From our Instagram account: “Congratulations to Ryan J. and Matt J. on their wedding this weekend! The guys decided to get together for their first date in part because they had both recently become interested in @crossfit. Their third date centered on cooking a paleo meal together. They’ve gone to a @crossfitaffiliates in every city they’ve ever visited and, after moving to Holland a year ago, are still going strong. They got married at @threesbrewing on Saturday but needed to get some wedding shots at the gym first” | Photo & words by Kate R.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. The Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge is upon us! See that widget to the right of this post? All LFPB Challenge info can be found there. Signing up is easy! Buy in with $30 cash at the front desk and write your name on the big poster near the couches. Why should you sign up? Chas C., who participated in last year’s Challenge, says that one year later he has experienced “[a] significant loss of weight and boost in self-confidence.” The biggest change, Chas tells us, has been his diet: “While there’ve been ups and downs since the end of the challenge, I’ve successfully jettisoned french fries for good and am generally much more cognizant of the fact that a little fat (or salad dressing, or whatever) goes a long, long way!” He’ll be participating again this year!
2. Our new 8-week programming cycle started Monday. Remember that you can always see what’s happening on the Current Programming Cycle page.
3. On Tuesday, we shared Mauricio A.’s thoughts one year after placing 3rd in the 2016 LFPB Challenge. As Mo says, “For those thinking about participating – DO IT!”
4. We love dogs at CFSBK, which is why we’re doing another Dogs of CFSBK calendar for 2017! 100% of the proceeds go to PupStarz Rescue, a foster rescue started by our own Robyn O. Both the desk calendar and wall calendar are available for a cash donation of $30-60. You can place your order by filling out this online form: Pre-paying at the front desk will guarantee your copy. Orders will be taken until Christmas day. E-mail Bree P. at breebree [at] for any questions.
5. On Wednesday, we shared a fun photo from Matt and Alex K.’s honeymoon in Thailand. There are Inside the Affiliate readers all over the world!
6. As we continue to update our Coaching Staff page, we shared Coach Brett’s bio. Go to yesterday’s post to find out more about the most recent addition to our coaching staff!
7. Finally, our holiday schedule kicks in tomorrow. The full rundown of classes and cancellations can be found at the top of the Class Schedule page.
Question of the Day: What was the highlight of your year at the gym? Tell us in the comments!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk | Deadlifts, HSPUs, Muscle-Ups
Sprint Start with Tiffeny Parker and Katrin Davidsdottir CrossFit
Octopuses Are the Closest We Will Come to Meeting an Intelligent Alien NY Mag
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat
2 x 10
Front Squat
2 x 10
Move directly from the Back Squat to the Front Squat. Start at 50% for each and add weight each week throughout the cycle.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
3 RFT:
20 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
270m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Great photo. Having Fran going down in the background is the most crossfitty thing ever.
6am with McD
BSQ – 120# x 10 x 2
FSQ – 115# x 10 x 2
Guess I was out of town when we tested 1RMs last cycle on the FSQ. This was easy all around.
Metcon Rx – 8:02
This was really fun. 12-8 / 12-8 / 12-4-4 on the cleans. Grip went on that last set.
Orlando Hotel workout.
20 minute EMOM:
evens- 12 dumbbell push press with 25#
odds- 12 dumbbell squats with 25#
really added up.
then: 21/15/9 erg calories, russian kb swings @24kg
and push-ups. 7:04. died on the push-ups- forgot about yesterday's burpees when
i decided on this.
awesome photo- congratulations Ryan and Matt!
Finally took the jump to 5x per week to go with this new 8 week cycle.
Realizations – At the start of a new cycle I feel mega week. New movements and new techniques that are hard to do frustrate me and I have gone home after workouts feeling like I didn't have a good session. It makes sense, and I'm trying to turn that part of my brain off, but it's totes annoying when I feel weak. But that also gives me a lot of room to improve.
Anti Gravity is BRUTAL! It felt like an hour long metcon. Excited to keep going because being on the verge of vomiting is helluh sexy.
The new step ups are my living nightmare. I never felt like the weight was too much, I just felt like I was learning to be a log roller and I don't look the part of a lumberjack.
Looking forward to seeing how I progress at the end of this cycle.
I'm heading off to Hong Kong right after Christmas and just want to pass along my email before I split: it's gemull at nytimes dot com. If anyone from cfsbk is passing through the city over the next two years drop us a line: Georgia and I will take you for drinks at the Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents Club (a great hangout) or drag you along for some of the city's kickass cuisine from around China.
Otherwise see you over the summer when we're back in town for vacation (and torturing our wonderful coaches – who thought they were off the hook with our departure.)
