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Mauricio A. on the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge
We’ve been plugging the 2017 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge a lot over the past couple of weeks, and for good reason! It’s one of our most popular, successful programs of the year. But the best way to get a sense of how the Challenge helps our members establish healthier habits in the New Year is to hear from past participants. Here’s Mauricio A., one of the winners of last year’s Challenge, on how it has affected him:
I’m glad to see the LFPBC is back for 2017. For those thinking about participating – DO IT! I can honestly say you are in for a lifestyle changing experience.
Here’s what happened to me during the 3 months:
- Weight: I went from 206Lbs to 190Lbs in those 3 months.
- Food: I went from poor eating to healthy 3 to 5 small meals per day.
- Drinking: I went from a beer a day to 1 to 2 drinks per week.
- Supplements: I went from zero to a daily vitamin and fish oil
- Sleep: I always sleep 8+ hours, so not a ton changed with sleep. That said, chances are you will see better sleeping habits.
- Water: same as sleep. I’m pretty good at keeping hydrated.
The challenge is 3 months, and for some it might be a long time. 3 months is the perfect time for your body and mind to get used to a new lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise. I was able to keep up with it, and today I’m currently at 183lbs and in better shape than when I was 20.
The best part of the challenge: you really don’t have to do much. Fox programs the entire thing, provides a tracking document, and all meeting are designed and organized to help you with your goals.
Oh, and you can win stuff!
Thanks, Mo! What are you waiting for? Sign up with $30 cash at the front desk!
News and Notes
- Starting Saturday, we’ll be running on a modified schedule for the holidays. You can always find our 2016-17 holiday schedule on the Class Schedule page.
- Speaking of the holidays, we celebrated Festivus over on our Instagram account. Want to give Coach David the greatest gift of all (other than a donation to The Human Fund)? Help us get to 4,000 followers by the end of the day!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Push Press / T2Bs | Farmer Carries
What Does a Human Taste Like? Scientific American
These Are Essential Movements CrossFit
Wednesday's Programming
Front Rack Step-Ups / Chin-Ups Superset
A – Front Rack Step Ups
3×8-12 reps each leg. Start the cycle light enough to make 12 reps each rep without too much difficulty and move up in weight week to week from there. Use your non-dominant leg to set the weight and only do as much weight and as many reps as that side can perform. The end goal by the end of the cycle is to perform 8-12 good reps on each leg with about ⅓ of your back squat 1RM. Use a height that allows you to be at full depth (hip crease below knee) when the working leg is on the box. Come to full standing using the working leg before the trail leg touches down for balance. Do not use the trail leg to help you stand up. Use the trail leg as little as possible to push off from and use a tempo where the down/eccentric phase of the movement is slower than the up/concentric phase. The barbell comes off the floor. Stop the set when you’re not sure you can do another rep or two, i.e., do not bail a bar on a box.
Superset with:
B – Chin Ups or Supinated Grip Body Rows
Perform 4 sets of Max Reps. Once you can no longer clear your chin over the bar your set is over. Each rep starts from a dead hang. Initiate the movement by pulling the shoulders down away from the ears and pull the elbows as far down/back as possible. If you can touch your chest to the bar on each rep then do it. You should really be feeling these in your lats.
Perform 3 challenging but sub maximal sets of 2-4 reps, using bands or a small partner assist as needed to achieve full ROM, followed by a 4th set for max reps. These should be tough sets in a low rep range with the goal of performing around 10-15 total reps. If you can do them unassisted but only 1 at a time then pepper in as many singles as you can in between sets of step ups during the lifting segment.
Post work to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
Open WOD 12.1
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
Open WOD 12.1 was to a target 6" above reach. No targets today, but make your jump legit.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Yesterday's 6:30pm Group Class with MelRo's Place
3 Rounds
8e OH Rev Lunge 30lb DB
16 DB Swings
6 Pull-Ups
20:00 EMOM
Push Press @ 95lbs all unbroken
Kipping T2B, all Unbroken
I should have tried 105 on the push press. This was challenging but just sort of got hard and stayed hard, didn't really accumulate as I thought it would.
Skipped the cash out to do it after classes but then got invited for Margaritas so… Margaritas > Fitness
Been doing some thangs:
Friday: squeezed in a little workout before my client
Annie- 6:35, sit-ups slay me. Just stopped feeling sore from this yesterday…
1RM deadlift: 205, 235, 255, 275, 295, 315 (PR)
YUS! 15# PR. This lift was very outdated, wanted to get an idea of a baseline for the new year and definitely surprised myself here. 295 felt easy so I just decided to go for a big PR. Pull was fast, but according to Margie my back looked rounded. Which is good to know because I was about to slap 325 on that bad boy. Anyway, would like to hit this lift a little cleaner here in the future. Perhaps Iron Maiden if I don't go skiing that weekend.
