Post loads to comments.
If you’re feeling a little wiped from yesterday’s Filthy, focus on dialing in your clean technique.
We’re proud to FINALLY announce our next General Foundation’s Cycle! Starting in August all athletes interested in training at CFSBK will have to either take a General Foundations cycle, Private Foundations cycle or the equivalent in Personal Training. This filtration method will ensure that everyone who walks into a group class has had qualified training on all the movements and will not require intensive personal attention. We listened to your feedback and expanded the class to 2 days a week for 4 weeks and increased the required readings and homework assignments.
There will be an early bird special of 200$ for the next cycle if you register before August 7th. Once the early registration period ends the cost will increase to 240$
Foundations Cycle 5 will meet Thursdays at 8pm and Sundays at 1pm on the following dates:
8/21, 8/24, 8/28, 8/31, 9/4, 9/7, 9/11, 9/14
Please email David to confirm your spot today!
AllisonNYC says
Power Cleans
Warm-up: 7 x 95
105110115120125130135 F135 Got It
Followed by a happy dance.
PR by 7#
Full Clean PR still sitting far ahead @ 150#
Rowed 7k earlier.
DUDE… CHARMEL: You are THE man. Great example of how patience pays off. You took your time and didn’t get macho about rushing to throw weight on the bar. That all by itself makes me proud. Then look what happened!! Crazy! You kept your form all the way up to 1 7 5 !
It was a beautiful thing. Really made me excited and happy. Good Job Man. Not bad for your first time with Power Cleans!
ERIK! : I’m pretty pumped for you too. Having to work with pain is SO not fun. Impressed that you suck and up and do it anyway.. I can’t say I’d do the same. You’re a strong dude with a disadvantage with that narrow grip. I really hope that wide grip makes cleaning a more enjoyable experience for you! Those last cleans looked solid and according to you pain free! So great.
Margie: You’re just cute.
Margie says
Decided to work form, so I did a bazillion reps at 75#. Then marveled at Allison and Charmel! Awesome work you two!Need to focus on: chest up, get under the bar, be aggressive, let go of the bar so I can catch it in a high enough rack position.
Thanks for all the help David and Allison. Really good to focus in.
David Osorio says
Wrist is feeling good enough to do pull-ups again. No pushing yet.
Pull-Up Ladder: 1 MinuteGot 13 complete rounds: 91 pull-ups
harder than i remembered it being.
FOAM ROLLED 15 minutes.
Shane says
I missed actually seeing Charmel’s 175 but caught up for the aftermath when sunk in. I definitely did spy the countless number of reps you did at 65. I echo Allison’s sentiments way to take it slow and work that form and technique. Awesome. Now you’ve got to just teach me!
Great work by all three classes! You guys are quickly making Monday favorite day of the week.
Adam says
Man that looks like fun; I’ve been waiting a while for a chance to do heavy cleans.
However, I’m taking the week off. I’ve been hitting crossfit pretty hard without a real break since april, and i’m exhausted. This coincides nicely with my trip to vegas this weekend.
I do want to say that I love training with everyone at this group. Working out with such a great group of athletes, and our amazing coaches is a world of difference from working out alone at the gym. You guys are all great.
I look forward to getting back at it next week. See you all then.
Charmel says
Really, between all the time that David spent breaking me down and the energy and inspiration that Allison brought to my efforts, something good had to come of it. Thanks so much, especially you Al, ’cause I might’ve just kept on with the skillwork. And congrats on you’re Pr!
Adam, you’re so right. I went to the Y today and it was awful. Nobody sweating, nobody groaning, no music blaring or coaches screaming and damn, the place was way too clean! We’ve got great coaches and “teammates” for sure. Enjoy that trip. Er’body else, see ya’ll tomorrow.
Push jerk 3×5 95,115,125,135,1451 pood windmills 5×21 pood turkish getups x 2
David Osorio says
Adam,You have been hitting these WODs pretty hard, im glad you’re taking a week off. Focus on dialing in nutrition, getting plenty of rest and managing any stress. If you get lonely you’re more than welcome to come in and foam roll/stretch instead of taking class. On ze house.
