! Internal rotation has always been a struggle, and apparently my scraps are not jacked!! Other people were doing 20# no problem, but that was really hard and uncomfortable. Did some crossover symmetry after class to try to improve, as well. Will do high pulls and crossover symmetry 3 times a week! Yikes.
10am Thursday work
176 reps in 9:00– one rep short of time cap
63×12, 73×9, 93×9, 113×3–> but the last one was right at the time cap and was more of a power clean. 118 is my current 1rm, but I think I can definitely do more!
Noon with Whit, doing Saturday
BSQ 75 x 2 x 10
FSQ 65 x 2 x 10
Happy these felt smooth & easy! Nice working with Sarah.
Test WOD 8 rounds + 3 reps, doing ring rows and push ups from knees
38 cals in 3 min on the rower. I realized I have no idea how to row.
Accomplishment this year? Starting Crossfit! It wasn't a specific goal but something I'd mulled over a long time–big investment of resources (time + $) but I'm really glad it happened.
8 a.m. at the Venice Barbell Club in scenic California.
5×1+1 front squats & split jerks @ 74 kg
Max power clean, then 3×2 @ 85% (just did 70 kg here & worked on form)
3×5 clean-width OHS @ 30 kg (hard!)
4×6 Romanian deadlifts (programming was heavy ascending but I stayed light and focused on keeping a flat back)
Lots of fun, and a great learning experience.