Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5 to 5 lbs to last week. If there’s still time on the clock then do an additional set.
Performance: 72.5% x 8 x 4
Rest two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP: 8 minutes
45 Double Unders
15 Pull Ups or Ring Rows
Become a Dog Whisperer: Training Your Dog with Anthony Newman
Cesar Millan hasn’t got anything on Anthony Newman of Calm Energy Dog Training. Newman was New York magazine’s pick for Best Dog Trainer of 2013, and he’s visiting CFSBK to train your beloved pooch!
When: Saturday, August 2, 2014, at 2:15pm
What: a 90-minute workshop will meet at CFSBK and include obedience exercises in real-world situations, techniques for calm city walking (including a packwalk down to the local dog park), and followed by a Q&A
Where: your favorite gym
Cost: Specially-discounted cost for SBK: $55 per person/dog, which will drop to $45 if at least 10 people sign up
This event is open to CFSBK members and their friends and dogs of all sizes, provided they are basically social and non-aggressive. The deadline to sign-up is Saturday, July 12 and the class will only run if at least 5 people sign up, so jump on it!
Email Mare at mare [at] to sign-up, and include any specific topics you would like to see covered.
Got Plans on Sunday?
Let your natural hunter-gatherer come forth and take your Paleo diet to the next level as we join naturalist Steve Brill for one of his foraging tours right in our backyard in search of seasonal edible and medicinal wild plants and mushrooms. The tour will be on Sunday, June 22, meeting at Grand Army Plaza at 11:45am. $20 suggested donation for the four-hour tour. RSVP to Mare by Friday, June 20 at mare [at] if you’d like to join.
- There’s a new post over on Coach DO’s blog Inside the Affiliate, the second in a new series, called: “CrossFit Group Class Coaching Expectations: Communication.” Check it out!
Hips Don’t Lie: Deadlifts, Nasty Girls and Wyclef CrossFit
6am Strength Cycle A
45 x 5
70 x 5
90 x 5
105 x 1
105 3 x 5
These felt heavy. And by heavy I mean it was hard to go through the motions properly and with confidence. First set was shallow and I was tilting forward. Second set felt more solid somehow – I know it's all in my head, once I knew I could lift the weight I actually did it well. Third set I started losing form again. Combination of getting tired and confidence level going down.
33 x 5
45 x 3
47.5 3 x 5
45 felt heavy, heavier than 47.5. Twilight zoneish. Weight moved fast, confident I can move up more in the cycle.
95 x 5
130 x 3
150 x 5
Weight moved really fast in the first three, then I started losing my form especially in the last one. Concerned this will continue as weight goes heavy. Hopefully not.
PS: Music awesomeness – Zero (sorry guys we need something to sing along, not ambient music! Even 80s music will do…)
Finished LBBS 110 3 x 5
6am. Press: 135x8x4. Repeated the same weight as last week, but made all 32 reps this time. I've been working a lot on shoulder mobility and feel like I'm getting my head through on the press better this cycle. Metcon: 2 rounds + double-unders + 10 pull-ups. Sort of a half-effort. Hands were a bit tender after yesterday's toes to bar and power cleans. Felt like they were going to tear from the very first pull-up.
6:30 am Strength Cycle A
90 x 5 x 3
Feeling much more confident about my form and bracing.
50 x 5 x 3
Had some shoulder pain the last few days, but didn't bother me. These moved pretty easily.
160 x 5
Switched grip on third rep and helped. The first and second were overhand and a little shaky.
Continuing to feel good and kind of amazed that my low back and hip pain is gone. My inclination when I have an injury is to rest and I was afraid that I would be in more pain when I started this cycle, but moving through it and strength is really helping.
PS — Ditto what Michelle said.
6:30am SC W3 D1
Squats @210x5x3 this felt much much better than 205# because I had a good night's sleep.
Press @90x5x3, still moving fairly quickly.
DL @260×5, another 15# jump from last week, these felt really really good, I'm surprised.
Make up from Saturday:
Snatches @110#, was very surprised how smoothly the bar was going up, still need to fix the problem of not bringing my ass up before my back, and have a faster 2nd pull.