Charmel,I’m sorry i missed your heavy cleans. There was a very dramatic difference between when you started pulling @ 65 and what you finished at. Great work.
Level 1 class:Post something dammit!
Erik,I always look forward to your posts. Lay some wit on us! no pressure.
David Osorio says
When was the last time any of you saw the equivalent of the picture posted today at a big box gym??
No shirt, no shoes, covered in sweat, upside down! Downright heresy.
Erik K. says
I’m sorry but I’ve gone on a wit strike in protest of my failing to PR on the deadlift last night.I’m afraid deadlifting and I are having a bit of a tiff. I don’t think it’s anything serious, simply a small ripple in our rather complicated relationship, but I’m still choosing to handle it by growing distant and moody. It may seem childish from the outside, but these are the games we play when the heart is involved. Still, fear not, my love is true and in the end deadlifting will realize this and we will be reunited as one once again and all will be sunshine and Santa Claus and joy all the time… until the next disagreement, of coarse.
Robert says
OK David, here’s a Level 1 post!!!!
I would have been happier with my work yesterday if i had gotten the clean down, but something to work on. I worked on that a bit today after today’s WOD. The Metcon that Shane drew up yesterday was a fun way to end class(NOT). It was nice to see all of us grunting and sticking to the floor – even if i only made it half way through round 4.
Today’s WODWarmup: 15xBar only3x653x953x953x953x95
Wasn’t to happy with my form, so didn’t push the weight too high.
Steve R says
Steve -> “Front Squats!”
Thanks very much for the guidance Allison and Shane!
Max says
Charmel, that is a sick number! Nice!
I forgot to post earlier, but we did actually name the baby on the second day. Her name is Luella, we’re calling her Lulu.
Right now she is working on pooping for max reps.
stephanie says
sad i had to miss charmel’s awesome cleans!!
today’s wod:push jerk3-3-3-3-3
warmed up with 5x2sets 65
didn’t know how heavy i could go w/ keeping good form.
then did some 95# cleans and 95# backsquats because the bar was there.
is anyone else STILL sore from sunday? i am!!
AllisonNYC. says
Frustrating workout for me. I’m not satisfied. Something went wrong with my form or I did too many warm up reps and got fatigued. Either way here’s what happened:
Warm Up:
Row 3k3 sets of10 hip extension, 10 GHD sit-upsMike’s Warm-up
10 x 45 presses6 x 45 presses5 x 65 push presses95 x 5 push jerks
x3 Jerks:105, 115, 120 x 2 (dropped it, cleaned it, dropped the weight x5) 115, 115
then some work on technique with light weight. 95 I think
I was having major issues with receiving the bar after the first rep after 115. It hurts so much that it makes it hard to reset the bar for the following reps.
My 1RM is STILL 135 and it was a split jerk which I’m more comfortable with. The Push jerk is obviously one of my weaknesses. I want to get it up so I can do Grace with 135 and Jerk the weight up for my OHS. I shouldn’t be able to OHS 45# or clean 30# more than I can jerk.
Margie says
um. at the risk of sounding like, well, Jeremy…
today’s mainsite video featuring our hero, master of all things squat, goes into great depth on the proper way to drive out of the hole in a back squat. I highly recommend.
Adam says
stephanie — i’m still sore from sunday. i think its those good mornings, they’re not that hard but they’re potent.
i love that picture. that workout was what i love about crossfit and doing it at the lyceum was what i love about cfsbk.
Chris H says
Hey guys, hope you’ve all been well. Will try to make it tonight, but not sure I can get off work before 7:00. This weekend for sure. Did Filthy Fifty at the Crunch last night–amazingly, could do everything as rx’d except subbed 45 lb db’s for kb’s. K-e’s were the worst, grip horrible. Finished burpees at about 28:00, then tried to sub tuck jumps as I couldn’t find a jump rope. Not that I can do du’s anyways…. Got through about 8 super high tuck jumps before my right calf muscle cramped horribly. Had to quit. That’s a horrible workout.
zak says
hey guys,
it’s been a while… i’ve been focusing on my kung fu what with summer camp in miami coming up in a couple weeks…. my training for today is cancelled so expect a suprise guest apperance from me tonight at CFSBK!!!!!