Coach David and CFSBKer Elyssa S. were asked to help Refinery29 vlogger Lucie Fink with her 5 Days of Paleo video. Check it out! (Also, we don’t recommend eating only one Rx Bar for breakfast…)
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. The Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge is upon us! See that widget to the right of this post? All LFPB Challenge info can be found there. Signing up is easy! Buy in with $30 cash at the front desk and write your name on the big poster near the couches. On the fence? Here’s what one of last year’s participants, Evan H., had to say about the Challenge: “The reason I sought out Crossfit in the first place is because I wanted to live a healthier life overall & I was looking for something that would assist me in building functional strength (i.e. lifting heavy things, going up stairs without breathing hard, etc). The Challenge really helped me take the goal of living a healthier lifestyle to the next level.”
2. Still not convinced, or just looking for more info? Come to the LFPB Challenge Info Session and Q&A this Sunday at 12pm (right after Active Recovery). Coach Fox will talk about the Challenge and answer all of your questions!
3. On Tuesday, we posted our 2016-17 holiday schedule. You can always find this over on the Class Schedule page.
4. Just in time for the holidays, our new Skyline Hoodie is available in both pullover and zip-up styles. Pick one up for your favorite CrossFit fiend or, you know, yourself. Check out all of our awesome merch at the front desk or in our online store.
5. We love dogs at CFSBK, which is why we’re doing another Dogs of CFSBK calendar for 2017! 100% of the proceeds go to PupStarz Rescue, a foster rescue started by our own Robyn O. Both the desk calendar and wall calendar are available for a cash donation of $30-$60. You can place your order by filling out this online form, Pre-paying at the front desk will guarantee your copy. Orders will be taken until Christmas day. E-mail Bree P. at breebree [at] for any questions.
6. Schedule Change: Sunday OG is cancelled due to the CFSBK staff holiday party.
7. Finally, yesterday we told you about one of our newest pieces of equipment, a Y-2 Rogue Yoke, and how to use it. Enjoy!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: “Isabel” and “Grace”
Adam Machin: Sweat It Vice Video
4 Lessons Learned from Waking Up at 4:45 To Do CrossFit WOD University
Saturday's Programming
For Time:
Thrusters 95/65
This is THE classic CrossFit couplet that has inspired and hooked so many CFers over the years. So simple, yet so potent. The intention is for this to be brutally fast, the fastest times world-wide are completed unbroken and under 2 minutes. Scale accordingly. However, as always, there's is room to gut out RX'ing a benchmark such as this at a load or degree of difficulty that's at the edge of your ability so you might also consider that when deciding what your "Fran" will look like today. Top athletes complete the reps unbroken and with minimal rest but your (and my) Fran might be very different. If you can do the 21 thrusters unbroken but then you wind up in a world of sh*t for the 21 pull ups then you should probably break those thrusters up! Do you rest too much during the 15s? Have a strategy to minimize rest like: 3-5 breaths between sets or a controlled 3-5 count in your head. In any case, have a plan that is honest to your level of ability. Let your judge know your plan and ask them to help keep you to it. And as always, have fun!
Sub JPUs for pull ups or scale volume as needed. Use lighter bars and larger bumps as available to save the 10s and 15s!
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare with 8/8/16
Yesterday: flip flopped Grace and Isabel because I've somehow never done Grace before
Grace: 2:22 RX
This went alright….my triceps are still wrecked from Monday so I went in feeling super crazy overhead. Just went for it without a plan again. Went for a set of 12 TnG and then an odd combo of triples–>singles towards the end. In retrospect, I would have gone for the biggest TnG set possible and squeaked out the last chunk in singles. Wasted a lot of time controlling my barbell and was dominating the back side of the room. Started facing forward and ended facing the staircase. Made a game time decision to bail my final rep behind my back like I was Rich Froning in some barbell speed ladder. NOT recommended and not intended, but it was pretty awesome.
Isabel: 2:58 RX
Just did singles. I was shot from Grace! This was a good strategy. Funny that I can keep my cool with Isabel way easier than I can with Grace. Then again, I have done this workout over 10 times now so I feel more comfortable here. Best Isabel is 2:23. Happy with what I had given how I felt.
My triceps STILL hurt.
6am with McD
Isabel @ 95# – 3:52
First time ever attempting. I suck at high-rep snatch metcons — can't get my damn shins out of the way to avoid the cheese grater effect. Kept it lighter than I should have for that reason alone as it just causes bad form after contact. Triples for the first 4 sets, couple doubles, then bailed singles.