Fran: 3:37
Yuck. Couldn't move any faster! This is 29 seconds off of my current time. (1RM dl may have had some odd contribution to this 🙂 ) was a little bummed out, but hey, that's just the way it goes. Cant PR Fran every time you do it, eventually you'll run out of seconds
Sunday: REST. Did not need to be pulling heavy/doing doubles. I was a little beat up
10 Push press at 83#
10 T2B
Started the PP at 78 for the first round and then bumped it up to 83, wish I had done 88 but I felt like I was able to keep positions really well at 83
T2B all unbroken. These were smooth! But dude, why am I the only one who sounds like they're gonna bring the house down when they do these?? It never hurts my toes, but i make SO MUCH NOISE.
15 min NFT warm up:
5 Kip swings
2 HSPU negatives
10 alternating forward lunges w/rotation
1:00 Jump rope practice
10 Rounds
6 Pull ups
12 Box Jumps
24 Double unders
6a with McD
Monday: cocaptained with Roy
Push Press – 115# all unbroken & TTB
The EMOM snuck up on you, was sucking wind
3 rounds Farmers Carry @125#
6am with Jess
Step ups – 45# x 8 x 4
Chins – 6 / 6 / 6 / 6
Had some form issues warming up with just the bar so stayed (too) light throughout to pick up the movement clean.
Metcon – 83 reps
Blasted through the first 30 and then just tried to accumulate sets of 10 with :10 – :15 of rest between. Probably too much rest. Probably too much to start off with. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3×10 GHDs
10am class
Step Ups to 21"
Used 95 for the first set and almost failed, 75 for the next 2 sets. These have a special kind of suck to them.
108 Burpees
Started out steady and made sure to breathe. Was at 51 at the half way point. Arms don't work. Siri is typing this for me.
A. 20 min Assault Bike @ 48-50 RPM / every 3 minutes: 100' 1 arm OH carry each side (40, 40, 45, 45#)
B. Back Squat: 4 x 10 @ 135#
(45×5 @ 33×1, 95×7, 115×5, 125×3)
never thought I'd be so happy to be doing sets of 10 (as opposed to 16-20)!
this felt super solid, under control, and calm. very happy with this progress. no pain in hip at all.
C. 7 sets:
3 CTB (butterfly practice!)
5 burpees
7 box jump 20"
Rest :90
Did 2 rounds + 3 CTB every round. Increased from 6 sets last wk, plus more volume per round. Butterfly consistency is better on these, though I definitely had some faults in the later rounds. 63 CTB total.
D. Bar Muscle Up practice! did about 5-6 reps with NO CHICKEN WING!!!! finally getting hips to the bar, using lats, keeping eyes fwd.
10 a.m. with McDowell
Step-ups: 65x9x3
While I'll miss the backsquatting, I can see how this will really help on that front. My legs were rubbery at the end.
Chin-ups: 4, 4, 4, 6
Burpees: 88. I basically didn't stop, but slowed down a fair amount the last few minutes.
Lots of us had the day off as evidenced by the size of the 10 AM class. The music was ON POINT too, although Fox made a face at me for singing along to "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls. (Also, '80s station at 608 when I went over for ab work and a shower! A++++)
Step ups: 53×8 each set. I might try this weight again for more reps next week. Noticed my knees like to cave in on these.
Chins: 6,6,5,5. I decided to get a jump on LFPB and start a cut in December, which I know sounds insane but it's totally working! I'm down about 7# and that means being able to do more chinups, which is awesome.
Oh yeah. 80 burpees. I stepped out every time which enabled me not to rest at all. I think I only got 56 back in 2012!
A whole lot of fitness this Tuesday morning, as I'm about to disappear for two weeks and wanted to get as much in as possible.
8am with McDowell and Jess doing Monday
Push press at 115lbs and 4 T2B. Press was 10 reps for first 7 rounds then 8 for the last 3. T2B I took the time to work on actually hitting the bar and finding the right kip, both of which worked out well.
– Two armed farmers carry at 32kg x 2 for 100 meters (about 3x of the cash out distance)
– One arm dumbbell high pull 40lbsx10x3 each arm
– Wall walk handstand hold 40s+30s+20s
Impressive how all of these are evolving week over week. 40lbs was a 10RM four weeks ago, now I'm doing 3×10. Farmers carry was brutal, should have been 30kg but there weren't such kettlebells.
10am with McDowell and Jess doing Wednesday
Step ups 65lbs x 8 x 3. These were HARD when using the left leg, easy with the right. I guess that's the point.
Chin ups 3-2-2-4. These need to get better.
Burpees: every 6s for 7min, 70 total. Managed to keep the consistent pace throughout, which I was happy with.
Now we're off for two weeks, perhaps dropping into some Portuguese-speaking Crossfit places around the world…
Loved being able to work out at 10! Also think I'll come back and be crisp for AG later!
Monday: push press 68#. Moved quickly but was very challenging most rounds. Had two rounds where I only did 8, but reengaged my mental fortitude and got back to 10.
