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CFSBK Membership Policy Notes
As you all should know by now, Zen Planner–our new membership billing system, has been in effect for several months now. Not only has this given you all fancy scan cards but it offers us multiple administrative tools all under one platform. It’s been a great way for us to keep better track of everyone’s accounts and provide valuble analytics for management. We’d like to take this time to highlight some CFSBK membership and billing policies so that everyone is on the same page about how to handle different issues. There is a copy of this policy breakdown at the front desk if you’d like a paper copy as well.
Signing In
All members should sign in at the Front Desk (FD) prior to your scheduled class. This includes Foundations, Strength, Personal Training and Speciality classes.
If there are multiple classes going on (Ex: Group class and Active Recovery), please let FD staff know which you plan to attend.
- Active Recovery and Open Gym count towards your membership as normal classes and members need to check in accordingly. If you plan to attend a Group class and then take Active Recovery (or vice versa), you must let FD know at check in so that attendance counts are accurate.
Members looking to upgrade their recurring membership before their next billing cycle will be charged a $15 upgrade fee to offset the difference between membership rates. Otherwise, you can simply wait until your next billing date to begin your new membership. Upgrade requests should be made at least 3 days in advance so that we have time to make the necessary changes before your next bill.
Ex: David has a 3x/week membership and gets billed on the 15th of every month. Today is the 10th and he decides he wants to upgrade to a 5x/week membership. If he wants that upgrade to be effective today, then he gets charged $15 and can start attending 2 additional classes per week immediately. Otherwise, he can wait for his upgrade to be effective as of the 15th where his new 5x/week membership rate will go into effect.
Membership downgrades will be effective as of the member’s next billing cycle. Downgrade requests should be made at least 3 days in advance so that we have time to make the necessary changes before your next bill. We cannot provide refunds retroactively for time prior to notification.
Ex: Jess is currently on a 5x/week membership that bills on the 1st of the month. Today is the 10th and she wants to downgrade to 3x/week. Her 5x/week membership will remain active through the end of the current month and her new 3x/week membership will begin as of the 1st of the next month.
Account Holds
CFSBK will honor membership holds/suspensions of one week or more, provided that staff is notified at least 3 days in advance.
Periods of suspension will extend the member’s current billing cycle by the total number of days absent, resulting in no financial loss for planned timed away.
Memberships can be placed on hold for up to 3 months. Any suspensions beyond 3 months and/or of an indefinite time period will result in a dropped (inactive) membership. Memberships can easily be reactivated by purchasing a new membership online or by stopping by the front desk upon return.
Banked Classes
CFSBK will allow members to ‘bank’ classes only from the prior week’s missed classes. These banked classes are limited for use during the following week only. Anyone missing classes beyond a week should contact us ASAP to set up a membership hold. Classes missed beyond one week without a request for suspension is at a loss to the member.
Members must alert the front desk staff at check-in when using the prior week’s banked classes.
This policy allows us to offer flexibility for extenuating circumstances. We do not intend for members to ‘bank’ classes liberally when they don’t make it into the gym.
Ex: Noah is on a 2x/week membership. His Grad school Finals unexpectedly kept him out of the gym and he missed his 2 classes this week.
Noah will be back at the gym next week. He’s planning on hitting 2 extra classes (4 total) to make up for this week and then he will resume to 2x/week the following week.
Outcome = No net loss of classes.
Ex: Noah realizes that he needs additional time away during/after finals. He informs our staff ASAP and we put his membership on hold effective from date of notification until he returns.
Outcome = No net loss of classes, as long as the request was put in 3 days before he wanted to take a hiatus
Ex: Noah let things snowball, didn’t make it into the gym and never notified CFSBK of his absence. He returns 3 weeks later hoping to make up the missed classes. Unfortunately, we cannot permit this since we were not notified in advance of his absence.
Outcome = Loss of classes
Membership cancellations can occur at anytime and for any reason without additional fees. We do request that you provide a reason for cancellation for our tracking purposes.
While cancellations can occur at any time, members looking to cancel prior to their upcoming bill must notify CFSBK at least 3 days prior the bill due date.
- CFSBK will not provide refunds retroactively for any cancellation requests.
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