Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.29.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
5 each Elbow-to-Instep w/Rotation
8 Prone Lift Offs
10 Alternating 90/90 Hip Rotations
1-Arm Front Squat+1 Lunge:
3 x 4-8 each side
4 seconds down, 3 seconds up on Squats. Lunges at normal tempo.
EMOM 16 Minutes (4 Rounds):
A) 15 Air Squats
B) 6-10 each 1-Arm Gorilla Rows
C) :30 Front Plank
D) :40 Alternating Goblet Reverse Lunges
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Fit 55+ Gym-less WOD 4.29.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds (at a deliberate pace):
10e Wide Stance Torso Rotations
10e Wide Stance Toe Touches
10 Cat-Cows
10e Side Plank Up Downs
4-5 Sets of each:
8-10e Single Arm Suitcase Deadlifts
8-10e Single Arm Upright Rows
Have 2 different loads to work with today. A heavier one for the Deadlifts and a lighter one for the Upright Rows.
8 Rounds:
In 1 Minute, working at a fast pace complete…
12 Backpack Swings
6 Odd Object Russian Twists
Tall Plank Hold for the remainder of the minute
Rest 1:00 between rounds.
Use your heavier implement from earlier for the Swings and the lighter one for the Twists.
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We can’t wait for the doors to be open again, but for the time being let’s appreciate the awesome work Tina Fino and Occasional Walldog Sign Co. did on our rollup gate at 597!
A Note from Abbotsford Road Coffee
Our friends and neighbors at Abbotsford Road Coffee Roasters(3rd Ave. and Sackett St.) want you to know that they’re still roasting and open every day from 9am to 2pm! They’re offering curbside pickup when you phone ahead and deliveries of coffee beans over $50. As always, CFSBK members get 15% off. If you’re ordering from outside their delivery area, you can use the code LSK15% to get the discount.
Question of the Day
Do you have a favorite SNL skit? Post a YouTube link!
Let the Sunshine In NY Times
You Can Be Anything The Players’ Tribune (video)