Grace Rx – 6:59
7 seconds slower than my PR. Did the first 16 in <2 minutes and then was just gassed. Failed three reps basically trying to strict press the bar like a jackass.
7 AM with McBrett. QOD discussion involved McDowell saying he would never want Brett as a pet. I cracked up because I immediately envisioned Brett sitting by the dinner table, begging for scraps of food.
Fran with 12-9-6 strict chinups, 5:07. Thanks again to McD for persuading me to do lightweight Grace yesterday, because that told me that I can also do regular barbell thrusters. I did them Rx without incident. I can do thrusters! Yay?
7am with Brett
Isabel @75 – 2:39
First time! It was alright. Kind of hilarious how different this felt than the 3min full snatch AMRAP last week where I barely got 10 reps at the same weight. Though that was mostly cuz I was mindf&$*ed from trying to deliberately vary my pull speeds.
Grace @95 – 3:00
12 second PR from October. So there's that? I was having a hard time getting aggressive this morning. Luckily Brett was yelling at me to push myself and that shit always works on me.
Already dreading/looking forward to how terrible I'll feel immediately following Fran tomorrow..
6 a.m. (agh) doing Thursday's work (aghh) with McDowell (who is a swell guy).
Isabel @110#: 4:50. Never done this. Good to give it a shot. Felt like the right weight for a first attempt, more or less.
Grace Rx: 4:59 (PR!). Previous was 5:43 in October. I guess rolling out of bed at 5 helps sometimes? Still no rosé though.
Cindy did a number on me so I opted out of all the rest of the Crush Week stuff so far this week, I'm afraid. My strength programming is a much-needed deload/ low stress week so really it didn't make sense to pair that with a load of crazy workouts. Seriously impressed with everyone's achievements though and suffering a lot of FOMO.
Bulletproof ankles and shoulders.
Pause Squat
205×5@7RPE, 215×5@8RPE, 205×5
Comp Bench
105×6@7RPE,115×6@8.5RPE, 105×6
Tempo Deadlift
205×5@7RPE, 215×5@8RPR, 205×5
Ran (jogged) to and from the gym.
Bulletproof ankles and shoulders
Resting today and hopefully will be feeling well enough tomorrow and Sunday to get some conditioning in!!
@Stella: that picture of Brett is pretty accurate… begging for scraps of food.
Woke up with neck feeling not as bad as it has after some other previous tweaks, but still very stiff and limited ROM.
Did a quick row warm up then the Sorenson test (2:00 prone neutral hold on the GHD… harder than expected!!), and some hip, thoracic spine, and rotation mobility.
Then McD had this swell idea to do an hour of very conversational fitness. Sounded like just what the doctor ordered since I wasn't going to be able to do my programming today or anything with intensity. We did…
60 minutes of:
1:00 assault bike (kept it between 46-52 RPM mostly)
1:00 jump rope (singles, one leg hops, alternating, going in a circle, fun!)
1:00 row (around 750-850 cal mostly)
1:00 other … started with some crossover symmetry for maybe the first half, then switched to 1 arm farmer's carries with the 24kg bell. no neck pain with this.
got a light sweat, muscles felt loosened up, and general good vibes. 🙂
First time doing Isabelle. Will definitely stay unbroken longer next time. Was beat for Grace. Still got near what I thought I would after getting wrecked by Isabelle
Isabelle: 2:25 Rx
Grace: 2:47 Rx
Quick Barbell Therapy
8 min EMOM: 2 x (PC + PJ)
45kg first 4 mins, 50 kg next 4 mins — good
Close Grip Bench Press
85 x 5, 90 x 5, 95 x 5 — good
165 x 3, 170 x 3, 175 x 3 — last set felt best, used belt for that one
16' handstand walk between sets — noticing improvement
No more time.
Nice work on Isabel, Jon E! Figured you'd kill it.
Had a few breaks today but didn't have it in me to do Fran…again, yet.
EMOM x 15
5 Hard Strokes on the erg, easy rest of the minute
6 Rounds NFT
50' Each 1-Arm Carry 140#
50' Overhead Yoke Carry 195 (empty yoke)
The OH Carry was challenging and fun. First time doing these and looking forward to adding weight.
Row 20 Minute Easy Pace
16-18 s/m, 2:30 pace