Blair B. mid-pull | Photo by Bekka P.
All Things Animals at CFSBK
1. For The Love Of Dog Biscuits. CFSBKer Brent A.’s fiancé Jane Seymour works for the non-profit animal charity Friends of Animals and they recently came out with a beautifully illustrated dog biscuit cookbook, wittily titled For The Love Of Dog Biscuits. Brent designed it with Jane, and all of the proceeds from this book go towards the organization’s nationwide low cost spay-neuter program.
The listing price is $12 and it’s 62 pages, which consist of 12 plant-based recipes, one for each month. This book is the perfect holiday gift for anyone who has a dog, especially if they like to cook or care about feeding their pet healthy non-chemically processed food! Check out the website for images and more information!
2. Adopt Alexander Hamilton. KMo and her boyfriend (a coach at CrossFit NYC!) have been fostering an ADORABLE kitten, nicknamed Hammy, who is looking for his forever home. Here’s his adoption page. Hammy will be at Petco Unleashed on 81 7th Ave from around 12:30-4pm on this Saturday, December 5. KMo would love to have Hammy adopted within the SBK community. Please contact her at Katie.Mohrhauser [at] for more information (and really freaking cute pictures!).
If you want to help cats like Hammy but can’t commit to adoption, you can donate to Brooklyn Animal Action. They do awesome work and are completely run by volunteers.
3. Refresh yourselves re: our Dogs and Kids Policies if you plan to bring either or both to your favorite gym. We take pride in being a kid and dog-friendly gym. But in the interest of keeping everyone as safe and focused on their fitness as possible, we have strict policies regarding our favorite tiny humans and creatures.
4. Stay tuned for the 2016 Dog Calendar! Because we reeaallllyy love pets at CFSBK.
The Norwegian Secret to Enjoying a Long Winter Fast Company
CFSBK CrossFit Preschool Birthday Party Timelapse
Keep it coming with the PRs!
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Work up to a max effort single. Hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knee cap before at the bottom of the squat. Feet must stay flat for the duration of the lift. Not hitting minimum depth and/or any movement of the feet constitutes a no lift. If you're newer to back squatting then find a heavy triple instead.
Be careful not to let your warm-ups fatigue you too much for your heavy singe attempts. Example warm ups and attempts are below. However, these are just examples, and you should adjust according to how you feel and what's worked for you in the past. Understand that not every testing day will result in PRs. The takeaway in this example is doing only a few reps (singles or doubles) so as not to be too fatigued for your heavy attempts. Leave yourself at least 2 minutes between your last warm-up and your first attempt, then between each heavy attempt as well.
Previous Back Squat 1RM of 165, goal new 1RM ~ 180
45×5, 95×5, 135×1-3, 150×1
Exposure 8/8
Post loads to comments.
50-40-30-20-10 Reps for Time:
Double Unders
Post time and Rx to comments.
Skill: Ring Dip/Kipping Ring Dip
ODD: Handstand Hold :10-:30
For Time,
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees and Sit ups.
6am with Jess and McDowell, doing Monday's work with Jess. On the presses, I opened with 140, hit it no problem, then moved to 145, which was slower but still moved. Then I tried 147, which I got hung up on and just couldn't finish getting it over my head. Jess and Chris P both said I was very close though, so I'm feeling pretty good about it. 145 ties my PR, so I haven't lost anything on the press since the end of summer's strength cycle.
On the DL's, I started at 335, which I lifted out front a little, so I barely moved it at all. My next 335 attempt went up fine, if a little slowly. Then I got ambitious and tried 355, which would have been a 5lb PR – and I may as well have been trying to pick up the building. I don't have any doubt that I have that in me, but today wasn't the day. I think I'm going to try deadlifting without shoes on since I tend to pitch forward a bit.
Tabata rows were 8-8-7-7-6-7-6-7 cals.
6am squats with McD
No 1rm testing for me today so continued my LP – 225 x 5 x 3. Best feeling my squats have felt in a long time. That surprised me after yesterday's deadlifts but I like it.
WOD – 7:19 Rx
DU were pretty good today, 1 trip in the 50, 4-5 in a row to start 40, then about 1 trip up per round. In the round of 40 squats I seriously regretted my choice for continuing my LP. No speed in the air squats today. Legs haven't felt that rubbery in a while.
