Power Clean
Take 7 minutes to warm up to work weight for the metcon.
Post work to comments.
For Time:
10 Power Cleans 185/125
10 Double-Unders
9 Power Cleans 185/125
20 Double-Unders
8 Power Cleans 185/125
30 Double-Unders
7 Power Cleans 185/125
40 Double-Unders
6 Power Cleans 185/125
50 Double-Unders
5 Power Cleans 185/125
60 Double-Unders
4 Power Cleans 185/125
70 Double-Unders
3 Power Cleans 185/125
80 Double-Unders
2 Power Cleans 185/125
90 Double-Unders
1 Power Clean 185/125
100 Double-Unders
30 minute cap. The Power Clean should be on the heavy side. Scale half attempts or 3x Singles for dubs as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Compare with 8.10.16
Front Desker Lynsey R. loves numbering our new dumbbells so much
- Schedule Change: Open Gym is cancelled tonight for the staff holiday party
TODAY: The Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Info Session and Q&A
Want to learn more about our upcoming Look Feel Perform Better Challenge? You’re invited to an Info Session and Q&A today at 12pm in the Annex. Here we’ll further outline the Challenge and answer any questions you might have. The dates of the Challenge are from Saturday 1/2/17 through Saturday 3/25/17. This is when the CrossFit South Brooklyn community comes together to kickstart healthier nutrition and recovery habits in the New Year. See the LFPB Challenge event page for more details and to learn how you can participate!
Here’s what Jenny M., who participated in last year’s Challenge, had to say about her experience one year later: “The biggest change is that I’m still 10 lbs lighter than I was a year ago! I feel more confident in and out of the gym, and I’m more conscious of how weight can slowly creep on without you really noticing…until you see yourself in a photo. It’s so easy for me to chalk it up to “I’m putting on tons of muscle” (not really!) or “I’m retaining water” (try again!). I feel like I’m more accountable now. I can make small tweaks if I notice a couple pounds of weight gain.”
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: “Fran”
How Much Can Rudolph Snatch? BarBend
How Your Brain Controls the Speed of Time NY Mag
Is there open gym tonight?
Rope climb review (WEAR HIGH SOCKS)
4 rounds of:
3 minutes of rope climbs
3 minutes of goblet squats 24kg/16kg
3 minutes of push-ups
3 minutes to row 400 meters
Open Gym is cancelled tonight for the staff holiday party.
Thanks, Orange Jim!
Hey guys is the Q&A at 12pm or 1pm? Front page says 12pm but the challenge page says 1pm.
21:48Rx. Shoulders died at the end on DUs.
8am con los Zorros
Metcon – 8rds + 52 @ 155#
Last time I did this I just finished 7 rounds @ 135#, so will take it. This was all about the dubs for me. Could not string together more than 5 by the end.
9am with the Coaches Fox.
27:37 Rx
Missed a LOT of cleans. Jess told me to let go of the bar and it changed everything but I still couldn't do it every time. Definitely an 'A-ha!' moment though. That weight is still too heavy for me really- very frustrating, but I stuck with it and got through it in the end.
Shoulders ow.
WOD: 18:48 Rx
This is 14 seconds faster than last time. Tried to focus on more breathing during the double unders and just trying to stay calm.
11a with Ro
21:51 Rx
Last time I ended in round of 3-80.
Fran yesterday 4:12 Rx
Still have trouble getting through round of 15 unbroken.
11am with Ro
15:18 Rxd
About 1:30 better than last time – happy with the improvement.
9AM with the Fox Fam
18:41 RX'd
Knew I could get this done in under 20 min (remembered seeing it as the 20 min amrap version last time and thinking it looked fun), but figured it would be rough. Very happy with how this went.
Also happy that my neck felt totally fine through all of this. It's still a bit tender and my ROM is restricted, but getting better.
Broke up the doubles early and often to keep my shoulders and grip fresh and keep my heart rate manageable. Didn't do more than a set of 30 at any point in the workout. Honestly just focused on breathing and staying as relaxed as possible. Barbell started to feel good around the 6's. Cleans felt relatively sharp, singles from the get go.
Took like 10 min to cool down and reset and then did a bunch of crossover symmetry.
Fun taking group class and getting to do this next to Kayleigh who was pushing the pace throughout!!!
11am with Harpz and Ro. Joined Harpz's crew across the street.
43:40 RX. Last time, I barely started 60 DUs when time was called. This time, I was just about done with them when we hit 20 mins.
The power cleans felt great, so it's nice to know that I'm getting stronger and can apply said strength when it is called for. Double unders have greatly improved, but they're still a work in progress at high volume. For example, once I got to 50 and up, my numbers ranged from 1 to 17. When time reached 30 mins, I was somewhere in the 80 DUs. Mega thanks to Harpz for letting me finish.
Also, let the record show that Dan L may not be human.
WOD at 108# in 21t:52. Last time I did this at 108 in august and at the 20 minute cap i had 40 double unders left. This time I was a bit slower. Delts were burningggg in the last round of dubs.
Erik and I happened to do this last sunday at OG and I did it at 95# and finished in 19:20? Something like that.