Just in time for the holidays, our new Skyline Hoodie is available in both pullover and zip-up styles. Pick one up for your favorite CrossFit fiend or, you know, yourself. You can always see all of our awesome merch at the front desk or in our online store
2016-17 Holiday Schedule
Holiday madness is upon us! As always, we’re committed to helping you get your fitness on throughout the season. Here’s what you can expect:
All classes run on our normal schedule
CF Group Class:
8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm
Open Gym:
9am Short Circuit
10am Yoga
11am Active Recovery
2pm Comp Class
CF Group Class:
9am, 10am, 11am
10am CrossFit Preschool
11am CrossFit Kids
11am Active Recovery
2pm Anti-Gravity
2:15pm Free Intro Class
6-8pm Proctored Open Gym
CF Group Class:
10am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm
6pm, 7pm, 8am CrossFit Group
9am Short Circuit
4:30pm CrossFit PreTeens
CF Group Class: Normal schedule
7:30pm Pilates
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31st (New Year’s Eve)
CF Group Classes:
Normal schedule
Open Gym:
11am Active Recovery
2pm Comp Class
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1st (New Year’s Day)
CF Group Classes:
10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm
Open Gym:
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: “Cindy”
Carbs During Workouts May Fend Off Colds NY Times
Sweden Has Won the Annual Santa Olympics Atlas Obscura
Wednesday's Programming
For Time:
Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Box Jumps 24/20
American KB Swings 24/16
There is a lot of volume in this hero workout so scale appropriately. If you can do the prescribed weight/height then go for it, otherwise scale the weight/height. The volume scale is: 40-30-20-10 This cuts the volume by a third, and is a hell of a workout in its own right.
Post time and Rx to comments.
I remember doing Morrison on my birthday this year- but the women's Rx was the 10 foot target if I'm not mistaken? I remember because it was really hard!
A. Double Under Practice
B. "Annie"
50-40-30-20-10 reps:
Double unders
sit ups
6am with McDowell
Morrison – 24:39
Close to 5 minutes quicker than last time for me. Legs were a little shaky after doing 300+ squats yesterday. Happy with the time.
Quite humbling being next Kayleigh this morning. She was on a different level.
Charlie you are correct, Morrison is a 10 foot target for men and women.
8 am solo with McDowell
Morrison in 25:12, scaled with a 16# wall ball
Broke up wall balls 25-15-10/20-10-10/18-13/13-7/10
Monday workout:
Cindy, 11 rounds plus 6 push-ups.
My first time doing this RX, I came in aiming for a modest 10 rounds. Push-ups were ugly and slow at the end.
8 a.m. doing Monday's work w/Jess.
Cindy: 10+3 reps. First time attempting to Rx it. Back in February I did 10+2 scaled to ring rows, so this is great progress!
Happy belated, CTMF!
6am with McD
Morrison Rx – 35:20
Woof. Somehow ~4:00 faster than in February. My lower back is, as the kids say, lit.
Morrison: 21:31.
Total pain cave. Set of 10 was a complete blur. Just kept moving. Great vibes this morning in class despite all the suffering.
6am with McDowell
Morrison in 26:19, scaling the American swings to Russian. Workout on the board has the women's wall balls as 14#/9'. Maybe could've done this with the American swings, but I haven't done them in a long time and my shoulders have been feeling great recently, so didn't think it was the right time to try 150 of them.
Kayleigh was flying on this – super impressive to see!
I do not understand how Kayleigh exists. I simply marvel and try to be two-thirds as good as she is.
"Morrison" and "horrible" both have the letter pattern _ORRI___. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
26:46, heavily scaled the wall balls to 20# goblet squats. I did the round of 50 as DB thrusters and started to feel a tingle in my right wrist in the round of 40, plus I'm not gonna lie, I didn't want to put my arms overhead any more. I guess the wrists were a bit more taxed from Cindy yesterday than I realized.
I'm just glad it's over.
6am with McDowell
Morrison – 28:53
Very happy with this time. I believe that I scaled to 40-30-20-10 last time. Broke up wall balls and kb swings to 10s for the entire workout. This seemed to work for me, though its hard to keep the sets so short early on when everything feels easy.
Charlie – CF dot com doesn't actually ever list scaling options for hero WODs. We run it as it's listed above but feel free to scale up to what's in the link below!
Just saying we did 10 foot last time! Check it out- February 8th. I hated every second so will not be scaling up. Though it would be nice to see if I have improved.