Shout out to CFSBK and Strength Cycle OG Radhika Vaz whose online comedy Shugs & Fats won the Gotham Award for breakthrough short-form series:
HBBS: 275 (f) – 275(f). Warmed up to 255 which felt great, bar speed was fast. My opener was my 1RM and just couldn't get out the hole. Just not the day to be testing 1RM for me.
Metcon: 5:23. Legs felt heavy after the each round of the squats causing me to trip up the first 2-3 doubles then unbroken from there.
Go Radhika!
Cool biscuit book…purchasing now. Thanks!
Love today's links, especially the read about the winter. I'm guilty of participating in the Misery Olympics. I'm going to work on changing my mindset about the cold. Also, love how the kids party goes from slo-mo to hyper drive at about 50 seconds in.
7am with McD and Lady Fox
Press 85
This is a pr. I did 85 the first attempt jumped to 90 ad failed the 2nd attempt. Then tried for 87 and failed that too. I think I could have done 87 with a bit more rest, but 85 is a pr so I'll take it!
DL – 225
Another pr did 215, 220, and then 225. McD pointed out that my left hand pushes out when I am using switch grip. So I have to work on making sure that stays in. I think that lack of proper form explains the tweaks I have been feeling in my back. Glad someone was watching though as I had no idea it was happening.
WOD stayed consistent at 5 calories during every interval.
8 am with Jess and McDowell.
No PRs for me today, but I had a lot of fun in the gym anyway.
Press – 115
Failed 120; made 115, but it was a struggle; failed 117.5.
My PR (from September) is 120. I'm going to blame this on last night's wine.
Deadlift – 265
245, 255, 265
PR is 280, but I kept getting called out for rounding my back last cycle, so I've been trying to do lower weights with better form this cycle.
215 f
10# PR. Hit 200 in October so a big jump in a small amount of time. BUT I was even more excited that I failed 215! Sounds crazy, but I'm SO mentally weak when it comes to back squatting that I have NEVER pushed myself hard enough to fail in 3.5 years of doing CF! Yes, that was my first failed back squat! Thank you Katie for giving me confidence today to go for it! At 215, I didn't keep tight enough at the bottom and tipped over too much to recover, but 210 and 200 felt easy and moved quickly so I know I eventually hit 215.
WOD Rx'd in 8:59
Decided to play it by ear to see if I could do full volume DUs. Did lots of singles and doubles, but strung enough big sets together to get through all of them. Air squats were slow with lots of breaks. It was just me and Carissa so wasn't super motivated to push myself!
7:30 with Jess and Noah
Went into this with low expectations because I'm sore from deadlifts, but it went well! Noah was right, the PR train is still making stops all week!
Back squat:
205×1 new PR! (+5lbs).
Very happy with that.
WOD RXd in 5:44. I kept whipping the rope into my hair- and holyyyy quad burn!
Yay congrats on the PRs!! Choo-choo!
Goals for December- daily ROMWOD, continue Hatch Squat Cycle, work on pull-ups and OHS… And continue to get my lungs back.
3 x 10 banded pull-ups (blue and red band)
3 x 10 DB curls (15, 20, 20)
3 x 10 DB bench press (35)
10 mins (easy) Assault Bike- was going for 20 but didn't pace well. Next time.
3 x 10 OHS @ 33#
Skill- Ring dips- managed a few strict but got totally confused with the kipping version surprise, surprise.
Strength- EMOM 10- Even- 30 sec hand stand hold, Odd:10 hanging leg raises- shocked myself here- I was able to hold the handstands for 30 seconds each and actually managed to do 10 hanging leg raises each round. I didn't think I would be able to do them at all.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 burpees/ sit-ups
i heart AG!
solo sesh this afternoon:
Xover symmetry
hip mobz, etc.
5 ea seated single arm DB Press (25)
5 butterfly pull-up
8 air squat
:20 forearm plank
45×5, 95×4, 130×3, 150×2
comin' back!! no hip pain, though knees were a bit crackly/cranky today. cautiously pleased with the progress.
21 box jump – 20"
18 wall ball – 14#, 9'
15 kb swing – 16kg, american
12 burpee
time: 14:56
per usual, i wanted to stop about 27 times during this workout. just felt slow and lame. legs pretty tired and R knee a bit weird on box jumps. feel like i need to start adding in a couple runs during the week…? just consistently disappointed with how gassed I get during anything over 7 minutes…