Spend 15 minutes at each of the following stations:
A) Row for max meters
B) DIY foam roll/mobility work: band FSQ rack stretch, forearm to instep lunge, LAX into upper trap
C) Find a max thruster
Post loads, meters and experience to comments.
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SBK Fought for the Right to Party at Prom. And WON!
CF Open Sectionals 2011 is a Wrap!
A huge thanks to all the members of Team SBK who represented CFSBK by participating in 6 incredibly challenging WODs over the last seven weeks and to all the friends, family and fellow members who supported them during their journey. The last sectionals event was this past Saturday and Team SBK housed it! Congratulations to Steph P. and Jessica Fox for their 1st and 2nd place finishes at the event! Thanks to everyone who made the last seven weeks a huge success. We look forward to next year!
Real Turkey>>>Tofurkey Foodsize
3 Sisters, 100 Double Unders Youtube
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