LBBS: 200 x 5 x 3
I'm going to do a linear progression this cycle with just back squat to prep for Iron Maidens. Started a little more aggressively than I would normally.
WOD: 6:22 Rx.
Unbroken on the hang cleans, got spicy gripwise on that last round.
Jaysus Kayleigh. That's fast!
LBBSQ 125x10x2
FSQ 100x10x2
These were light but I still hate the number 10 in this context. Especially since my glutes were pretty sore from 60 deadlifts yesterday.
WOD: 8:06 with 24kg KB swings instead of cleans, didn't want to do those two days in a row since my wrists got kinda cranky yesterday.
Everyone should play pizza tag with Joy at least once in their lives.
Also, I already said it to both of their faces, but CONGRATULATIONS RYAN AND MATT! Such a fine-looking pair! We miss you <3
Dropped in at Crossfit Novi in Michigan.
Deadlift 5×2 153×2, 173×2, 183×2, 193×1 wasn't sure if I was rounding and the coach wasn't watching, so I just played it safe. Current 1 rm is 200.
Wod: 5 rounds 55#
10 power clean and jerks
10 overhead squats
10 GHD sit-ups
Overall, a little disappointed with the org and structure of the class. Happy holidays!
Oh, honestly every day at the gym is my favorite. CFSBK is definitely the best!
10am with Brett
Did yesterday's work:
C&J – 135, 155, 175, 185
185 was tough – happy to get through it though. Was able to cycle them from the PC to the Jerk throughout.
Metcon – did BMU instead of rings because I got some tattoo work done on my arm yesterday and wanted to avoid rubbing it on the straps.
1 round + 10 HSPU – the first round actually felt find and then I hit a wall
Heading out of town til the New Year – Happy Holidays everyone!
Yesterday 6:30pm with Nick and Ro and lots of jokes all around
C&J EMOM work – 135, 145, 155, 135. When it got heavy it got harder to organize the every 10s pace. I really enjoyed this one though, it's my favorite lift. I managed to organize the power clean straight into the jerk, and that saved 2s per lift.
Metcon at 195 DL + box piked HSPU + pull ups. Got 1 round + 7 DLs. Meh. I don't like deadlifts for time, I just get dizzy and lose so much energy.
Yesterday 7:30pm DO bailed on AR so we did some shoulder strength work 😉 Supinated grip barbell shoulder presses, slow ring rows, 100m one arm overhead carries.
Today 10am with Brett and McDowell.
BSQ 140x10x2 and FSQ 120x10x2. These felt very light, making me wish I had gone a bit higher than the 50% suggested number.
Metcon in 7:35 Rx. This was awesome! I managed to cycle the cleans well and did 20 20 12/8. I managed to be fast enough on the cleans to make up for my slow runs. Planned on rowing (it's cold!!) but got bullied into running 🙂 I'm happy for that though.
Enjoy Hong Kong, Gerry and Georgia! Happy holidays everyone, hope our flight to Brazil will actually happen today, see you all next year.
Got this done real quick tonight:
10 mins
6 ea high pulls x 3 @20#
6 strict press x 2 @15kg
6 FSQ x 2 @15kg
Line drills
Spent about 6 mins on Hang Power Clean triples
@ 25, 30, 25, 40, 45kg
Every 20 seconds:
for 8 mins — 1 Squat Clean Thruster @35kg — shoulders finally feeling warm after this
for 2 mins — 1 SCT @40kg
for 2 mins — 1 SCT @45kg
for 1 min – 1 SCT @50kg
10 min EMOM:
Even: 4 strict pull-ups – fat bar
Odd: 20 DUs + 8 burpees
Cleans @ 210
12pm with McBrett
63lb for clean and jerk. Haven't jerked since Foundations in September. First round was hard. Brett pointed out that I was push pressing instead of jerking, subsequent rounds easier. Woke up with a crick in my neck, did some heat and cupping but noticed that I couldn't get my left arm as far back as I would like in the overhead position, once I stretched out this felt better. I also only bruise on my left collarbone which makes me think my left arm is slower and I also know for sure that it is weaker. I kept hook grip in the jerk which I'm trying to stop doing, punishing on the thumb, this really came back to bite me in the WOD.
113lb deadlift.
30 DL
14 Box Piked Handstand Pushups (2 abmats, 1.5 would be ideal)
7 Chest 2 bar jumping pullups
30 DL
Deadlifts were murder due to irritated my thumbs. Did 10, 5, 5, 5…. Came off the pullups thinking I had made a mistake going so fast on the other movements, only to be summarily punished again with the DL. Switched to an open grip or whatever it's called and that felt much better, was able to cycle 10's then 5's.
Cashed out with some boxed piked HSPU practice and helpful cleaning tips from McDowell.