10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of:
Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
Push Press
Overhead Squat
Bear Crawl
Each of the three lifts done in sequence is counted as one rep. Follow each set with a Bear Crawl across the Lyceum.
Jeremy makes it look easy.
Established 2007
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10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of:
Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
Push Press
Overhead Squat
Bear Crawl
Each of the three lifts done in sequence is counted as one rep. Follow each set with a Bear Crawl across the Lyceum.
Jeremy makes it look easy.
Posted on
Saturday’s classes will now be starting at 10:15am and going until 11:15am. Please continue to arrive 10 minutes early to help set up so that we can start on time.
I’ve also posted 2 new CrossFit Journals under the "Nutrition Resources" tab located in the right column.
"Zone Meal Plans" is a technically simple overview of the Zone, complete with block prescriptions and sample menus.
"CFJ Issue 15: Nutrition" is a guide to avoiding dietary induced metabolic derangement. The Deadly Quartet, Responsible Diet Books and a host of other topics are addressed here.
Both Journals are available Free through CrossFit.com. Knowledge is power! Happy reading.
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"Tabata Something Else"
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of
rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are
push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8
intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Today’s "Skills" Segment was Pressing Form. Nice work, Michele.
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4 Rounds For Time of:
10 DB Snatches Each Arm
10 OH DB Lunges Each Arm
10 Burpees
Men use 30# DB’s while Women use 20#’s
Camera phone was the best we had today!
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We’ve finally been squared away with the Lyceum and will resume training on Saturday, December 8th at 10am. There were some scheduling conflicts this weekend which prevented us from starting on the 1st, however we now have guaranteed Saturday and Sunday slots for the next 5 weeks. After a few trial classes, the Lyceum will entertain our proposal to add a Wednesday class as well as one-on-one sessions in the near future.
Our new space includes; permanent storage for more strength equipment, 4000sq. feet of open space, convenient location off a major avenue and subway line, bathrooms, an in-house coffee shop for refreshments and free publicity for further expansion. For more information please check out the updated "Location" link on the left column of our site.
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Just a reminder that we will not be having class this weekend as I will be out of the city until Sunday afternoon. I’m still working out some of the logistics with the Lyceum (insurance, equipment, etc.) however we should be resuming classes by Saturday, December 1. Stay posted for updates and possible schedule changes.
Also, I’ll be ordering more equipment by the end of the week so please look forward to an expanding list of available exercises for the WODs.
CrossFit Pittsburgh Cert
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I just got word back from the programming director at the Brooklyn Lyceum that they would like to host CrossFit South Brooklyn! We still need to work out some formalities but expect us to resume classes indoors within 1-2 weeks. We will continue our previous schedule and if there is interest (which there will be) look forward to a Wednesday class. Bumber plates and barbells, more kettlebells, parallettes and more goodies soon to follow!
Stay tuned for more updates.
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Classes are canceled this weekend (17th & 18th) as I will be attending a CrossFit cert in Pittsburgh.
As much fun as it has been training outside through the season, we will no longer be meeting in the park for weekend classes. The program has been tremendously successful and we are ready to take the next step in our evolution. I’m currently in the process of confirming an indoor rental location and expect to have something definite within a week or so. Please expect further improvements to the program like more equipment, a Wednesday class and best of all, bathrooms!
Stay tuned for more updates.
The success of this program is all due to the commitment and spirit of our dedicated athletes. You are all CrossFit South Brooklyn.
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3 Rounds for time of:
20 Push-ups
20 Walking Lunges
10 Knee to Elbows
10 Lateral Shuffles
We divided into two teams of three athletes for this WOD. Time is taken when the last member of each group completes the workout.
Teamwork at 48 degrees.
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"Schizophrenic Helen"
Three Rounds for time of:
(r1) 21 Burpees (r2) 21 Double Unders (r2) 21 Box Jumps
12 Pull-ups
Vertical bars are a great tool to help develop an overhead squat. A mature OHS has the bar directly in the frontal plane above the middle of the foot. Jamaal’s OHS is developing nicely so we can place his medial arch very close to the bars.