Joy and Mig at 13,222 ft
Happy Birthday, Aileen H!
CFSBK at C.R.A.S.H.-B.’s in 2014
The SBK Indoor Rowing Team is mounting its fifth CRASH-Bs campaign! CRASH-Bs is the premier indoor rowing championship, held in Boston each year in February; the 2014 date hasn’t been finalized, but it’s generally on the Sunday of Presidents Day weekend, which will be Feb. 16th.
Coach Nick will lead the team through a program based on his training regimen when he was competing at the olympic level. The participants will meet up for three group technique clinics (each of which will conclude with a workout), plus four team races at the gym. Nick will post a program for each week, and will provide support throughout the next few months for the team. Members will perform the majority workouts on their own. We will provide a plan on how to intergrate them into your CrossFit Group Classes.
The cost of the program is $200. Various payment installment options are available. The fee does not include the CRASH-Bs entry fee ($25), travel to Boston, or hotel.
If you’re interested, come to Nick’s kick-off meeting at 2:15 on Saturday, Oct. 26th. He’ll explain the program in detail and answer questions. (Oh, and at the end, you’ll race 2000m.) Send Nick an email at nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com if you plan to show up or if you have any questions.
The Good Night Out: Brooklyn Restaurant Night to Benefit CHiPS
-Erica N
Ukraine Street Gymnastics
Planned Obsolescence wikipedia
Planned Obsolescence