Bench Press
1-Arm Carry
Surprise PR at 21 +13
Previous best was 20+5 and that was about 20lbs ago…
Here's the link to the workout from Feb for reference: http://crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com/workout-of-the-day/2016/2/8/morrison.html
HELL YEAH KAYLEIGH!!! that is awesome. wouldn't dream of beating that score, but i'll definitely be using you as motivation today! nice job everyone, so excited to be participating in crush week for the first time in awhile!
15 min row — zoned out and became a robot
4 sets:
Single arm farmers carry length of 597 @70#
Handstand holds of assorted lengths
20 hollow rocks
22min EMOM:
Even: 5 butterfly pull-ups — actual legit ones π
Odd: 50 DUs — these were good today: feet together, wrists only, turn off shoulders
22 min EMOM:
Even: HSPUs — 4 rounds of 10, 6 rounds of 7, last round of 10, sets 1,2,3, and 11 unbroken
Odd:10 box jumps
6:30 with Katie
Morrison to 9 foot target in 26:24. I hate wall balls! π
This was against 31:09 in Feb to a 10 foot target. This was a lot less devastating, but my shoulders and chest are still blasted from Cindy so it kind of sucked.
5:30 class
Cindy 17 rounds plus 8 reps! I did 12 rounds last time!! Big PR- thanks AG and Jeremy for adding rounds 16,17,18 on my whiteboard!
Since drama club is done for awhile and I was able to get here at 5:30, I got to take AR at 6:30! It was perfect!
Then a nice little AG. Just wanted to get some extra abs and DUs in. Didn't PR though.
Dreading Morrison tomorrow. In a good way?
Max weight farmer carry 100m: 35# DB each arm. TOUGH.
These short bulletproof workouts are no joke and I will probably have to dial back a bit on WODs while I am doing it. I rarely take a rest day on a Monday and had to yesterday and I've only done three of their workouts so far!
Cindy: 13+13
Did butterflies the whole time which was my goal for today!! I'm pretty sure 99% were good reps. I mostly did them as 3-2 but had a few rounds of smaller sets or singles. I did a set of five in the last round because I had an adrenaline kick.
Had to do pushups on dumbbells today. My right thumb tingles when I hold a plank π π π Dumbbell pushups are hard! That extra inch makes a huge difference! Brett def called me out a few times when my chest didn't touch the ground. Need to go to the dr. and figure out what is wrong.
Air squats were AFAP.
Super happy with this even though I scarified attempting a PR today for doing butterflies but it will eventually pay off. I think this is my fourth WOD doing butterflies and the most I had done in a WOD prior to today was 35 or 40.
7:30pm with Brett and Katie after a nice 6:30pm AR with Whit.
Morrison – 33:51 Rx
Oh my. This was just a long slog, but I'm very proud to have finished it under the 40min cap and to have Rx'ed it. No real expectation going into it, just looked like a lot of reps of things that I'm not too great at (I *suck* at box jumps, being tall and heavy isn't a fun combo for that).
– WBs were 20/10/10/10 on the first round then sets of 10.
– KB was sets of 10.
– BJ were about keeping slowly going one by – extending completely at the top just drains all my energy and makes me very slow.
Crushed after the wod, still managed to do some shoulder strength work: 3×8 one arm high pulls @ 40lbs, then 75s wall walk hold.
Tomorrow's a rest day!!!
today was an all-around fantastic day. woke up feeling well-slept at 7:30am! there were some pancakes. there was coffee. there was reading. just a great morning.
2PM session
A. 40 min assault bike
easy pace, mostly just legs with some hands-on in the last 10 minutes.
*first 7 minutes involved eating a burrito bowl from chipotle
B. BACK SQT: 5 x 20 @ 50% (112#)
-pure misery. i went through every single stage of grief while completing this.
-rested about 4 min between
-sacrificed the slower-down tempo more than a few times, which is a bummer. need to keep tension.
-looking fwd to working in the 15-40 rep range as opposed to the 60-100 rep range i've been in for the past 6 weeks or so.
C. Power Clean and Split Jerk
up to about 5 singles at 125#. did not feel very snappy after all those squats, but just wanted a bit of time with the barbell. bar still swinging out too much. need some more drills and practice here, a bit out of it! jerks felt sharp.
D. 6 Sets:
:90 amrap
3 ctb pull up
5 burpee
7 box jump
:90 rest
1: 2 rounds
2: 2 rds + 3
3: 2 rds + 1
4: 2 rds + 3
5: 2 rds + 3
6: 2 rds + 3
Repeated this from last week with one more round. was able to get more pull-ups in overall. doing this to practice my butterfly kip for CTB in short little sets b/c it falls apart easily. definitely felt a bit better today, getting hips higher and not over-pulling.