Work up to submax heavy double. Use a slightly wider stance than you usually do. Perfect technique.
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Assitance Work
100 Banded Good Mornings
3×15 Pallof Press Each Side
Dan Rx’d Gives the 28kilo the old Heave Ho
Ken’s Ring Strength Series Returns
Join guest Gymnastics Coach Ken H as he takes you through 4 weeks of gymnastics strength training with an emphasis on developing a rudimentary ring routine. Each class will include a proper warm-up, stretching and then use both isometric and dynamic strength exercises to develop: core strength while learning transitions on the rings, levers, muscle-ups and planches. Students will also have strength and flexibility assignments to do on the outside of class. Space is limited so sign up today!
Physical Requirements:
1 Strict Pull-Up, Women
3 Strict Pull-Ups, Men
5 Push-Ups, Women
10 Push-Ups, Men
Class Dates and Times:
The start date will depend on how quickly people sign up. If you’re interested please contact Ken ASAP, we’ve already got a few folks from the last cycle pre-registered.
Sundays from 1pm-2pm (not Saturdays as previously posted)
$60 for 4 Weeks
6 Participants
To Register:
Please email hallerk(at)gmail(dot)com
Ken Haller’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton Ma and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions, and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Sol Flower Farm CSA Sign Up
Attention all would-be CSA members! It is time to sign up for your share. Sol Flower Farm will begin weekly drop-offs on Wednesday, June 6 and they need to know whether you’re in. In order for CFSBK to remain a drop site, we need a minimum of 25 shares – so far, we have 6. If you want a variety of fantastic, affordable vegetables carefully selected and delivered to you each week, then sign up by May 1. Go here to find out the details.
Do you enjoy offering cooking tips, coordinating veggie swaps and chit-chatting with fellow food lovers? Are you interested in receiving a discount on your CSA share? If so, you might consider acting as a CSA shift manager for CFSBK. We are looking for 3 people to rotate managing the evening distribution of veggie shares during the June-November season. Once every three weeks, you would staff the 5-8pm pick up window; responsibilities include making sure each member gets their box, distributing any unclaimed veggies to (eager) gym members, breaking down and storing boxes at the end of the evening. For your work, you’ll receive a discounted share from Sol Flower Farm. This is a fun and easy way to get your veggies even cheaper!
Email margie(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com by May 1 if you’re interested.
Also remember to sign up for your meat share from Herondale Farm – the next cycle starts June 6 as well!
CFSBK is Extreme Fitness NY Post
Kettlebell Juggling On a Beach Youtube
World Champion Ivan Denisov does the 60kg (132lb) Kettlebell 1-arm jerk for 52 reps. in 5 minutes Youtube