In 15 minutes work up to a medium-heavy Push Press* and then,
AMRAP 3 Minutes
3 Push Press
6 Pull Ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute and repeat for 3 rounds
Rounds start fresh at the Push Press each round. Push Presses will be taken from the floor.
*The push press should be heavy enough to challenge you but not so heavy that you’ll need to break the sets up
Post Rounds and Rx to comments.
Matt U. on Why He Gave 17 Minutes
Congraultations to Matt U on his recent engagement!!
Congratulations to Matt U. for being the FGB 6 Highest Individual Fundraiser!
The official announcement was made by Sportsgrant yesterday that Matt U was, for the third year in a row, the highest individual fundraiser for Fight Gone Bad 6 raising $34,105.15 for charity. Sportsgrant has a great bio with some fun facts about Matt U. we bet you never knew. You can read more about Matt and his amazing efforts here. Congratulations Matt and thank you for all your hard work!
Ladies’ Self Defense Class
Coach Jessica Fox has organized a self-defense class for the ladies of CFSBK in light of the recent attacks in the South Slope. The class is this Saturday, October 1st at 2:30pm and is being held at CrossFit 718. We need a minimum of 10 ladies to make the class happen. Please RSVP to Jessica(at) with “Self-Defense” listed in the subject line of your email.
Lost and Found!
Remember to check the lost and found and retrieve any of your casually discarded items before we donate them to to charity on 10/3/11!
Would you attend an 8am group class? What about a 12pm class on Thursday afternoons?
Is CrossFit Only for Maniacs? Huffington Post
Lies, Damned Lies and Medical Science The Atlantic
How to Deal with Common Primal Stumbling Blocks Mark’s Daily Apple