Squats: @185x8x4, Perf. Yeah this was wrong, I should have done LP @ 175 or so.
the link to Calm Energy Dog training is incorrect in the blog post, fyi.
6am with Nick and Ro.
Press 110x5x4. My left shoulder is inflamed a bit, so shoulder movements have been tough lately. So, this felt weaker than it should have but still managed to complete an additional set.
WOD: 2 rounds + 8 pull-ups. Man, my kip need a ton of work. Ro gave me some good pointers a few days ago but it's going to take me a while before I get this down. My lack of a good kip certainly makes high volume pull-ups tough. DUs went really well with my first round unbroken.
Finished up with 20 rack-assisted pistols on each leg as I work on improving this movement.
I'm registered for the Queens 10K NYRR race this coming Sunday but am going to be out of town and can't make it. If you're interested in taking my bib (free of charge) and you have a Y chromosome, drop me a note at snostr (at) More details here:
And as long of I'm here and typing: Sunday @ the track with the Endurance crew:
6 x 1000 meters at 5k pace with 400 meter recovery jogs between each. All reps between 3:39 and 3:49. Got a little warm toward the end of these.
6am class today with Nick and Arturo
Press: 97 x 5 x 4
These were snappier than ever. Felt great.
wod: 4 rounds + 30 double unders
I started out with a rope that was too short, and kept getting snagged on my toes. After changing the rope out, I stopped tripping, and broke them up on purpose in rounds 3 and 4. It came out to: 6, 4, 5, 13, 17 / 45 / 25, 20 / 25, 20 / 30. Pullups were 15 / 5, 5, 5 / 5, 5, 5 / 5, 4, 3, 3
6am with Ro and Nick.
Attempted 125# again and failed the last rep of the 8×4 just like last week. I'm going to throttle down to 120# next week and go from there. I need to get back to working on my shoulder mobility.
Hit 3 rounds + 7 pullups in the WOD. Made me realize two things: (1) A Sunday Funday full of margaritas and bbq is not great pre-WOD fuel. (2) I haven't ripped my hands in a while but broke that streak today.
I'm still looking for a roommate! July 1 move-in, flexible on length of lease.
The master bedroom and full bathroom are open in my 2 br/2 bath brownstone at 6th and Union. Parlor floor, back patio, exposed brick, working fireplace, meat and veggie share, composting, crossfitting, etc. It's the dream! $1475 + utilities.
Send me your cool, homeless friends, please! Hit me up at lvs3h(at)
I'm traveling for two weeks without access to any Local Boxes. I will have access to plenty of outdoors. any suggestions for outdoor WODs?
thank you!
Press – added 5 from last week so 58lbs today – 3×5. Felt heavy but good ! Noah gave a good tip to rest at the top and bounce off the bottom which really helped it go up.
WOD – DUs + jumping pullups – 4 RDS + 25 DU. First round went fast, took me 1 minute. Then the DUs fell apart. I think if I had done ring rows the doubles may have lasted a little longer. Anyway, fun WOD!
First official day back at the box.. really excited that i can finally do group classes again!
Mostly focused on getting re-accustomed to the press. Stuck with the 22# bar and did about 40 reps. Everything felt pretty good! My range of motion is actually better than its ever been….so i plan on keeping it that way!
WOD: 3 rds + 10 ring rows….aaand woof. those ring rows were a lot tougher than they used to be. Really though, i couldnt be happier that i'm back. and thats all that really matters. it'll take time.. but eventually ill be back at it!! Hoooorah
Link fixed, thanks, Michele.
Just google "travel WODs" "equipmentless WODs" and the like and Tons of things will come up that you can pick and choose from. I would also pack a jump rope and lacross ball which travel really well. If you're feeling fiesty you can also pick up a pair of gymnastics rings which you can hook over a thick tree branch or suitable overhead anchors.
12pm class:
(45×5, 65×4) 74x8x4
-felt good. Tried to move a little faster during my work sets which I think made this feel easier than last week.
8min amrap:
-4 rounds plus 25 double unders.
