CRASH B’s Reviewing an on water 2K Race
Look, Feel, Perform Better 2 Week Check In
We’re just about two weeks into the Look Feel and Perform Better Challenge. By now you should be finding your groove with some of the guidelines and hopefully realizing some of these things aren’t as hard as you would have anticipated. Below I’ve listed the basic parameters of the challenge. Please post to comments which components you’re doing the best with (and why) as well as which you’re struggling with (and why).
Avoid Grains: Consume no grains or gluten products. This means bread, pasta, tortillas (sniff), beer (sniff, sniff), pastries, cookies, etc… Check labels for wheat/gluten containing items. Generally, try to avoid packaged foods.
Avoid Sugar: Consume no refined sugars. This means honey, fructose, coconut sugar, agave, etc. If you’re craving sweets, eat some fruit.
Hydrate: Drink ½ oz of water per lb of bodyweight daily. Herbal tea and seltzer are Kosher too. Diet drinks are not.
Sleep: Sleep at least 7 hours per night
Bonus Points:
1 Point: Fish Oil
1 Point: 9 Hours Sleep
1 Point: Workout
1 Point: Active Recovery 20 min or Meditation 10 min
Also, don’t forget to RSVP for the 2013 CFSBK Community Paleo Potluck. All are invited! While you’re at it not forgetting things, click the “online waiver” link on the left and fill one out if you havent already.
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