5 rounds of 10 ttb, then slowly broke down to 6s, then 4s. Refocused again and got back to 6 for the final round. Focused on good reps and keeping legs straight as best I could.
1. Row Conditioning
9 Rounds:
1:40 on, :20 off
*Rest 2 min rest after round 5
4450m. Kept HR below 155
2. Bike Conditioning
7 Rounds:
20 Cals
Rest :40 between efforts
13:24. Kept HR below 155
10am class:
10×10@135 push press
10×7 Toes to Bar.
150# carry for cash out.
A. Back rack bottom squat hold 4 x 30 seconds on, 60 seconds off @ 65#
5 x yoga push-ups
10 x Cuban press with PVC
3 x 50m 1 arm OH carry @ 40#
C. Comp Squat
235 x 6, 245 x 6 x 2, 225 x 6 x 2
D. 3 Count Pause Bench Press
95 x 5, 115 x 5 x 2, 105 x 5
E. Hip Thrust
115 x 7, 125 x 7 x 2, 115 x 7
Back on the all you can drink plan, so hit OG today.
Started another hatch cycle, though unsure how deep I'll go.
Back Squat
215 x 10
250 x 8
270 x 6
290 x 4
Front Squat
155 x 5
180 x 5
180 x 5
180 x 5
Overhead press
137.5 x 5 –> 2 minute row, recovery rate
137.5 x 5 –> 2 minute row, recovery rate
137.5 x 5
Chin ups
4 x green band
Knee raises
4 reps
Excited to see the beginnings of the strongman program taking shape!
Oly class last night —
1 Snatch + 3 OHS – mechanical explanations really help me get the feeling for pulling under. 8 sets working up to 93#
Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks – 5 sets up to 113#. That was too heavy to get the push jerks right. Dropped to 103#
FSQ — 5 speed squats @ 123 for 2 sets, dropped to 113 for 3 sets to get the speed.
BTN Snatch-width Push Press — 5 sets of 5 @ 93#
Tonight —
3 sets:
30 DUs
Hand stand hold :05 L, :05 R, :10 wall taps
10 sets of 2 C&J up to 113# in 15 mins
3 sets:
10, 15, 20 push-ups unbroken
8 ea Contralateral OH reverse lunge 35, 40 45#
3 pull-ups 5# unbroken
50 C2B pull ups in about 6.5 mins
50 HSPUs in about 7.5 mins – shoulders toasty
Went in prepared to modify Fran because my thumb has been tingling from certain movements and was super disappointed that not only could I not hold the 33# bar in my front rack position without pain, I COULDN'T DO PULLUPS without tingling in my thumb. If you know me, then you know I LIVE for pullups. Had my first real CrossFit cry (unless you count Iron Maidens, then it was my second) at the realization that I have an injury. A real one. Not just a little pain that I can work through, but a "I may need to stop CrossFit" realization. This was the first real injury that sidelined me in all my years of doing sports. Ugh. I also had to stop Bulletproof shoulders which realllly disappointed me.
Thanks to everyone who talked me through it that day and made me realize I don't have to stop going to class (I swear I have a life outside of CF).
No diagnosis yet, but working on getting a PT appointment and a diagnosis. Good news is my thumb is slowly starting to feel better with all this "rest." I had a colleague who is a former chiropractor do a courtesy adjustment on my wrist which did wonders. I should also add that I've been taking some extra supplements (B6, B12, Mg, bromelain) and putting essential oils (wintergreen, cypress) and arnica on my wrist (not at the same time). Throw in an ergonomic keyboard, mouse, and wrist brace when I sleep and I'm healed, right? Don't judge me, but I will try anything. If any of you practice voodoo, go right ahead and give it a shot. It's my right hand.
After I was done sulking I did the airdyne for 15 minutes. I only did 78 calories, which I think Kayleigh does in 2 minutes. I didn't push/pull much though because I'm really trying to minimize any wrist movement and use of my thumb right now. Your thumb is really important btw.
Used 25# DBs for the WOD and did 10 v-ups instead of T2B because hanging from a bar hurts too.
Step ups with 15# DBs and Whit made a little WOD for me. EMOM, alternating minutes: 30s forearm plank toe taps, 30s of box jump overs
Since I'm primarily only doing lower body movements for now, maybe I will finally spend enough time and get the coveted pistol. It's really difficult figuring out what to do in warm-ups- thanks for helping me with that today, Brett.
Thank you in advance to the coaches who will be making mods for me as my wrist/thumb/hand heals. Thank you to those who have made it this far reading my rant. And sorry to the grammar police.
In all seriousness, I'm really grateful that I can do what I do and I'm not trying to minimize anyone's injuries or physical disabilities. I give SO much credit to adapted athletes who have no choice but to work with the bodies they are given! Injuries suck but all of you make it better. I seriously love this gym. And it's really not that serious of an issue in this world, right? (Have I completed all of the stages of grief?)