Cool down:
-rockaway beach baby!
Performance volume work @120. Could have used some more rest between sets. Ended up getting 8, 8, 6, 7 reps.
WOD – 5 rounds + 3 DU
Noon class
127.5 x 8 x 4
Felt great
5 rounds flat. Stuck with butterfly pull ups, frustratingly.
Can't really recall what was playing on the radio. I was busy working hard.
Good thing strength cycle folks never work hard. That's cleared up.
Snatch High Pull
3Rds NFT
10 dips W/25 lbs
20GHD situps
Please don't post anonymously.
12" Box Squat 185x2x3
This felt MUCH better than last week and I did all of them with static starts. Although my liberal rest periods helped no doubt. Excited to move up
AMRAP 8 Minutes
45 Double Unders
15 Kipping Ring Pull-ups
3 Rounds + 52 Reps
Nice change of pace on the rings. You sort of have to pause at the top for a second which fatigues your biceps and grip much more. Fun to change the stimulus somewhat.
K harpZ! Welcome back lady! 🙂
I don't know if it's "Ro'sorio," "D'arturo" ("le Morte D'arturo for you literary types"), or "Osoruiz" – I could go on, but I do know that it was the 6:30 class.
Anyway, I hadn't been in for a while – nagging injury (achilles), tricky schedule, rowing at home, etc., but this was a great bit of programming.
Press (yeah, D'Mak!) felt great at 85 — I could have gone heavier for sure, but my form was good – there was no rep that felt grindy or wonky, etc. Good to go there.
Metcon was tricky. I have decent doubles, but I really hadn't touched my rope in a while, and it showed. Jumping pullups -these were hard because the doubles were hard… 5 rounds, plus 4 doubles…
Cash out was really tricky. Rowing was nice; hollow rocks were hollow, and rocky.
Great good fun.
KHARPZZZZ! Lots of hugs and celebratory lunges! Welcome back 🙂
8:30 pm w. Noah.
Press at (45 x 5, 55 x 4, 60 x 3) and 62.5# x 5 x 3 (2.5# jump from last week). Trying hard to stay tight and not arch on the last few reps of the last set or two, but can't quite find my center yet.
WOD in 2 rounds + 37 DU's. Kipping pull ups were frustratingly slow, and I couldn't link more than 3 to 5 in a row at best, which slowed me down a lot. Did some additional kipping pull up work w. Noah after class and was a lot more in control, so looking forward to doing these in a WOD again so I can work on this skill some more.
Fun Olympic lifting session tonight, went a little better than yesterday's OG session. Power snatched up to 140# and *just* missed 145# to the front – Frank pointed out that my finish position is a little forward, and right after that I had a nice catch at 140#. I'll concentrate on that. My old PR of 150 is going to tumble soon! Would love to hit bodyweight some day (175…ish) but I know that's ambitious for now.
Worked on my jerks at relatively light weight tonight, up to 115#. Still can't split jerk correctly / consistently. I lose my right arm forward at the bottom. Yesterday DO suggested making sure my left hip was square. Note to self: do that.
ALSO forgot an important update yesterday: enjoyed the giant lizard movie very much. Many things were destroyed. Some day I wish to be a giant lizard who lives in the sea. "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" – Walt Disney
Dave nailed the name a few days ago.. "RoDO" pronounced "rodeo"
@Dave P
Are you talking about Godzilla? The parts that godzilla was in ruled but he was a supporting role in his own movie. MOAR GODZILLA!!
Also, like the mythical Brontosaurus, Godzilla is also not a dinosaur. To the 530pm class, this was the animal I was trying to draw:
the Dimetrodon:
Which is also not a dinosaur because it walks on four legs and is closer related to humans than dinosaurs.
Woooo KHarpz! So glad you're back!
@DO you're right of course, maybe I just came in with pretty low expectations. My monster empathy is running pretty high these days. Also it totally blew my mind when I realized the "star" was kick-ass with a haircut and 30# of muscle…
Rehab presses @55lbs: 20, 18, 12, 10 reps
WOD with 7 strict pull-ups: 4 rounds.