Performance: High Bar Pause Squat
Work up to a heavy single. No Bailing
Fitness: Low Bar Back Squat
Pull back 10-20lbs from last cycles linear progression and hit a pre-exposure of a 3×5. Have a coach watch one of your work sets and advise on your start weight.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds NFT:
Run 1/3 Mile
21 Wall Ball Shots
- CFSBK’s Open Team is 82 STRONG at this moment. That makes us the 30th largest team in the world. (out of 2,034 Teams) LETS DO THIS
Snatch Camp
Spend the day learning the theory and practice of the Snatch with Starting Strength Coaches Josh Wells and Shelley Hancock. We will start with a brief lecture about the difference between the standard model and the straight Bar Path model. Then we will move to the practical session were participants with learn or re-learn the movement with the more efficient bar path and set up. Everyone will have plenty of time under the bar to practice this method while receiving coaching throughout their warm-ups and work sets. Through the entire process, attendees will learn the standards of a properly executed movement and how it should look and feel when it is performed correctly. After the practical session, we will return for a discussion of programming and how to identify and correct common technical problems. The camp will wrap up with a question and answer session. Whether you are just starting out with strength training, struggling with the basics of the lift, or looking to polish your technique and understanding of these movements, you will come away with valuable insights and experience to benefit your training. Attendance will be capped at ten to allow for individualized instruction.
Proper weightlifting shoes, Lift Belt (mainly for Clean and Jerk Camp), Tall socks or Pants, and Tape are highly recommended.
Snatch: 3pm-5pm $90.00
Register Here!
Date & Location:
Saturday, March 9th, 2013
Crossfit South Brooklyn
We’ll also be hosting a Clean and Jerk Camp the following week
Josh Wells has 14 years of experience competing and coaching in the sport of Olympic weightlifting. As an international level lifter, he was a member of the Jr. Pan-American Team (2003) and a member of the Junior World Team (2004). In 2009 he received his Master’s of Science in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Physiology from Midwestern State University under Dr. Lon Kilgore. Josh has worked with many athletes from a variety of sports in conjunction with strength and conditioning programs at Texas Christian University and Midwestern State University. He was a primary coach, along with Mark Rippetoe, of the Midwestern State University and Bone Unit Olympic weightlifting teams operating under the Texas Weightlifting Regional Development Center. He has served as staff coach with for Starting Strength Seminars.
Shelley Hancock, a former ballet dancer, holds her Bachelors of Science in Athletic Training and a Master’s of Science in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Physiology from Midwestern State University under Dr. Lon Kilgore. With a sports medicine background, Shelley is able to apply a preventative and rehabilitative approach to strength and conditioning. Shelley is a licensed athletic trainer and Starting Strength Coach. She has been barbell training for 5 years and currently competes in Olympic Weightlifting.
If you could see a live performance from any musician (living or deceased) who would it be?