AMRAP 30 Minutes:
10 Toes to Bar or 15 AbMat Sit Ups
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 72/53
40 Double Unders
Partners alternate complete rounds until the 30 minute cap.
Post total rounds completed, partner and Rx to comments.
Karl gets his 14.4 on with Fraiser as his judge
Meat CSA: Free gift for new members and NEW refer-a-friend bonus!
We are having a special sign-up bonus for new members who join the Herondale meat and poultry CSA in the months of April or May.
New 15-lb share members will receive three of our most-loved items: a juicy NY strip steak, a pack of pork chops, and a pack of our legendary bacon. That’s in addition to the regular share – a $50 bonus!
New 10-lb share members will receive a NY strip and a pack of bacon in addition to the regular share – a $35 bonus!
Refer-a-friend: Any existing CSA member who refers someone to the program will receive 2 packs of the brand-new Jacuterie bacon – choose any 2 from Jack’s great new flavors (maple, honey garlic, or Italian.) All are mouth-wateringly good, so refer your friends today! Write to to make it happen. Remember, you don’t need to be a member of CFSBK to belong to the CSA.
Questions? Email mignyc at gmail dot com.
Bring Your Bike Out of Winter Hibernation!
Springtime weather is around the corner and CFSBK wants to help you prepare for bike riding season! Bicycle Habitat will be bringing their basic bike maintenance class from their 5th Avenue shop to 597 DeGraw specially for CFSBK, 2:30p-4p on Saturday, April 5. Course will include:
- Flat repair tips, including time saving techniques and ways to ensure a successful repair.
- Basic brake and gear adjustment, including familiarity with barrel adjusters.
- Maintenance tips like drivetrain lubrication and proper tire inflation.
- Checking for signs of wear and an overview of bike safety checks.
- Time for open Q&A.
You’ll be able to roll in your own bike to use as an example during the class! The class will be more instructional in nature, but bring any bike tools you already have in case there is time for tinkering! $10 per person, class is capped at 25. Sign up and pay in advance at the Front Desk by April 3.
Risk Vsauce
The beginning of everything
Is this the beginning of a Crush Week?
A very Foxy 9 AM.
Not gonna lie, I didn't push myself super hard on this one. Still hurting from 14.5. Worked with Elliott (sp?) and 7-AM Peter (as against Peter M and Peter H). 5 T2B/round, counted DU attempts, otherwise Rx. We got 12 rounds and Peter got 7 KB swings of the 13th round.
Part of me wishes I had done 7 T2B/round instead of 5 — 10 would have been too much since I can't kip, but I was doing well enough with the 5s that I think I could have handled a bit more. Then again…if there's an excuse to chill out for a day or two, 14.5 is it.
oh my gosh. i am so sore. i can barely touch my quads to a foam roller right now! today shall be a rest day full of water, fish oil, uncomfortable AR, and attempting to walk like a normal human instead of like the tin man.
Godzooks…that 14.5 sucked. I gotta agree with the Foxes and David. That was a major suckfest. Because of logistics, I haven't been in a some time and have been completing the Open Workouts at her box, CF Floyd Bennet Field, which counts 3 ex CFSBK members as its members.
I'm thrilled that I was able to complete all the Open Workouts this year as Rxd. Even getting DUs, C2B pull ups, and T2B. Never did those in a WOD before, but that seems to be part of the Open, pushing yourself and see what you got.
14.5 was a mental fuck for me. After reading Peter's comments on Friday and watching CF FBF "heavy hitters" ( Danny Fitz) struggle through this I knew it was not gonna be pretty. I even told myself that I'm never gonna get through this!!
I decided to break my Thrusters into smaller sets and focus on getting through those, kind of Chipper style. Somehow, that worked and I finished in a lightning fast 28:41!!!!
What I've been most proud of during the Open is watching my wife, Leila, complete the Open WODs and place in the top 5 Females at her box after only really Crossfitting for 6 months! Danny Fitz is in the top 3!! South Brooklyn has lingering effects.
8am. Partnered with Brad D and together we completed 14 rounds + 5 reps. Still feeling pretty sore from 14.5 (which I did on Friday). T2B felt really good today. Did all 7 rounds unbroken. I've been working on shortening my kip swing which makes cycling the T2B faster. DUs also felt good. Did 3 or 4 rounds unbroken.
11am with MelRo. There were only three of us doing T2B in the WOD so we became the three top, Matt Katz was partner one, and Chris and myself were partner two together. Chris beat me by at least several seconds (sometimes more) on every round, and Matt Katz just went too fast in general. We were yelling at him to slow down. Matt got through his eighth round right at the buzzer, Chris and I did seven. Although I'm still not feeling myself and was sort of dying, so I sat out one round right around the 15 minute mark and let Chris do one alone, so I actually only did 6 rounds, rxed. That 24kg bell is too heavy. They should make them lighter.
