Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 10am
Today’s Programming
Workout of the Day
With one partner working at a time, complete the following workout.
3 Rounds for Time:
540m Medball Run
40 Barbell or Dumbell Thrusters
50 Cal Bike
partner A runs 270m
partner B runs 270m
Partner A does 10 Thrusters
Partner B does 10 Thrusters
Partner A does 10 Thrusters
Partner B does 10 Thrusters
Partner A bikes 25 cals
Partber B bikes 25 cals
Then repeat two more times.
Partners may break up the thrusters and bike however they would like.
Thruster weight should be such that you don’t want to do more than 10 or so reps in a set.
Guided Recovery
Your coach will guide the group through some active recovery and correctives so you can leave the gym humming like a bird.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
4 Rounds of :40 Work/:20 Rest
1. Goblet March
2. (:20ea) Single Arm Turkish Sit Up
3. Jumping Jacks
4. Goblet Tall Kneeling Press
5. Plank Toe Taps
5 Sets on Each Side of:
8 Single Arm DB No Push Up Burpee Deadlift
6 Lateral Lunge + KB/DB Clean
4 Waiter Squats
4 Single Arm DB/KB Press
Anja working a ring support with a single leg self spot