Workout of the Day
Power Clean
In the time allotted work up to a heavy single power clean. A good strategy might be to perform a rep every 90 seconds or so until it gets heavy enough that you want to go every 2:30 or 3:00. Get TIGHT and pull yourself under that bar when things get heavy. If your from begins to suffer, pull back on the weight, no ego lifting.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps for time of:
Hang Power Cleans
Burpees Over the Bar
If you were able to go heavy on the power clean segment, aim to use between 50-60% for the metcon. Most, if not all of the cleans should be unbroken but suck.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/7)
Hold on tight to the ones you love
Open Movements this Week
This is the last full week before the CrossFit Open starts! In case you wanted to get some last minute practice in on some gymnastics and DB movements that will likely come up, here are days they’ll be programmed this week:
Tuesday: Single Arm DB Thrusters / Kipping Pull-Ups
Wednesday: Double Unders
Thursday: Kipping Toes to Bars
Saturday: Bar Muscle-Ups, DB OHS
Also this Saturday we’ve got a couple spots left in our Jump Rope Workshop with Coach Lynsey!
If you’re signed up for the Open, do your best to perform the typically prescribed ranges of motion and weights on these exercises. Even if that slows you down, frustrates you or puts you out of your comfort zone. There will be some kipping handstand push-up skill work early next week as well.
17 CrossFit Open Workouts That Won’t be Repeated This Year, Guaranteed: Part 1