And I agree with Dub Hub. I am so sore! Mad quads, yo.
10 AM. Team Ben Squared got 13 rounds plus 8 T2Bs Rx'd. The DUs slowed the Bens down. They started off ok, but went away. The T2Bs felt great – first 5 sets unbroken, 6th round was 6, 3, 1 and then I did 8 more as time ran out. Other Ben did 7 rounds to my 6+. This was hard after 14.5 and I probably should have taken a rest day, but I wanted to work on my T2Bs and DUs. I am sore in a lot of places and might take two days off.
12pm Class
Team Chris Squared, partnered with the incomparable Chris A for a total of 14 rounds plus 10/20/20. I finally caught on to a large flaw in my toes to bar and the felt better today. Was really hard to hang on to the bell for a few sets there but once I started breaking the toes to bar up I figured I should do the KB unbroken again. We were easily the coolest and best looking guys in that class.
I really didn't want to do anything today but took it as a sign that I should when I was able to remove my ring. I'm sore, but not crazy sore from 14.5. Mel told me that I would feel like shit until I started the WOD, which turned out to be true. Partner WODs are always fun since I really like to laugh and smile when I workout. Highlight was watching Chris, after going unbroken on 39 doubles, miss on 40 on 4 attempts straight. I enjoyed the rest 🙂
Fun to stay and judge Noah on 14.5, which he did really well on. I have some thoughts on the Open in general this year but I want to organize them before I post.
Great vibe today. Always a privilege to work out Mr. Fox. Excellent to be part of not only the coolest and best looking duo but also the oldest. The first two or three sets of T2B were really smooth, easy, almost effortless. And it's the damndest thing that they degenerate so quickly once fatigue sets in. They fall right off the cliff, for me anyway. It is my mission to figure this shizzle out and do something about it.
Highlight for me was turning around and seeing Fox laughing harder and harder at me with each successive miss on that 40th DU.
Also, super fun to watch Noah slog through 14.5 while i drank a leftover beer. Good job Noah. Go badgers!
Strength Cycle
45 x 5, 95 x 5, 155 x 3, 180 x 2, 190 x 5 x 3*
*Failed my last two reps on depth! In a way I am kind of glad that this happened as now I get a second chance to try this weight. I was not 100% convinced that I could do it and this is really going to help me feel like I've earned the right to put that much weight on the bar. I mentioned a few posts ago that it felt a bit like I was faking it, somehow. Well now I know what it is like to fail at this weight and now I know that I can, in fact, do it. Excited to approach this with a more confident attitude on Tuesday.
Bench Press
45 x 5, 65 x 4, 85 x 2, 92.5 x 5
Power Clean
33 x 3, 63 x 3, 88 x 3 x 3.
Returned from my quasi-vacation this afternoon and came in to do 14.5 with David as my judge and Matt as my cheerleader + Ellie and McDowell who walked in halfway through what felt like the most awful WOD I've ever done. I finished (I think?) in 24:08, which is really disappointing. I knew this would be terrible given what everyone said, but my goal was definitely sub-17 based on what I felt like I could do. I majorly blew that. My lovely little audience kept encouraging me to get back on the bar and keep moving, but I couldn't catch my breath and knew I'd fail. I probably spent half of my time resting, at least, and felt faint in the last few rounds. Yuck.
Broke the thrusters up (I think?) in sets of:
4-3-5 (one no rep)
I dedicated this one to my uncle who died last weekend, but I think the meaningfulness of that exists only pre-workout and when it was over. Sad about my sad time, but really thankful I could and did finish.
Kate R – FTW
Got in today to do 14.5, after battling a grumpy back all week. Was legitimately apprehensive from everyone's comments yesterday, but figured this would be an ok workout for me- thrusters at 95 are ok for me, and middle distance, paced WODs are comfy as well.
Was not fun, finished in 17:46. Regret dropping the bar once, when I broke the 18 set up into 3 blocks, all the others were 2s or 1s. Burpees were slow but consistent, I think footwork was important here- I tried to replicate my ascent and jump each time. Not sure if resting at lockout on the thrusters helped or hurt, I generally like to just crank through them, and I'm always in danger of overextending with weight overhead.
Thanks to a great cheering section: Fox (my judge), Jess, Artis, Jon Shea, Mike Fiore, MeLo from afar, etc. Definitely helped me stay on track.
So glad to have been able to complete the Open, which was a goal coming off an injury, and to push the intensity on most of the workouts was an added treat- figured I'd just gingerly dabble my way through them. Great fun, can't wait til next year, when we do INTRAMUALS!